Other Committees  

see faculty serving listed below

The following committees have faculty representation by appointment by the President of the College, using names forwarded by the Faculty Senate Chair. 

The following committees have had faculty representation by Senate election.

Planning and Budget Committee (PBC)

This committee is currently operating as a Presidential Committee, but soon we will revisit the topic of inclusion of PBC into the faculty bylaws.

Here is the committee charge and description document.

Green Committee

If interested to get involved, contact the committee Chair and/or members listed down below.

The Campus Green Committee is established to: 

Annual Reports


Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, Inclusion and Growth Initiative (PRODiG)

This committee has members appointed by the FS Chair, according to the criteria outlined in the Senate PRODIG Resolution.

PRODiG (“Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, Inclusion and Growth”) aims to increase the representation of historically underrepresented faculty at SUNY including underrepresented minority (“URM”) faculty in general, women faculty of all races in STEM fields (“WSTEM”). This is consistent with SUNY’s role in creating pathways to social and economic opportunity for all our students, as well as personal and intellectual fulfillment. Each of these underrepresented groups face persistent barriers to social and economic mobility both as students and after graduation. Increasing the representation of faculty members who understand, and have overcome, race-and gender-based barriers and biases is important to the success and well-being of our students. And where other groups are underrepresented in a field due to the persistence of barriers to social and economic mobility, efforts to address this underrepresentation will receive consideration for PRODiG funding as well.

National higher education policy research suggests that four factors are the primary impediments to faculty diversity: (a) narrow pipelines and pathways into academic careers for underrepresented students, (b) outdated faculty recruitment and retention practices, (c) faculty diversity myths that abound in higher education (including the view that faculty diversity is incompatible with academic excellence), and (d) the decentralized administrative culture of the academy.

PRODiG aims to tackle these impediments with a comprehensive -- not piecemeal -- approach. PRODiG focuses on:

Faculty Committee to Promote Anti-Racism Initiatives This YEAR (PARITY) Committee

If interested to get involved, contact the committee Chair and/or members listed down below.

The PARITY committee was developed in order to forward the June 2020 Faculty Senate resolution in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and in order make SUNY Old Westbury a deeply anti-racist institution. 


The committee is responsible for: 

Annual Reports


Open Educational Resources (OER) Committee

If interested to get involved, contact the committee Chair and/or members listed down below.

The Ad Hoc Open Educational Resources Committee was constituted for the purposes of:

IT Governance Committee (ITGAC)

This committee is currently operating as a Presidential Committee.

IT governance provides the conceptual framework, structures, processes, resources and information aligned to university strategies and objectives, enabling us to take full advantage of IT, maximizing benefits, capitalizing on opportunities and gaining competitive advantage. It also provides strategic leadership, establishes campus-wide IT priorities and policies, and is accountable and transparent to the University community. Most importantly, it is part and parcel of university governance, strategy, decision making and planning.

The IT Governance structure as a whole is responsible for:

Accreditation Program for Experiential Learning (APEL)

This committee has faculty representation by FS Chair appointment.

The Committee, in consultation with academic programs, will assess and validate College level competencies, knowledge and skills acquired by the applicant through non-classroom and/or formal educational experiences. Students may be granted a maximum of 32 credits.

Nominations & Elections (N&E)

This committee has faculty representation by FS Chair appointment.

This committee is responsible for preparing slates of nominees for:

a) Standing Committees of the Faculty

b) At-large Senators

c) University Faculty Senator and Alternate, and

d) the Directors of the Auxiliary Services Corporation

and conducting the election for these positions as specified in the Procedures

section in the Faculty Bylaws.

Hispanic Latino Cultural Center (HLCC) 

The Modern Languages Department offers curricular and extra-curricular events that celebrate Hispanic culture and the rich heritage of all Spanish-speaking peoples in keeping with the Center’s Charter. Since its inception in 2004, the HLCC has held conferences, hosted key members of the Hispanic community, and organized performances and workshops of interest to the greater Long Island community as well as for the benefit of OW students.  HLCC is particularly interested in collaborating with other Departments to bring interdisciplinary perspectives on the contributions of Hispanic and LatinX culture to the University and beyond.  All activities are in English (or with bilingual interpretation). Events are free and open to the public.

In recent years, the HLCC has hosted art exhibits, literary conferences and performances on the topics of Pre-Columbian Cultures, featuring Met Museum Curator Joanne Pillsbury, Hispanic Poetry Symposium on Ruben Dario, featuring 1st time airing of Spanish Bio-Pic “La Princesa Paca”, and art exhibits, including Photographs by Ken Goody on Andean Structures, and Central America in Crisis, featuring Filmmaker Luis Argueta and Photographer Susan Meiselas (co-hosted by the Visual Arts Department).

List of Faculty Committee Members

VIEW Faculty


The membership spreadsheet above is maintained by the Senate Office Secretary Dinorah Martinez.

Outdated Committee Descriptions

Micro-Credentialing Task Force

The Micro-Credentialing task force was created to explore if SUNY-Old Westbury should offer Micro-Credentials and if so, how our campus would award them. Micro-Credentials, or badges, are awards earned by students for achievement of specific sets of skills or competencies and can be awarded for credit bearing or non-credit bearing work. The task force has been researching how Micro-Credentials might be of interest to our students, employers and departments across campus and how other institutions in SUNY and beyond award Micro-Credentials. In addition, the task force is investigating several issues that must be considered related to the implementation of Micro-Credentials here at SUNY-Old Westbury including infrastructure and processes for developing, approving and marketing credit and non-credit bearing badges. Previous Members (expired as of 2020):  Edward Bever, Cary Lange, B. Runi Mukherji, Joseph Manfredi, Anissa Lynch