Resource Economics

Refereed or Invited Publications

Journal Articles

Balza, L., L. Diaz, N. Gomez-Parra, O. Manzano M., 2023, “The unwritten license: The societal SLO in Latin America’s extractive sector”, Ecological Economics, Volume 213, 2023, 

Balza, L., C. De Los Rios, A. Guerra, L. Herrera-Prada, O. Manzano, 2023, “Unraveling the network of extractive industries”, Resources Policy, Volume 85, Part B, 2023, 

Besfamille, M., Di. Jorrat, O. Manzano, B. Quiroga, and P. Sanguinetti, 2023, "How do subnational governments react to shocks to different revenue sources? Evidence from hydrocarbon-producing provinces in Argentina", Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 136, ISSN 0094-1190, 

Solano-Rodríguez, B., S., P. Li, P. Ekins, O. Manzano and A, Vogt-Schilb, 2021, "Implications of climate targets and fiscal policy on oil production and revenues in Latin America and the Caribbean". Energy and Climate Change, Volume 2, December 2021

Manzano, Osmel, and Jose L. Saboin 2021. "Reverse Causality between Oil Policy and Fiscal Policy? The Venezuelan Experience" Energies 14, no. 9: 2574. 

Juan David Gutierrez and Osmel Manzano Mazzali (Guest Editors), 2019,  Natural Resources and Subnational Constituencies: Is the Resource Curse Local?The Extractive Industries and Society,  Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 215-268 (July 2018)

Graham Davis and Osmel Manzano Mazzali (Guest Editors), 2018, Special Section: The Extractive Industries in Central AmericaThe Extractive Industries and Society,  Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 215-268 (July 2018)

Manzano, O and D. Vernon, 2018, “Oil in Belize: New Sector in a Young Country”,  The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 228-239 (July 2018). Volume 5, Issue 3, July 2018, Pages 228-239, Elsevier. 

Espinasa, R., S. Guerra, E. ter Horst, O. Manzano, G. Molina, R. Rigobon, 2017, “A Micro-Based Model for World Oil Market”, Energy Economics Volume 66, August 2017, Pages 431-449.

Manzano, Osmel and Francisco Monaldi, (2008), “The Political Economy of Oil Production in Latin America”, Economia, Vol. 9 No. 1, Brookings/LACEA Publications, Washington.

Other refereed or invited publications

Gualdron, L. y O. Manzano, 2022, “Venezuela” in Trojbicz, B., 2022, Oil Wealth and Federal Conflict in American Petrofederations, Elsevier, Netherlands. 

Manzano O., F. Navajas, A. Powell, 2017, The Economics of Natural Resources in Latin America: Taxation and Regulation of the Extractive Industries, Routledge Studies in Development Economics, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, New York

Hernandez, I and Osmel Manzano, 2016, “Diversification in Latin American Oil Exporters: Was No Intervention a Better Policy Option?”, in Mahroum,,Sami and Yasser Al-Salehl, editors, 2016, Economic Diversification Policies in Natural Resource Rich Economies, Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, New York

Manzano, Osmel, 2015, “Managing Hydrocarbon Assets: A Comparison across the Atlantic”, in Álvarez Pelegry, Eloy and Paul Isbell, editors, 2015, The Future of Energy in the Atlantic Basin, Center for Transatlantic Relations, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington

Manzano, Osmel, 2014, “From Dependency Theory to Local Governance: Evolution of the Research on Extractive Industries and Development” in Cruz Vieyra, Juan and Malaika Masson, editors,2014, Transparent governance in an age of abundance: experiences from the extractive industries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington.

Manzano, Osmel, 2013, “Venezuela after a Century of Oil Exploitation” in Hausmann, Ricardo and Francisco, Rodriguez, ed., 2013, Venezuela Before Chávez:Anatomy of an Economic Collapse. Penn-State University Press

Tordo Silvana, Michael Warner, Osmel Manzano and Yahya Anouti, 2013, Local Content in the Oil and Gas Sector, World Bank Study. World Bank

Garcia, Gustavo, Osmel Manzano and Andrew Powell, 2013, “Taxing Commodities with the Future in Mind” in Corbacho, Ana, Vicente Fretes and Eduardo Lora, ed., 2013, More than Revenue: Taxation as a Development Tool, Inter-American Development Bank and Palgrave Macmillan.

Manzano, Osmel, Francisco Monaldi, Jose Manuel Puente and Stefania Vitale, 2012, “Venezuela” in Anderson, George, ed., 2012, Oil and Gas in Federal Systems. Oxford University Press

Manzano, Osmel and Francisco Monaldi, (2010), “The Political Economy of Oil Contract Renegotiation in Venezuela” in Hogan, W. and F. Struzzenger, (2010), The Natural Resources Trap: Private Investment without Public Commitment, MIT Press, Cambridge.

