
NJDBC - Outrigger reservation calendar

Use this calendar to ensure you have access to the equipment. First come first served!  NJDBC members must register as OC-1 members to have access to OC-1s. these OC-1 members will be given access to this calendar.

Access to Club OCs requires you are a paid NJDBC member for the current season, you paid and additional $50 towards OC membership,  you passed the tip test under the supervision of a coach/captain or approved proctor. If you were an OC-1 club member in any of the prior years, you may take them out now if your OC-1 and Club membership is up to date. Anyone wishing to have access to OC equipment, they must first send an email to their team rep/coach to schedule a training session.

If going out alone must wear a jacket PFD. Inflatables not allowed. If going out in a group, you may wear an inflatable.

NJDBC-OC1 signup