Course Outline

Professor Hershey Friedman

Business Practices and the Jewish Tradition


Textbook: There will be no required textbook. Readings will be assigned from journals and other publications—all of which will be available from this website. Please subscribe to The Jewish Ethicist: The Jewish Ethicist at the Center for Business Ethics

Expected Course Outcomes: People have to work longer and harder to make a living today. Many people think spirituality has no place in the workplace. This is not true. Indeed, several articles have appeared in the popular press discussing religion and spirituality in the workplace. This course will help students understand the importance of Jewish business ethics in conducting business. Students will learn how Jewish law feels about unethical practices ranging from mistreating animals to harming the environment to running deceptive advertising. It is hoped that students will better understand their own obligations and responsibilities in running a successful albeit ethical business.

Grading: There will be a midterm and final and an optional term paper.

Outline of Course - For Required Readings CLICK HERE