Australia violates ALL Indo-Pacific countries

Dr Gideon Polya

Gideon Polya, “Australia violates all Indo-Pacific countries”, Stop state terrorism, 9 December 2021: .

As a UK lackey and thence a US lackey White Australia has an appalling record of invading 85 other countries over 233 years, with 30 of these invasions being genocidal as defined by the UN Genocide Convention. The recent formation of the peace-threatening Australia, UK and US (AUKUS) and Australia, US, India and Japan (Quad) anti-China alliances demands scrutiny of Australia’s appalling covert and overt violation of all Indo-Pacific countries in the last 80 years i.e. within living memory. In contrast and notwithstanding massive US and Australian Sinophobic, jingoistic and warmongering propaganda about a “China threat” , since WW2 a powerful, authoritarian and one-party state China has only been involved in 2 limited border wars (with India and Vietnam) and in the Korean War (in careful and limited support for its North Korea neighbour).

In short, the World is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons (Humanity and the Biosphere will be decimated in a post-nuclear holocaust nuclear winter) and by climate change (in the absence of requisite action a worsening Climate Genocide will kill 10 billion people this century en route to a sustainable population of only about 1 billion in 2100). Australia was a key player in the implementation of UK nuclear terrorism and is a key part of US nuclear terrorism. Australia is among world leaders in climate criminality in 16 areas, is a world leading coal and gas exporter, and ranks worst among greenhouse gas (GHG) polluting countries for climate policy. As a UK and thence US lackey Australia in the last 80 years (i.e. WW2 onwards) has had armed forces in many countries of the Indo-Pacific region, and has joined the US in massive invasions and occupations. Australia has participated in all post-1950 US Asian Wars (atrocities in which 40 million Asians have died from violence and war-imposed deprivation). Anti-Arab anti-Semitic Australia has been an enthusiastic participant in the US War on Terror (over 30 million Muslims have died from violence and imposed deprivation in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 people). The joint US-Australian telecommunications and spying base at Pine Gap in Central Australia targets war criminal US drone strikes on 7 Muslim countries. As US lackeys Australians have been involved with the US in covert subversion of many Indo-Pacific countries, and were successful in achieving regime change in 8 instances, namely Laos (1960), Indonesia (1960-1965), Cambodia (1970), Chile (1973), Australia (1975), Fiji (1987), Fiji (2000), and Australia (2010) (the latter 3 also involving Apartheid Israel). Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, grossly human rights-abusing, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, and globally subversive Apartheid Israel, and hence of Apartheid.

White Australia’s appalling record of subversion, invasion, devastation and genocide in the Indo-Pacific is well hidden in look-the-other-way, US lackey and Zionist-subverted Australia but the Awful Truth is only a few mouse-clicks away [1-6]. This well-documented summary could well be much longer if it were not confined to already published information – recent law changes in pre-police state Australia promise up to 10 years in prison for revealing secret illegal Australian operations.

It may seem unduly controversial and indeed unfair to describe the overwhelmingly dominant Australian political culture as “White Australia” in this context, but the embarrassing reality for me as an anti-racist White Australian is that this is compellingly justified for the following reasons:

(a) Apart from Germany, Italy and other European Axis allies in WW2, the only countries violently violated by White Australia in the last 80 years have been non-European [1, 7]. Non-Europeans from the Indo-Pacific region and indeed the whole world were largely excluded from White Australia by the White Australia Policy (1901-1973). The White Australia Policy became softer in application in the mid-1960s and was finally abolished by the progressive Whitlam Labor Government in 1973, this being reinforced by the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act passed by the Whitlam Government before it was removed in a UK- and US-complicit Coup on the 11 November 1975.

(b) Indigenous Australians (Australian First Nations people, Aboriginal Australians, Black Australians, Aboriginals, Aborigines) (i) were only “counted” as Australians able to vote after a Referendum in 1967, (ii) have suffered a 233 year Australian Aboriginal Genocide (2 million deaths from violence, deprivation, slavery and disease plus mass removal of children from their mothers), (iii) have suffered horrendous ethnocide (of about 350-700 distinct Indigenous Australian languages and dialects in 1788, only 150 remain with all but 25 being endangered), and (iv) suffer an ongoing genocide with a 10 year life-expectancy gap relative to non-Indigenous Australians (this translating to about 4,300 avoidable Indigenous deaths from deprivation each year out of a population of 720,000, with avoidable deaths as a percentage of population being 0.6% for Indigenous Australians as compared to 0.1% for the sorely oppressed Occupied Indigenous Palestinians, 1.0% for non-Arab Africans, 0.4% for Indians, and about zero % (0%) for non-Indigenous Australians [3]).

