ADAMS, Phillip. Leading progressive Australian broadcaster falsely monstered by Zionists: "It was such a bruising and unpleasant experience that I decided not to write on Jewish matters again. Or at least to take a long sabbatical from matters semitic"

Phillip Andrew Hedley Adams, AO (born 12 July 1939) is an Australian broadcaster for the ABC (the taxpayer-funded Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) , film producer, writer, commentator, atheist and progressive thinker. For several decades he has hosted an ABC radio program, Late Night Live, in which he interviews intellectuals. Hw also writes a column in the Murdoch-owned national newspaper The Australian (see: ).

Phillip Adams on Zionist defamation of those critical of Israel: “I have fronted at numerous Jewish fundraising dinners, written obsessively about the Holocaust, trudged around the death camps, performed opening ceremonies at exhibitions in the Great Synagogue in Sydney and fulminated against John Bennett and other revisionists. As a consequence, I’ve enjoyed excellent relations with the Jewish community and with its principal political and social organizations. And then a funny thing happened. I was the guest speaker at a fundraising dinner at Jewish doctors in Sydney. It was a pleasant, congenial occasion, and despite my friendly criticism of certain aspects of Jewish political behavior (in Australia), I was warmly applauded. However, the Jewish News gave a slightly distorted version of what I’d said, and, lo and behold, I suddenly became the Jews’ worst enemy. Dozens of letters accused me of being an anti-semite. I then received an extraordinary letter from [Jewish community leader] Bill Rubinstein which I found offensive in tone and remarkably patronizing. As it illustrated some of the very points I’d made in my talk to the doctors, I published it in The Australian and all hell broke loose. Lots more letters accusing me of being an anti-semite. All in all, it was such a bruising and unpleasant experience that I decided not to write on Jewish matters again. Or at least to take a long sabbatical from matters semitic. I could cover pages with evidence of my good-will to the Jewish community. … In short, I felt that I’d paid my dues. And yet it took only a hint of cautious, friendly criticism to put me on the receiving end of Jewish anger… So as a friend who has laid wreaths at the concentration camps…. let me ask Australian Jews, and Jewish organizations, to be more careful in the way they respond to debate in the Australian media. In America there has been a systematic overkill which has led to widespread resentment. I would not like that to happen here.” [1].

[1]. Phillip Adams quoted in “Zionism and the press in Australia: two views”, Journal of Historical Review: .