More Effects of Estrogen

Elevated day 3 FSH and/or estrogen linked to aneuploidy

A significantly greater proportion of women with abnormal fetal karyotype had elevated baseline serum FSH (> or =15 mIU/mL [RIA] or 10 mIU/mL [Immulite]) and/or estradiol > or = 50 pg/mL) compared with women of normal fetal karyotype. Elevated day 3 serum follicle stimulating hormone and/or estradiol may predict fetal aneuploidy.

Also see:

FSH and Miscarriage

Prevent Down Syndrome

Administering estrogen to mice causes PCOS

Basic symptoms of PCOS such as anovulation and follicular cysts are produced in female mice by injecting them with estrogen, testosterone, or cortisone prior to 10-days of age. Female mice and rats injected with estrogen perinatally become anovulatory and develop follicular cysts. We propose that in utero exposure to excessive levels of steroids such as estrogen has a long-term effect on the ability of the thymus to produce regulatory T cells. In female offspring this can lead to PCOS.

Also see:

PCOS and Miscarriage

Estrogen causes cellulite

Cellulite is a gender-related condition which is the clinical expression of conformational changes taking place in the fibrous strands partitioning the hypodermis. The affected skin areas are those where fat deposition is under the influence of estrogens. Some hypodermal fibrous strands become enlarged and others become loose and look similar to striae distensae. Cellulite is not a result of increased body mass, but its aspect may be influenced by the waist-to-hip ratio.

Higher estrogen is associated with lower waist to hip ratio in regularly menstruating women

In regularly menstruating control groups, but not in the amenorrheic women, there was a negative correlation between the serum estrogen concentrations and the trunk-to-extremity fat ratio, independent of age, exercise, body fat, and serum testosterone concentrations. In all women, estrogen concentrations were positively and exercise inversely correlated to leptin concentrations, independent of body fat. CONCLUSION(S): Estradiol level is inversely associated with central fat accumulation only in women with regular menstrual cycles. In all young premenopausal subjects, estrogen secretion influences leptin concentrations independently of body fat.

Estrogen raises cortisol levels, progesterone may prevent this effect

Estrogen administration elevated cortisol levels, but this effect may be moderated by progestins. IL-6 was not altered by estrogen or combined estrogen/progesterone.

Also see:

Stress and Miscarriage

Other topics covered under Estrogen:

Estrogen and Miscarriage

Estrogen and Fibrocystic Breast

Estrogen and Miscarriage

Estrogen and the Thyroid

Estrogen and Insulin Resistance

How to Lower Estrogen