
final update: Nov 14 2009

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You surely already heard about the new radio policies. This post by a staff member clarifies the upcoming changes,

Only subscribers (curr. 3 € /m) are able to use 3rd party clients (regardless of geographical location) for streaming radio.

I won't maintain the patched vagalume any more, so this version is useless now and the website is only kept for historical purposes.

i suggest you have a look at

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Vagalume is a client for Gnome and Maemo developed by Alberto Garcia.

Some of its current features include:

    • plays radio streams (using protocol v1.5)
    • gnome libnotify & pulseaudio support
    • can be remote-controlled via dbus
    • scrobbles tracks to your profile page
    • Supports different radio stations (personal, neighbors, loved tracks or any lastfm:// URL .

The patch below adds this neat features to the Desktop Version of Vagalume:

(other platforms the original client runs on are not supported ! )

    • save the current song by a click on the download button
    • custom save format: mp3, ogg, m4a, flac... by customizable Gstreamer-pipelines
    • automatically Id3-Tags mp3, ogg & m4a files
    • New Settings in Vagalume's "Last.FM - Settings - Download" Tab:

- set file Name / Directory save pattern- set Output gst-pipeline (choose from oga, mp3, flac, m4a or wav)

- set duplicated file treatment options

- automatic download

Please Note that the .oga gst-pipeline might cause problems with some older versions of the gstreamer oggmux library. Change the Output Format ( - Settings - Download) to a "mp3" or "aac" pipeline if your vagalume hangs on track changes.

Save-Song patch for Vagalume 0.7.1 [more]

Debian / Ubuntu Source Package [Package Build | Binaries ]


Size: 626 kb MD5: 57b9a90f55912fb85832e51e98f41d43

All credits go to the patch author Robert-Andre Mauchin

Build the patched Vagalume

Generic Instructions: get the latest compatible vagalume source version from here unpack it, and apply the patch inside the vagalume-0.7*.orig folder with:

patch -p1 < save-song-v*.patch

and build it as usual with


./configure --prefix=/usr


make install [as root]

Debian Binary Package Build: Ubuntu & other debian(s) can use the "prepared" source package vagalume_0.7*-src.tar.gz,. It has a simple patching system in the debian/rules file and will apply patches automatically during build. Unpack the Archive and from a terminal use:

sudo apt-get build-dep vagalume

sudo apt-get install debhelper fakeroot pkg-config libtool libglib2.0-dev libgnome-media-dev

dpkg-source -x vagalume_*.dsc

Now you can place additional patches for your Release in the subfolder debian/patches (the save-song patch is already in there) and use:

fakeroot debian/rules binary

to build the customized vagalume. For more patches see the file vagalume-0.7*/debian/contrib/README

Install the produced vagalume deb package as usual


Thanks to:

- FSF for the GPL

- Berto & all other hackers for writing vagalume

- Robert-Andre Mauchin for the great save-song patch

- Hank for many patches, bugfixing & testing

- uvok89 for the gentoo ebuild

- stefan315 for the 64-bit builds


- Vagalume Website

- Vagalume Maemo Project Site (bugtracker, websvn, user forum)

- German documentation: Vagalume wiki article or this forum thread

- vagalume-devel mailing list Archive

Contact: mtron[*at*]