
Analysis of Jitter and Shimmer


Use 1 recording of 3 /a:/ made by a patient with Huntington's disease, find the file here.

Record 3 similar extended /a:/ of your own voice to compare results to.

Read first about simulation of jitter and shimmer and then study Praat's tutorial on Voice (i.e. including the links in the tutorial).

A good idea is to first read the instructions (for the whole practical).

Jitter and Shimmer analysis

Use the Praat's tutorial on Voice to see how to edit the audio and calculate jitter and shimmer measures for the recordings you have made.


Compare the results for your recording and the recording for HD.


  • Describe the results of the comparisons for all the jitter and shimmer measures.
  • Reflect on the measures themselves and the usability.

Send the report to your teacher including pictures and reflections. Hopefully the literature has been useful and you can refer to it in your report.