Portrait Chapter 4

Giving the pasta sauce one last stir, Kathryn dipped the wooden spoon in for a taste. Satisfied, she turned off the stove plate and poured the sauce over the pasta.

She heard the front door open and smiled. Anika was home.

"Boy, that smells good!"

Cheekily turning to face Anika, Kathryn pouted. "Don't sound so surprised."

"It's just, the pot roast.."

Waving her wooden spoon at Anika in warning, Kathryn growled. "It's not my fault. I don't know what happened that one time, but when I smelled the smoke it was too late."

Anika chuckled, then ducked.

Sticking out her tongue, Kathryn changed the topic. "Pour us some wine. I've already set the table."

Grabbing wine glasses Anika safely headed for the dining room.

* * *

Kathryn set down her fork and dabbed her mouth with the serviette.

"If I could travel forward or backwards in time, which way would I go? Who would I want to meet?

Thinking, she took a sip from her glass of wine.

"I’d go back, and I’d meet Christ. I’d like to sit at that table, with Christ and the Disciples. I’d have dinner with them, and just listen to them - talk to them. See what was going on. And ask him, ‘Are you really the son of God?’ What do you guys think? And don’t all go ‘Oy!’

And then, I'd love to meet Cleopatra. I have this fascination with her life. I've read a ton of books. Done research. I will probably attempt a painting soon.

That’s the other thing. Christ was just around the corner from Cleopatra! She had a serious flirtation with Herod, who you know was responsible for the death of Christ. Everything’s now Cleopatra! I can track her in any way!"

When the laughter had died down, Anika admitted, "I'm more of a science geek myself. Haven't given much thought to religion, and Christ."

"Science geek? Oh god. Please don't tell me you're one of those people who are constantly busy with techno gadgets," a horrified Kathryn countered.

"Guilty." Deciding to goad the older woman a bit further she added, "I tweet, I facebook, I google plus... "

Kathryn didn't give her a change to finish.

"Don't you find those so impersonal?! Where's the relationship in all of that? The sitting down to dinner, conversation?"

Grinning at the passionate woman, Anika held up a hand. "It's not a substitute for "real" relationships, but a way to stay in touch when you can't meet with someone in person. Grinning at the unbelieving expression she changed topics. "This is nice."

Slightly confused, Kathryn asked, "What? Dinner?"

"Yes, sharing dinner. Us talking. Getting to know each other."

Kathryn's soft smile did strange gooey things to Anika's stomach. "Yes. Yes, it is nice.

Coming back to reality after having lost herself in beautiful blue eyes, Kathryn said, "I see the club's re-opening is being advertised in the newspapers. There's quite a nice curious buzz going around about it."

Anika forced herself to focus on the conversation again. "I can't wait for opening next Saturday." Taking a deep breath, she continued, "Of course, I would love for you to be my date for the evening?"

The older woman felt her mouth fall open, then closed it again. "I..would be delighted to."

The pleasure on Anika's face made the artist's heart skip a beat. In fact, her fingers were tingling too. And that meant only one thing. She was in way over her head.

* * *

Rifling through her closet, Kathryn was trying to decide what to wear on her date with Anika. The day of the club opening had arrived and she knew the blonde would look exquisite no matter what she wore. Silly as it was, she wanted to be worthy to be seen with her stunning lover. Lover. The word sent shivers down her spine. Deep within, Kathryn knew that Anika had somehow managed to not only become her lover but steal her heart as well and that thought terrified her.

Sitting down on her bed, she tried to calm herself down. Just focus on what you want to wear tonight. She finally settled on the red wrap dress with a plunging v neckline and started getting ready.

Just as she put the finishing touch of perfume behind her ears, she heard Anika come upstairs.

"Are you read..." Anika started but when Kathryn turned around to greet her she lost the ability to speak.

"Holy mother of Jebuz. How do you expect me to be able to concentrate on singing tonight. I mean, wow, you look sexy!"

Feeling herself being devoured by those blue eyes had Kathryn blushing a shade just lighter than her dress. "You." She had to clear her throat. "You are a fine one to speak. How on earth am I supposed to concentrate on your singing, when that dress is practically sprayed onto your body."

Anika self-consciously smoothed her hands over her hips. Her dress, a magnificent shimmering deep blue colour, was indeed quite form fitting, and although the neckline wasn't as low as Kathryn's, her full bust filled it out so well it might as well have been a second skin.

Gallantly holding out her arm, she hoarsely invited, "Shall we go?"