Mint RPM sequence

RPM package installation sequence

The Atari FreeMint Unix-like environment is distributed in RPM format and is called SpareMint. SpareMint distributions for are usable for Atari ST, Falcon 030 and TT 030. The following list of RPM are recommended for creating a fairly generic and useable Unix-like environment. Specialised applications can be easily added to suit your requirements but are not included here - example include Apache server, Samba, Ghostscript etc.

RPM packages may depends on the availbility of certains functions or programs from other RPM packages. This means that there are certain dependencies between packages. The following RPM package sequence avoids most dependencies errors during installation.

Get these from RPM package from the SpareMint Archives!!

You can either download the rpm files to your local drive and then install them via a command shell and use the command

rpm -i <rpm-package-name>

or you can directly use a URL on the rpm command itself

rpm -i <URL_of_rpm-package-name>

Next: 09 converting to SpearMint

See you at


updated: 19 May 2010

created: 20 Apr 2010