(c) With the removal of the 1901-1973 White Australia Policy the non-European percentage of the Australia population has grown substantially. Thus considering my own family in Australia (including cousins and their descendants), it went from 100% White in 1966 (i.e. 0% non-White) to only 58% White in 2021 ((i.e. 42% non-White). However, while Australia loudly boasts of its success as a multicultural society this national narcissism hides huge deficiencies. Thus the 2018 “Leading for Change” analysis shows that while Europeans (Whites) and non-Europeans (non-Whites) are 76% and 24%, respectively, of the population, they represent 94.9% and 5.1%, respectively, of the senior leadership of Australian organizations and institutions [8, 9].

(d) The dominant, US-beholden, corrupt, and Zionist-subverted White Australian Establishment supported by the extreme right wing, pro-Zionist, US-owned and bottom-of-the-barrel Murdoch media empire (that has about 70% of Australia’s daily newspaper readership) dictates an extraordinary culture of lying by omission by mendacious and traitorous Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes [10]. Various Australia media from the Centre to the Left provide an alternative to the monolithic lying of the Australian Establishment e.g. (from Centre to Left) the UK Guardian Australia, Crikey, the now defunct New Matilda, Arena, Pearls & Irritations, Green Left and Red Flag. Nevertheless there is massive Mainstream media censorship and self-censorship in Australia. Thus I have published 6 huge books variously dealing with the immense crimes of Australia and its powerful allies [1, 6, 11-13] but in the last decade I have been rendered “invisible” in my own country by an evil, mendacious and indeed traitorous and UK-, US- and Zionist -subverted system. If that sounds somewhat paranoid simply read recent accounts of Zionist subversion of Australia from eminent Australians, notably by Bob Carr (former premier of New South Wales and former Foreign Minister of Australia) [14], Louise Adler (eminent and iconic anti-racist Jewish Australian academic publisher) [15], John Lyons (courageous, resolute and eminent Mainstream Australian journalist) [16], and Professor Stuart Rees (founder of the prestigious Sydney Peace Prize) [17]. Both the Coalition Government and the Labor Opposition support the Zionist International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism that is used to falsely defame and sideline critics of Apartheid Israel and that in horrible reality is anti-Arab anti-Semitic (falsely defaming Arab and Muslim critics), anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish critics), and holocaust denying (ignoring some 60 holocaust and genocide atrocities ) [17, 18].

A number of works variously set out Australia’s genocidal involvements in the Indo-Pacific region as a US lackey [1, 6, 12, 13, 19-24]. Outstanding expatriate Australian journalist John Pilger has exposed malignant and deadly Australian, UK and US involvements in the Indo-Pacific region from the bloody military coup in Indonesia and the subsequent East Timor Genocide, through the genocidal Indo-China War, to what he has called “the coming war on China” [19-23]. Professor Erik Paul’s important book “Neoliberal Australia and US Imperialism in East Asia” (2012) sets out the core issues as summarized by the publisher: “ In his critical analysis of the geopolitical economy of Australia., Erik Paul establishes causal links between the neoliberal state and violence within society and Australia's external aggression as part of the US imperial project in Asia. Australia plays a major role in the urban and industrial transformation of East Asia, as a key provider of the region's needs for mineral, energy and food, but is largely dependent on Anglo-American investments for its export income and economic growth, and social wellbeing and cohesion. With US strategy aiming for regime change in China and Australia's future as a nation state closely linked to the US national interest and ruling elite, the author is forced to question whether Australia should move away from the profoundly anti-democratic nature of neoliberalism by reclaiming the state for the common good” [24]. Brian Toohey’s book “Secret. The making of Australia’s security state” describes the dangerous increase in power of US-beholden Australian Intelligence in a pre-police state, US lackey Australia [25].

To counter massive Mainstream lying by omission about these violent and variously genocidal Australian atrocities, set out below is an alphabetically-ordered summary of overt and covert Australian war criminal or climate criminal impositions on ALL countries of the Indo-Pacific region over the last 80 years. Because interference and war are deadly to impacted civilians, presented in brackets for each country are 2020 GDP (nominal) per capita (in USD), 2020 population (in millions, M), 2020 avoidable deaths from deprivation (noting that “avoidable deaths from deprivation” were estimated as 1.4 times the under-5 infants deaths from 2019 UN Population Division projected for a pre-COVID-19 2020 [1]), and avoidable deaths per million of population (avoidable deaths per M). For under-5 infant death data simply divide the avoidable deaths data by 1.4.

