MoDeVVa 2022


Workshop Program : Full day program

MoDeVVa will take place on 24th of October, 2022, Montreal, Canada.

Keynote Speaker: Prof.Dr. Houari Sahraoui

Keynote Title: "Building interactive visualization environments for specific development and maintenance tasks "

Abstract: Software visualization is an efficient and flexible tool for performing various development and maintenance tasks that are difficult to automate. It allows the exploration and analysis of large sets of multidimensional data extracted from software. During the last two decades, many visualization environments have been proposed. Most of them use interesting visualization metaphors and are able to represent large software. However in general, their adoption is restricted to the small community that developed them. This can be explained by a limited adequacy of these environments to the tasks they are supposed to handle. Indeed, the choices made during the development of these environments are not (explicitly) motivated by the nature of the targeted tasks. It is therefore difficult for general users to understand them and learn to use them in concrete situations. In this talk, we present the principles and guidelines for developing software visualization tools by explicitly considering the nature of data and actions involved in maintenance tasks. These principles are illustrated through the VERSO visualization environment.

Keynote Speaker Bio: Houari Sahraoui is a professor at the software engineering lab GEODES of the department of computer science and operations research, Université de Montréal. He holds a Computer Engineering Diploma from the INI, the National Institute of computer science (1990), Algiers, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Pierre & Marie Curie University - LIP6 (1995), with a specialization in AI. His research interests include automated software engineering (SE), the application of AI techniques to SE, model-driven engineering, and software visualization. He has published around 200 papers in conferences, workshops, books, and journals. He has served as a program committee member in several IEEE and ACM conferences, as a member of the editorial boards of four journals, and as an organization member of many conferences and workshops. He was the general chair and program chair of many conferences such as IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), and IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT).

Featured image credit: Montreal, Canada. Based on a Public Domain image available at pixabay. Licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 license.