Reckless Driving Virginia Out of State

For a lot of our clients, a charge of Reckless Driving can result in the loss of their job, their security clearance, etc.

Don’t risk going to court without a lawyer, if you have been charged with a crime of Reckless Driving in Virginia.

If you have been charged with a criminal offense of Reckless Driving in Virginia and you are wondering what the penalty is in VA, contact our law firm for help.

We have client meeting locations in Fairfax Prince William Richmond Loudoun Virginia Beach Fredericksburg Lynchburg.

Contact our law firm today to speak with a lawyer today about your case. An attorney from our firm will do his best to help you.

Woods v. Commonwealth


The Circuit Court of Fairfax County (Virginia) convicted defendant, of reckless driving and of operating a motor vehicle without a valid Virginia operator's license, in violation of Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-300. Defendant thus appealed. Defendant alleged on appeal that his conviction could not stand, as he had a valid Oregon commercial driver's license (CDL), and as such, he was duly licensed to operate a non-commercial vehicle in Virginia. The appeals court agreed. First, it found that to interpret Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-300 to require a holder of a valid out-of-state CDL to obtain an operator's license in order to operate a non-commercial vehicle in Virginia was contrary to the rules of statutory construction. The law did not require more of one who held an out-of-state CDL than it did of one who held a Virginia CDL. Thus, a domiciliary of another state, while residing in the Commonwealth, could use his CDL, issued by that state, to drive non-commercial vehicles in the Commonwealth. Moreover, this position was consistent with the legislature's intent that the holder of a CDL stood in a class separate from persons who hold regular driver's licenses.

If you are facing a traffic case in Virginia, contact a SRIS Law Group lawyer for help. You can reach us at 888-437-7747


The Virginia Court made the following holding:

The various requirements of the Virginia Commercial Driver's License Act, Va. Code Ann. 46.2-341.1 et seq., manifestly create a regulated scheme which places holders of commercial driver's licenses in a class separate from persons who hold regular driver's licenses.

Reckless Driving Virginia Out of State

We will do our absolute best to help you get the best result possible based on the facts of your case. The lawyers in our law firm have the necessary experience to assist you with this matter.