About Us

Troop Eagle Scout Counter: 60

Scout Law

A Scout is...













What We Believe

Our McFarland Boy Scout Troop 53 is proud of its family atmosphere and service by and to our Scouts. Scouting centers on boys and their growth in several important areas. We have an obligation to our Scouts. One of these is advancement in the seven ranks of Scouting.

“First Year, First Class”. Troop 53 meets that goal. Many of the activities that are open to Scouts require that they be a First Class Scout. We also have an obligation to the older Scouts and that is to provide these Scouts with an opportunity to participate and grow with experiences that are not available to everyone. Planning, organization, and member participation is a key to make these exciting experiences an annual event.

We in Troop 53 believe that guidance promotes growth. Grow to enjoy Scouting. Grow to lead. Grow to respect and excel. In order to promote this environment of respect and excelling, Troop 53 set defined standards of behavior for each Scout.

Scouting accepts each boy, as he is without conditions. We believe that people join Scouting as youth and adults because they believe each person merits trust and respect. Troop 53 seeks to foster a high regard for each person associated with our Troop. We also believe that a Scout run organization fulfills the ideals of Scouting. Each Scout, regardless of scholastic or athletic ability, parental income, has the opportunity to excel. This path includes earning the respect of others in spite of his own personal weaknesses. To travel this path, we set expectations and policies.

**Revised September 2001

Troop 53 - New Parent 2013

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