Additional Services

Here are some of the different ‘types’ of ceremonies to add to the service for your consideration.

v Unity Candle Ceremony- This ceremony is not recommended for outdoor weddings. The union of two taper candles by the bride and groom to ignite a single candle. The two taper candles represent the two individuals prior to the joining at the wedding ceremony.

v The Sand Ceremony- The bride and groom (and children or parents if you wish) would each pour sand from individual vessels into one single vessel such as a vase. You can get creative with this ceremony. Maybe colored sand, or sand from meaningful beaches or the desert.

v Rock Ceremony- Everyone attending the service receives a rock (or a shell, crystal or any item you can imagine) and makes a wish for the couple. The tokens are collected during the ceremony. A nice way to include everyone attending. Recommended for smaller weddings.

v Rose Ceremony- There is variations of this ceremony, but the most popular involve just the bride and groom. Towards the end of the ceremony they exchange a single rose which represents the first gift to one another as husband and wife and also the symbol of the rose meaning ‘I Love You’. You may also include family in this exchange.

v Hand Ceremony- The Bride and Groom face each other holding hands with palms up so that they are able to see the gift that their hands are to each other. A touching explanation of this gift follows.

v The Glass Breaking Ceremony- Historically from the Jewish faith, it has profound significance. It reminds us of the frailty of marriage and the promise of the marriage being a permanent and unchangeable act like the glass that was broken.

v Butterfly Release Ceremony- According to Native American legend if anyone desires a wish to come true they must first capture a butterfly and whisper that wish to it. In gratitude for liberating the butterfly the Great Spirit grants the wish.

v Dove Release Ceremony- Doves can symbolize fidelity, beauty, innocence and holiness. Doves fall in love and mate for life. After release they are drawn home to their nest that they share with their mate.