How To Use Aloe Vera

How To Use The Aloe Vera

NB. I recommend using the pure aloe gel extracted from a cut leaf


To prepare the gel for drinking cut a mature aloe leaf, trim away the thorns or spiked edges on either side of the leaf, then either cut it into chunks and then cut out the clear gel OR you can peel away the green skin from the flat side lengthwise then scrape out the clear white gel and rinse away any yellow sap. (The yellow sap contains aloin, which is used as a laxative).

You can also blend the scraped aloe to liquefy the gel to make it easier to swallow.


Cut a mature aloe leaf and trim away the thorns or spiked edges on either side of the leaf. Then you can cut off a piece about 2” long and rub on your skin. You can also peel away the green skin from the flat side lengthwise and rub it against a

grater to remove the smooth clear gel.

Blending and straining the aloe also makes it easier if you wish to put it in a spray bottle.

If you cannot get a fresh leaf, I recommend this gel from Seven Minerals. It's made from pure aloe vera and it's great to use on your hair, and skin (including your face).

This is a special preparation of aloe juice from George's. It's great to drink, no bitterness at all, just as if you made it and carefully extracted the white gel yourself.

Ways To Use Aloe Vera

1. Treat minor cuts, blisters, bruises, & rashes by applying aloe vera gel to the affected area.

2. To treat insect bites – do not scratch the area. Immediately apply aloe gel. It will stop the itch and prevent any scarring if you do not irritate the skin by scratching.

3. In case of burns and sunburns, do not treat the area before applying aloe vera. Apply aloe gel immediately to the affected areas. Keep reapplying as it dries for as long as you can for fast results.

4. For severe burns and bruises, cut the leaf and remove the clear gel in one flat piece and apply to the area. You may need to use bandages to keep it in place. Add aloe juice to keep it wet. Change and reapply as needed.

5. For acne, apply to clean skin with cotton after every wash and add a couple tablespoons to your favourite drink each day.

6. Apply aloe gel to skin areas two to four times a day to help eliminate signs of rosacea, eczema, age spots and wrinkles slowly but surely.

7. Add a little of your favourite moisturizer to the aloe gel if you have dry skin.

8. Add aloe to your shampoos and conditioners to add healing qualities to them.

9. Apply the clear gel to your scalp and leave it in to stimulate hair growth.

10. Apply it to heal scalp abrasions, control dandruff and psoriasis.

11. Use the pulp as a suppository to relieve the pain and itching of hemorrhoids. Use after each bowel movement or as necessary.

12. Add two tablespoons of aloe juice to your last drink of water at bedtime to act as a natural cleanse.

13. Apply aloe gel to your abdomen during and after pregnancy to reduce and prevent stretch marks.

14. Have two tablespoons of aloe several times daily to relieve heartburn and indigestion.

15. Boil the aloe leaf in water and inhale the vapours to help alleviate your asthma.

16. Apply aloe gel to your skin for a bright and healthy complexion.

17. A few drops of aloe juice in the ear can relieve earaches.

18. Massage aloe topically to alleviate aches and pain.

19. Drinking two tablespoons of aloe juice daily relieves joint pain.

20. Drink aloe as a tonic to improve your circulation by adding one or two tablespoons to your juice, water or straight.

21. Drink one or two tablespoons aloe as a daily tonic to naturally boost your energy levels.

22. Drink aloe as a tonic to balance your immune system.

23. A drop of aloe juice in the eye has helped with eye aches.

24. Insert a cylindrical chunk of aloe into the vagina to tighten and do your vaginal tightening exercises. Leave it in overnight

(use a sanitary napkin for the night).

NB. If you wish me to elaborate on any of these uses, or if you would like to add your two cents, please leave me a comment.

PS. I will be updating this page with more ways to use aloe as time goes by.

CAUTION: Drinking aloe juice can help to lower high blood pressure but can be harmful if you have low blood pressure. Careful monitoring is advised. Do not take aloe prior to a surgical procedure or during the first three months of pregnancy.