Vartanian G.A. e.a. Organization and modulation of memory processes (1981)


Effects of micropolarization of thalamic median center (on the right) to decrease the phantom-limb pain in patient P.

a - the start of micropolarization (arrow), DC - 0.02 μA;

б - the last of micropolarization,  DC - 0.005 μA.


Effects of micropolarization of thalamic median center (СМ) to  inhibition of epileptiform activity in frontal cortex (ЛК) and cingulate gyrus (ПИ) in patient D.

a - EEG before micropolarization;

б - EEG during micropolarization (DC - 0.02 μA, time - 20 min);

ГК - hippocampus;

ВЛТ - ventrolateral thalamus;

ВК - temporal cortex.


Effects of transcranial micropolarization (DC - 0.5-8.0 mA) in the patients with schizophrenia (averages).

A - electrode location for using transcranial micropolarization;

I - anterior temporal cortex - posterior temporal cortex.

II -  anterior frontal cortex - posterior frontal cortex;

Б - dynamics of memorizing of words:

a - improve (%) of memorizing by using the transcranial micropolarization of the right temporal cortex;

б - worsening of memorizing by using the transcranial micropolarization of the left temporal cortex;

В - dynamics of subjective assessment of time:

a - increase (%) of dynamics by using the transcranial micropolarization of the right temporal cortex;

б - decrease of dynamics by using the transcranial micropolarization of the left temporal cortex;

Г - the effects of transcranial micropolarization on the verbal hallucinosis:

а - increase of hallucinosis by using the transcranial micropolarization of the right temporal cortex;

б - decrease of hallucinosis by using the transcranial micropolarization of the left temporal cortex;

г - almost complete disappearance of hallucinosis after 6 treatments of transcranial micropolarization of temporal cortex in the first instance and frontal cortex in the next.

axis ordinate - duration of hallucinations/duration of pauses.

© 2009-2024, A.Shelyakin, I.Preobrazhenskaya