Yoga & Meditation Journal | Journal of Yoga and Meditation

Yoga & Meditation Journal is World's Top Most Journal in Yoga, Meditation and Yogasan. Journal of Yoga and Meditation is publishing research, innovations, products, services in Yoga. Journal of Yoga and Meditation promotes benefits of Meditations and Yoga. Yoga & Meditation Journal is popularly known as Journal of Yoga and Meditation.

What is Yoga?

Journal of Yoga and Meditation

e-ISJN: A4372-3168

Impact Factor: 4.56

Impact Index: 4.56

Quantitatively Impact Index is equal to Impact Factor

Imprint: Photon

Category: Peer Reviewed Indexed International Journal

Format: Online and Print, Both

Yoga: Methods, types, philosophy, and risks

Yoga Health Benefits: Flexibility, Strength, Posture

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

Where can we do Meditation?

Why Meditation is important?

What are benefits of Meditation?

How Meditation can improve your health?

What products are needed to perform Meditation?

Where mentors of Meditation can be found?

How can we start Meditation service to society?

Do you supply and manufacture mats for Meditation?

What are poses in Meditation?

In which countries Meditation is popular?

How Meditation can help in stress management?

How Meditation does help in critical analysis and discoveries?

Yoga & Meditation Journal | Journal of Yoga and Meditation is recognizing Yoga Instructors for their great contribution in Yoga and Meditation.

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What is Asan?

Asana An asana is a body posture, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise, to any type of pose or position, adding reclining, standing, inverted, twisting, and balancing poses.

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