Ra [fix]

Ra is one of our favorite auction games, but...

The problem: on one hand, we feel the "strategy space" is just right for 3 or 4 players, but is a bit too sparse when playing with 5 (one person goes for monuments, another for pharaohs, another for lands, the fourth tries a "mixed" strategy, and the fifth???). On the other hand, we really like the end-of-bag tension with 5 players, so we would like this tension in 3 or 4 player games.

The fix ("exact Ras"): remove 6 or 3 Ra tiles when playing with 3 or 4 players, respectively (so that exactly the number of Ra tiles needed -- if all rounds end on drawing a Ra tile -- are initially present in the bag). A handy reminder is to stack the removed tiles 3 high on the unused space(s) of the Ra track. Enjoy!