University of Salzburg (1980-95)

Since the University of Salzburg reopened in 1964 after a 144-year gap in its existence, the Department of Philosophy has occupied a wonderful central location in the old city, opposite the cathedral. Though small, the department is the best in Austria, and not coincidentally specializes in analytic philosophy. Other research specialisms include the philosophy of science, applied ethics, and the work of the Bohemian philosopher Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848). I worked there from 1980 to 1995, getting my Habilitation there in 1986. As an Honorary Professor I return regularly to do compressed courses. Strictly speaking there are two Philosophy Departments in Salzburg, one in the Theology Faculty, one in the Faculty for Cultural and Social Sciences. I was in the latter. The professor who encouraged me to come to Salzburg and my mentor throughout that time was Edgar Morscher, who retired in 2009.