Signs and Signals

Copyright 2011-Present, Mark T. Shirey

I Think It Was a Sign

I wanted to win n' wouldn't give in.

She was gettin' mad, the mood was turnin' bad,

then I saw this triangle that said "YIELD".

I think it was a sign.

I was talkin' 'bout my car, goin' a little too far;

I was saying more, she was thinking "bore",

and then I saw an octagon that said "STOP".

I think it was a sign.

I didn't wanna hear it, wouldn't go near it,

skeptical all day and every way.

Then I saw the light! - it said "OPEN".

I think it was a sign.

I was searching for an ending rather mind-bending,

then a billboard on high that said "THE END IS NIGH"

fell on me.

I think it was a sign.

Footprints in the Snow

My morning walk is recorded, in a way, all day today -

Where I went, what shoes I wore, my strides, my speed -

all there in the snow.

You can see where I turned around to look at my footprints.

You can see where I stepped into someone else's prints

And disappeared

And then reappeared down the street, one trail becoming two.

You can see where my prints are aimed toward the coffee shop

And disappear

And then reappear, aimed away.

You can see where I walked into the middle of a lawn

And carefully backed out in the same footprints

Hoping that someone would see and wonder if

I disappea