Snow removal ordinance extended until November 2014

Post date: Feb 2, 2013 10:27:01 PM

On January 22, the Board of Aldermen voted 23-1 (with 2 members absent) to extend by one year the sidewalk snow removal ordinance currently in effect on a trial basis. The ordinance now extends until November 2014, and mandates that residents and businesses must remove snow from a 3 foot wide path on their sidewalks within 30 hours of a snowstorm. The extension was granted after the relatively snowless winter last year prevented the two year trial from being meaningfully evaluated. Enforcement is currently limited to written notices and a visit from police on the second offense. Those who are unable to shovel and unable to afford a commercial service may request volunteer assistance through the city.

Forms for those who want to be paid to shovel, will volunteer to shovel, or to request help shoveling can find them at