Manzano, Osmel, 2008, “El rol de los Recursos Naturales en el  Desarrollo de América Latina [The role of Natural Resources for Development in Latin America]”, in José Luis Machinea y Narcís Serra (Eds.), Hacia un nuevo pacto social. Políticas económicas para un desarrollo integral en América Latina [Towards a new social pact. Economic policies for a comprehensive development in Latin America]. Santiago de Chile: Naciones Unidas. CEPAL; Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, cop. 2008.

Manzano, Osmel and Roberto Rigobon. 2006, “Resource Curse or Debt Overhang?” in Lederman, Daniel and William Maloney, ed., 2006, Natural Resources and Development: Neither Curse nor Destiny, Stanford University Press and The World Bank, Stanford.

Educational publications

Manzano, Osmel, Rodolfo Mendez, Jose Pineda y German Rios, 2021 , Macroeconomics and Natural Resources, Kendall Hunt, Dubuque.

Manzano, Osmel, 2012, “El rol delos recursos naturales en el comercio internacional y el desarrollo [The roleof natural resources in international business and development]”, Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development, 2012, La Realidad Macroeconómica: Una Introducción a los Problemas y Políticas del Crecimiento y la Estabilidad en América Latina [The Macroeconomic Reality: An Introduction to Problems and Policies of Growth and Stability in Latin America] , INDES Open Educational Resources. Availabe at:,4072.html

Manzano, Osmel, Rodolfo Mendez, Jose Pineda y German Rios, 2007 , Macroeconomía y Petróleo [Oil and Macroeconomics], Pearson Education, Mexico.

España, Luis y Osmel Manzano (1995, 2003, 2009).  “Venezuela y su Petróleo.  El Origen de la Renta  [Venezuela and its oil sector. The source of the revenue]. Cuadernos de Formación Socio-Polîtica, No. 10. Centro Gumilla

España, Luis y Osmel Manzano (1995, 2003, 2009).  “Venezuela y su Petróleo.   El Destino de la Renta [Venezuela and its oil sector. The use of the revenue]. Cuadernos de Formación Socio-Política, No. 11. Centro Gumilla.


Policy Articles or Chapters

Manzano, O, 2022, “Fundamentos de una política petrolera [Fundamentals for an oil policy]” in Guerra, Jose (ed), 2022, Propuestas para resolver la crisis económica de Venezuela [Proposals to solve Venezuela's economic crisis], Observatorio Venezolano de Finanzas, Caracas, Venezuela

Auguste, Sebastian y Osmel Manzano, 2012, “Enfoque Metodologico [The Methodology of the Studies]” in Auguste, Sebastian  and  Osmel Manzano, eds., 2012, ¿Tiempo de Cosecha? Retos del Sector Agrícola en  Centroamérica [Harvest Time? Challenges for the agricultural sector in Central America,], IDB Publications, Washington.

Manzano, Osmel, 2010, The Challenges of Managing Oil”, in Manzano, Osmel, Dougal Martin and Ernesto Stein, Eds., 2010, Towards a Sustainable and Efficient State: The Development Agenda of Belize, Publicaciones BID, Washington.

Manzano, Osmel, 2008, “El sector de hidrocarburos como instrumento de desarrollo: la integración económica del sector de hidrocarburos en la región andina [Hydrocarbons and Development: The economic linkages of the oil sector in the Andean Region]”, in Castilla, Miguel, Ramon Espinasa, Peter Kalil y Osmel Manzano, ed., 2008, Hacia la integración energética hemisférica: retos y oportunidades [Challenges and opportunities of the Hemispheric Energy Integration] , Publicaciones CAF, Caracas.

Manzano, Osmel, 2004, “Efectos teóricos de los impuestos en el desarrollo de campos petrolero en Venezuela [Theoretical effects from the tax code upon oil field development]”, Revista BCV. Vol. XVIII. N° 2 Julio-Diciembre 2004, pp 157-160, Banco Central de Venezuela, Caracas

Manzano, Osmel, 1998, “Consideraciones para una revision de la tributacion petrolera venezolana [Considerations for the reform of the Venezuelan tax code for the oil sector]”, Temas de coyuntura, No. 38 Diciembre 1998, pp. 37-54, Publicaciones UCAB, Caracas.

Edited Policy Books

Balza, L., L. Diaz and O. Manzano (editors), 2023, “El sector extractivo como palanca para la transformación productiva [The extractive sector as a lever for productive transformation]”, IDB Monograph IDB-MG-1141, IDB Publications, Washington.

Auguste, Sebastian  and  Osmel Manzano, eds., 2012, ¿Tiempo de Cosecha? Retos del Sector Agrícola en  Centroamérica [Harvest Time? Challenges for the agricultural sector in Central America,], IDB Publications, Washington.

Castilla, Miguel, Ramon Espinasa, Peter Kalil y Osmel Manzano, ed., 2008, Hacia la integración energética hemisférica: retos y oportunidades [Challenges and opportunities of the Hemispheric Energy Integration] , Publicaciones CAF, Caracas.
