eee1015pn-acpitools 0.7.2 released
Gepostet am: 28.06.2012 11:54:00
* display-settings: replace acpi_call with bbswitch for manipulating power state of the nvidia gpu
* display-settings: added setting to disable debug output to terminal
* display-settings: d-s status will output power state of the nvidia gpu in optimus mode
* debian/rules: added nvidia-glx as alternative to nvidia-current to package dependencies for debian compat
* debian/control: added bbswitch-dkms to package dependencies
* vga-selector-gui: added option to start second Xserver on nvidia GPU and output to HDMI in Optimus mode
* vga-selector-gui: added drag and drop window to play file with smplayer on nvidia xserver
* vgaselector.desktop: added quicklink shortcuts to set gpu mode (unity only)
* display-settings: added LinuxMint 13 support
* display-settings: added support for Mate Desktop Enviroment
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