
My experience with Aloe Vera

Hello, I'm 46 years old, I have no ailments whatsoever and no I'm not a chemist, healer or medical practitioner. Just an ordinary person like you and I would like to share a few of my experiences with the use of Aloe Vera plant with you. I think I have quite a bit of aloe vera plant info.

Growing up in my adolescent years, I remember my father mixing the aloe gel with an egg and giving me as a tonic. I later realize why I did not develop the acne and pimple problem like other teenagers – aloe consumption, yeah!! Since then I have never stopped using it. There is always a plant close by. I've used it for eyedrops, earache, sunburns, blistering, headaches, moisturizer, haircare, etc.

During my pregnancy I developed rashes on my neck and shoulders. My doctor wanted to prescribe something for it and I told him that I would try the Aloe gel and report back to him at my next visit. In two weeks time when he saw me there was hardly anything to see from the rashes I had.

Quite recently I used it as a cold compress to sooth my sprained ankle. I just kept it wet and believe it or not but I was walking/limping lightly on it the following day.

I've recommended it to a friend for her teenage daughter who's always having severe menstrual cramps. Two tablespoons twice a day two days before the expected visit and she had no pain when it arrived. Depending on the severity of the cramps I recommend start taking it for longer before the arrival.

In the early 90's a close friend of mine developed severe acne on her face. Of course I tried to introduce the Aloe to her but she preferred to stick with her dermatologist. After several months and thousands of dollars later, without any favourable result, she said that her dermatologist recommended that she started using the gel of the Aloe Vera. That was no surprise to me, the Aloe preacher. Within a few weeks she saw a remarkable difference and was so upset that she had wasted so much money when she had free access to the plants growing right in my backyard.

I can remember many other times when I've been burnt by the oven, a hot pot, quite often the curling iron, yes the curling iron!!! and it was my miracle plant that saved me from scars.

But enough from me, let's hear about some other personal encounters with this miracle of nature. .....Mevonnie Hugh - Jamaica, WI


"Never would I have imagined that the green plant with big, thorny leaves and a gel interior would have such an impact on my life. I have to say that I absolutely love Aloe Vera gel. I was introduced to the product through a hair care group. The leader of the group recommended the gel to lay down the edges of our hair and to make it more manageable for certain styles like braid outs. So, I looked into it and was amazed by what I discovered about Aloe Vera gel. It helps cleanse your digestive tract, removes toxins from the body, gives you energy, helps clear up acne and it helps you lose weight. I purchased a gallon of Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Gel inner fillet. I tried to use it on my hair for my braid outs, but I didn’t get the results I was hoping for, so I started drinking it for like two weeks. I was so amazed at how my skin improved, how lighter and full of energy I felt. I’m considered really energetic by my peers and they still noticed a change. One girl told me I had a glow. I was so thrilled by the impact that I implemented a 60-day challenge on YOUTUBE, and told everyone about it. I lost 10 pounds in two months and I felt so much better. I can definitely say that Aloe Vera gel will always be a part of my life. I found it hard to drink at first, so I mixed it with cranapple juice. I would drink 2 oz. a day in the morning about 10-20 minutes before I ate. Now, I can drink it straight with no problem. This regimen made me take a closer look at how I take care of my body. As a result, I do regular internal cleanses and work hard to get more fiber in my diet.

Thank you Aloe Vera gel. You changed my life." ...........Lee Williams – Atlanta, GA

"I had just started a new job. Two days into the job, while washing up at the sink, a broken tile sliced the side of my middle finger, almost taking off a piece. All my co-workers got scared, thinking that I would have to go to the hospital for stitches and I was so afraid that this might jeopardize my new found position. I got the bleeding under control and as soon as I got home I cleaned the cut and poured the clear gel of the aloe into the wound. I taped it with a bandaid and went to bed. The next morning when I awoke and checked the wound, it was closed. It was as if the aloe was some form of liquid stitch"

Petrina Wright - Kingston, Jamaica

"When I was a child I stepped on a rusty nail and hid the cut from my parents. I pretended that nothing was wrong, however, my foot was swollen for days and I developed a high fever. That's when I told them what had happened. My aunt cleaned the wound and added some raw cornmeal to the aloe vera then she applied it to the wound and tied it. This apparently drew the poison out of the infected area and the wound was able to heal properly"

Jacqueline Harbajan - Mandeville, Jamaica

"It's good. I drink the Aloe three times per week. Whenever I'm feeling tired I like to mix some of the white gel with my orange

juice. This picks me up and make me feel much better. I also use it for my skin - it makes my skin feel nice and smooth"

Lue Chong - Miami, FL

"I eat it when I feel like it for inner health. Quite recently I cut a whole leaf, peeled and ate it to relieve 'gas'. It did the job"

Elaine Hugh - Kingston, JA

"I like to cut the single bible into little bits like tablets and take it for inner cleansing (laxative)" ....... Sylvia Tyrell - Jamaica, WI

"Being a nurse, I have always used and recommended the juice of the Aloe Vera for burn victims. When I found out that my neighbour was troubled with a sore for years and had been going to various specialists all over the island without any results, I introduced him to the gel. I instructed him to use the yellow sap on the sore and he was simply amazed when his wound finally healed" .............Ignatia Williams - Jamaica, WI

"As I child I suffered from very bad acne. Taking the aloe internally I mixed it with grapefruit juice and drank it. I usually take the green stuff/juice that runs out of the leaf and rub it on my skin. Then I take the white gel part and rub that over the green stuff like a mud mask and let it dry for about 15 to 20 minutes. After it dries and I rinse it all away my skin becomes smooth and supple. This usually clears up my acne. I also like to add a little to my apple/callaloo juice as a cleanser. .........Tracey-Ann - Jamaica, WI.

I have been using aloe vera most of my life and it is like an all purpose plant. It can be used for almost any and everything. I use aloe in my hair to strengthen it and prevent it from breaking, most recently I have been using the gel on my hair line everyday to help promote growth and already the hair is growing back. Also for those with processed hair the gel of the aloe can be used in your hair on a weekly basis. Just massage the gel into your hair and style hair as usual. Your hair will have a healthy shine and bouncy.

Jacqueline Harbajan - Mandeville, Jamaica

"Aloe has proven to be effective in many different ways. My experience with aloe is that I used it for facial cleansing, hair treatment and to detox my body. I blend the aloe with natural orange juice and drink it. I scrape the aloe, put it on my face like a paste and leave it on for 20 minutes. For my hair I mix the aloe with egg white, apply it to my hair and cover it with a steam cap for about 20 minutes. It has worked very, very well."

– Serita Morgan - Kingston, Jamaica 5/6/2014


If you have personally used the Aloe Vera and would like to share your experience, please feel free to drop me a line at mevhugh@gmail.com and tell me about it. With your permission I will be happy to add it to my testimonials. You may also check out my blogs, and please add a comment below, thanks.


I'm not saying that the plant heals anything and everything and has no side effects. So far I know of only one person who said that she had an allergic stinging sensation to the gel. So before you take my word for it, please check out the plant and if you have a serious medical problem do seek qualified professional attention.