FADHEL, Mohammad: “Balfour: Britain must own up to responsibility for the Palestinian Holocaust. This disastrous imperial legacy is still highly visible"

Mohammad Fadhel (Arab journalist and researcher in Dubai) (2017): “Balfour: Britain must own up to responsibility for the Palestinian Holocaust. This disastrous imperial legacy is still highly visible… Richard Gott wrote in the Guardian in July 2006: “The brutal story of the British Empire continues to this day”, and “This disastrous imperial legacy is still highly visible, and it is one of the reasons why the British Empire continues to provoke such harsh debate. If Britain made such a success of its colonies, why are so many in an unholy mess half a century later ...?” Gott placed Palestine on top of the list of conflicts caused by the brutal story of the British Empire, but it is clear that the British colonial malice continues to this day, and English politicians are still committed to the core of what Balfour justified through his shameful declaration when he said that “The desires of 700,000 Palestinian Arabs are of no importance compared to the fate of a European colonial movement [Zionism] in essence”” (Mohammad Fadhel, “Balfour: Britain must own up to responsibility for the Palestinian Holocaust”, Gulf News Opinion, 2 November 2017: https://gulfnews.com/opinion/op-eds/balfour-britain-must-own-up-to-responsibility-for-the-palestinian-holocaust-1.2117721 ).