S. Nageeb Ali

Professor of Economics, Penn State

Photo Credit: Akbarpour Studio

What's new?

I am now a Co-Editor at Games and Economic Behavior, a Foreign Editor at Review of Economic Studies, and on the Board of Editors at AEJ: Microeconomics.

Email: nageeb@psu.edu

Snail-mail:  411 Kern Building, University Park, PA 16802.  


Who Controls the Agenda Controls the Legislature, with B. Douglas Bernheim, Alexander Bloedel, and Silvia Console BattilanaAmerican Economic Review, November 2023.

Are agenda setters constrained by majority rule?


Sequential Veto Bargaining with Incomplete Information, with Navin Kartik and Andreas Kleiner, Econometrica, July 2023

Are policy negotiations subject to the Coase Conjecture?

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Consumer Control and Privacy Policies, with Greg Lewis and Shoshana Vasserman, American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, May 2023.

This paper summarizes a voluntary-disclosure approach to consumer control.


Communication and Cooperation in Markets, with David Miller, AEJ: Microeconomics, November 2022.

When do traders speak truthfully about their experiences?

How to Sell Hard Information, with Nima Haghpanah, Xiao Lin, and Ron Siegel, Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2022.

How should a certifier design and price evidence?  

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Image Versus Information: Changing Societal Norms and Optimal Privacy, with Roland Bénabou, AEJ: Microeconomics, August 2020.

What are the costs and benefits of using stigma to promote good behavior?

Predictability and Power in Legislative Bargaining, with B. Douglas Bernheim and Xiaochen Fan, Review of Economic Studies, March 2019. 

How does information about bargaining power affect the distribution of surplus?

[Supplementary Appendix] [Slides]

Herding with Costly Information, Journal of Economic Theory, May 2018.

Given that information is costly, when is social learning complete?

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On the Role of Responsiveness in Rational Herds, Economics Letters, February 2018.

What distinguishes "coarse" and "rich" action spaces in observational learning?

Recognition for Sale, Journal of Economic Theory, January 2015.

How does the competition for bargaining power affect the distribution of surplus?


Why People Vote: Ethical Motives and Social Incentives, with Charles Lin, AEJ: Microeconomics, May 2013.

Suppose some are ethical and others wish to appear ethical. Who votes and when?

[Supplementary Appendix]

Herding with Collective Preferences, with Navin Kartik, Economic Theory, November 2012.

When individuals care directly about the actions of others, do they still herd?

Learning Self-Control, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2011.

Would an individual learn about his temptations from his experiences?

[Working Paper with Online Appendix] [Slides]

Waiting to Settle: Multilateral Bargaining with Subjective Biases, Journal of Economic Theory, September 2006.

When do disagreements about bargaining power delay agreements?

Working Papers

The Perverse Politics of Polarization, with Maximilian Mihm and Lucas Siga, November 2023.

What is the role of asymmetric information in distributive politics?

Reselling Information, with Ayal Chen-Zion and Erik Lillethun, December 2022.

How does the possibility for resale affect the price of information?

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The College Portfolio Problem, with Ran Shorrer, July 2021.

Which colleges should one target when admissions decisions are uncertain and correlated? 

Conventions and Coalitions in Repeated Games, with Ce Liu, January 2020.

When and how do carrots and sticks deter coalitional deviations?

Renegotiation-Proof Multilateral Enforcement, with David Miller and David Yang, March 2017.

When is multilateral enforcement vulnerable to renegotiation? 

Enforcing Cooperation in Networked Societies, with David Miller.

Which networks support the greatest cooperation?