11 Alternative Voices

OFB, 176–89

Overview of chapter eleven

This chapter concludes the treatment of the NT books within the Bible. In effect these are the writings not associated with Paul, and not telling the narrative of Jesus (the Gospels). The bulk of these writings are in the form of letters, the major form of written communication within early Christianity. There are two unique forms of literature in this collection: the Acts of the Apostles (not discussed here, but treated in passing in the two previous chapters), and the Apocalypse (better known as the "Book of Revelation").

    • The chapter begins with an overview of the Episles and Revelation (pp. 176–78).

    • This is followed by a brief section on each of the major collections:

      • the Johannine traditions (pp. 178–79);

      • the distinctively Jewish voices of Hebrews, James, and Jude (pp. 179–81);

      • the Petrine traditions (pp. 181–83); and

      • the Apocalypse of John (pp. 183–85).

    • The concluding cameo (pp. 185–89) looks at the Antichrist myth in early Christianity.

Web links with particular relevance to this chapter include: