Sea Hound Movie Serial

Sea Hound - Buster Crabbe (1947) - 15 Chapter Movie Serial from Columbia Pictures

Serial was based on the radio serial,("Captain Silver's Log of The Sea Hound"), heard on the Blue Network 1942-44,on Mutual 1946-47 and, briefly on ABC in 1948, and also the comic book (six issues across four years). Captain Silver (Buster Crabbe) and his friends --- Teenage Jerry, cowboy Tex and a Chinese inventor named Kukai --- are cruising through tropical waters, between California and Catalina, aboard the "Sea Hound" when they pick up an SOS from the yacht "Esmeralda." They then rescue the crew of the yacht "Esmeralda” from modern pirates and get caught up in a search for lost treasure.


For some of the Sea Hound radio programs, click here--->Sea Hound Radio Programs


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