Ethics and AI Paper

We have covered or are going to cover a number of arguments concerning ethical issues and artificial intelligence: Bakker, Schwitzgebel and Garza, Bostrom and Yudkowsky, Bryson, Dennett, Sparrow, Sparrow, ...

Choose one of these authors and one of these significant arguments, or find another ethics and AI argument in another appropriate philosophical paper (an article published in a peer reviewed philosophy journal), and do our standard analysis of a philosophical argument on that argument. Note: your paper should have a clearly stated argumentative thesis in the introduction with a brief summary of the argument for it, and then the complete argument for it should culminate in the critical analysis section, and that thesis and argument should be briefly summarized in the conclusion section. Any papers that do not have these three elements (a. Statement of the argumentative thesis and brief summary of the argument for it in the introduction, b. a complete expansion of the argument and thesis in the critical evaluation section, and c. a brief recap of the argument and thesis in the conclusion) in the paper will lose a full letter grade.

Your paper is due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm. It should be pasted to the bottom of your Google Doc for our class. Your paper should be at least 800 long. It should be free of spelling, grammar, and structural errors. It must also conform to the Philosophy Dept. Writing Guidelines. And it should reflect what you have learned from the writing and revising process on the previous papers. None of the mistakes that you made on the earlier papers recur in this paper.