Club Rules

North Lonsdale Tennis Club Rules (from Nov. 2021):

In accepting membership of North Lonsdale Tennis Club, you must agree to be bound by the Constitution and Club Rules set out below and you also give permission for your photograph to be published on the club website or in club marketing publicity during the year of your membership.

1. Senior Club Sessions:

Tuesdays & Fridays from 6-00 p.m. (Summer).

Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays from 10.00 a.m. (Summer) and from 1.00pm (Winter) .

1.1 Singles play must give way to doubles if members are waiting to play.

1.2 Players must change round after one set to 6 games or the best of 8 games. Flexibility is needed if numbers attending are uneven.

1.3 Should one player be waiting to play, he/she should be integrated with the person who has served to drop out at the end of his/her service game.

1.4 Juniors may use a court not required by seniors.

2. Juniors:

2.1 Junior sessions will be supervised by senior members who have been approved by the Criminal Record Bureau according to the LTA Child Protection Policy and NLTC Child Protection Statement.

2.2 Competent junior members of secondary school age will be elected to partial or full senior playing privileges at the discretion of the committee.

2.3 Junior members are not normally provided with the court access codes.

2.4 Parental access can be provided at a yearly fee for the parent of a junior aged under 15 on 1st September of the year of membership who wishes merely to play with that junior and not be a full active or voting member of the club. Junior guests may be introduced to play with a junior member providing the appropriate guest fee of 50% of the adult rate is paid.

2.5 Parents of a junior member may introduce junior guests to play with their child, providing they undertake to supervise the session.

3. Match Play:

3.1 Team selection for matches is to be undertaken by the captain and vice-captain of each team and they are to be responsible for notifying selected team members.

3.2 Match fees are to be fixed at the AGM.

4. Membership Categories:

Senior single (Aged 18 or over on April 1 of year).

Family (1 or 2 adults and any children residing at the same address).

Student (Aged between 18 & 25 on April 1 and in full time education).

Junior (Under 18 on date joined).

Country (living over 50 miles from Grange): 60% of normal fee.

Newly-joined Adult Members: reduction of 10% for each month after July 1.


5. Public Court Hire:

The NLTC courts are available for hire for tennis only by the general public when they are not in

use by the club.

6. Visitors:

Guests may play with adult club members, must be signed in by the relevant member and pay the appropriate fee. After 4 sessions per year, local guests are expected to join the club if they wish to play further.

7. Use of the Tennis Courts:

7.1 Appropriate tennis shoes and clothing must be worn at all times on the courts.

7.2 Food, sweets, fizzy drinks, and chewing gum (which can damage or stain the court surface) must

not be brought on to the playing area. All drinks must be in appropriate unbreakable non-spill containers.

7.3 Smoking is not permitted on the courts or in the pavilion.

7.4 Nets must be slackened, courts dragged, and the courts locked after play

7.5 All access codes issued to members are for their sole use and must not be shared with non-members.

7.6 If the access codes have been issued to a family, it is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to whom they are issued to ensure the safety and supervision of their children outside junior sessions specifically organised by the club.

8. Conditions of Membership:

8.1 Each member agrees as a condition of membership:

(a) to be bound and subject to these rules.

(b) To be bound by and subject to the LTA Rules and Disciplinary Code.

8.2 The Management/Disciplinary Committee (comprising of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Club plus two other non-committee members elected at the Annual general Meeting) may terminate the membership of any person, or impose any other sanction they determine to be appropriate, in connection with the breach of any condition of membership set out in this rule.

9. Coaches and players:

NLLTC agrees that all unlicensed and unregistered coaches and, so far as reasonably practical, players and other persons using the facilities of the Club will be required, as a condition of use, to agree to be bound and subject to these rules and the LTA Rules and Disciplinary Code.

(Amended and ratified at AGM November 18 2021).