Set Lists

Here are the tunes that the Nordic Footnotes musicians have in their repertoire, or are working on, or did have but have fallen out of practice. We learn and play by ear, but try to provide/point to sheet music as a reminder of how tunes go.

(The tunes we’ll choose from at the upcoming dance)

Click to get the list of active tunes, with links to sheet music (in most cases): Active Tunes

(Tunes we’re actively trying to get into the Active list, but aren’t sure they’ll be ready for the upcoming dance).

Click to get a list of the Currently Working on Tunes.

Tunes that have been ready, but we haven’t played in too long to trust or that are not in the current dance repertoire for “enough” dancers are listed as "Inactive Tunes".

BE FOREWARNED: the version in the sheet music may not be the version we actually play!

The asterisk in front of the tune name means the tune is “nyckelharpa friendly”, i.e., in a key and position that is relatively easy for nyckelharpa players. Metronome markings are given for practice purposes where we’ve figured out a preferred tempo for our group.

Tunes are categorized by the dance that we usually play them for, not where the tune is from. Many can be used for variants, mixers or other dances entirely! We make no guarantees about names, either.

The Bluerose link is the tune reference number on Karen Myer’s resource website, The designation (full) means the link will get you to a transcription of the whole tune. Otherwise, you get just the beginning measures. For some tunes, there is a link to the Swedish folk music wiki (, another collection of tunes in abc format. If there's a link, it's to the whole tune.

Please help! Keeping a list like this updated is a challenge. If you see incorrect spellings, dead links, links tot he wrong tune, etc., please email us:

Tunes that have been ready, and are either recently "retired" to keep the active list from getting unwieldy or that we haven’t played in too long to trust or that are not in the current dance repertoire for “enough” dancers. The list is kept for convenience, but we don't actively play the tunes listed here.

Click for the list of Inactive Tunes.

Nordic Footnotes, a program of the Northern California Spelmanslag, a California nonprofit, public-benefit corporation.