Afghanistan. From bases and assets in the Indo-Pacific region, as a US lackey Australia joined in the war criminal US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan (2001-2021) after the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity [26]. Afghan deaths during the US Alliance occupation (2001-2021) totalled 6.7 million from violence, 1.6 million (as estimated from Iraq War comparisons [27]), and from war-imposed deprivation, 5.1 million [2, 28-32]. Afghan under-5 infant deaths in 2001-2021 totalled 3.6 million [2], noting by way of comparison that 1.5 million Jewish children were killed by the Nazis in WW2. The horrendous avoidable mortality from deprivation in Occupied Afghanistan is evidence of gross and remorseless violation over 20 years by the US Alliance (US, NATO and Australia) of Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that state that the Occupiers are inescapably obliged to provide their conquered Subjects with life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to them” [1, 2]. Australia was complicit in the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry that presently kills 0.6 million people annually including about 2,000 Australians, and has killed about 5 million people globally since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 people. The serial war criminal US marked its ignominious departure from Afghanistan in 2021 with a drome strike that killed 10 Afghan civilians including 7 children (Australia via its Pine Gap base may well have been involved in targeting that deadly drone strike). Australia targets US drone strikes on Afghanistan and other countries via the Australia-US Pine Gap base in Central Australia. With the defeat of the US Alliance in 2021 a duplicitous and racist Australia betrayed numerous Afghans who had collaborated with the occupiers. Mainstream Australia is properly concerned with human rights and in particular female human rights in post-war Afghanistan. However Mainstream Australian journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes resolutely ignore over 5 million Afghan deaths from war-imposed deprivation. This Afghan Holocaust is continuing because genocidally racist White Australia backs the US freezing of circa $2 billion in Afghan holdings with consequent economic collapse and continuing avoidable mass mortality in Afghanistan. Afghanistan 2020 GDP per capita $470, population 38.9M, and avoidable deaths 106,273 (2,732.0 per M).

American Samoa. Seized by the US in 1900-1904, American Samoa is east of the International Date Line, while Samoa is west of the Line. It is noted for having the highest rate of military enlistment of any US state or territory. As a tropical Island entity composed of island and coral atolls, American Samoa is seriously threatened by global heating and associated high energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges. Climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality and ranks worst for climate policy out of 64 major polluting countries.

Antarctica (see Australian Antarctic Territory). About 8 countries claim sovereignty in certain regions. While a few of these countries have recognised these claims, most countries don’t. New claims on Antarctica have been suspended since 1959, but in 2015 Norway defined Queen Maud Land as from the sea to the South Pole. Antarctica is regulated by the 1959 Antarctic Treaty and other agreements, collectively termed the Antarctic Treaty System. The human population (scientists and support staff) varies from about 5,000 (summer) to 1,000 (winter). Australia claims 5.9 million square kilometres or 42% of Antarctica and has a long history of bases and exploration. Only 5 countries (New Zealand, the UK, France, Norway and Australia) recognise Australia's claim to sovereignty in Antarctica. 60-70% of all fresh water on the Earth is in the Antarctic ice sheet, and complete melting would cause about 58 metres (m) of sea-level rise. In East Antarctica the ice sheet rests on a major land mass, while in West Antarctica the bed can extend to more than 2,500 m below sea level. Ice loss since 2000 totals about 3,000 Gt and has been roughly linear as a function of time. The West Antarctic ice sheet may have reached a tipping point for melting that will occur over future centuries [33-38]. The total contribution so far to sea level has been an estimated 8-14 mm of sea level rise. Climate criminal Australia contributes 9.4% of annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and thus disproportionately contributes to global heating.

Antarctic claimed by Australia (Australian Antarctic Territory). The UK claim to Enderby Land was made in 1841, subsequently expanded and was eventually transferred to Australia in 1933. New Zealand, the UK, France, and Norway recognise Australia's claim to sovereignty over 42% of Antarctica. Australia is among world leaders in land clearing, speciescide , and ecocide on continental Australia. Climate criminal Australia is disproportionately contributing to the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef through the warming, acidification and pollution of the ocean, but in the Antarctic it is disproportionately contributing to ecocide and speciescide successively through loss of sea ice, loss of associated phytoplankton, decrease in krill and loss of krill-eating animals, notably whales. However Australia is disproportionately contributing to the globally-impacting threat to the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet [33-38]. Professor Christina Hulbe: “Between its east and west ice sheets and its peninsula, Antarctica holds enough ice to raise global sea levels by around 60m. The West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS) is a relatively small part, containing an amount of ice equivalent to 3.3m of sea level rise. Yet, most of it sits in a precarious position and is considered “theoretically unstable”… The latest research says that the threshold for irreversible loss of the WAIS likely lies between 1.5C and 2C of global average warming above pre-industrial levels. With warming already at around 1.1C and the Paris Agreement aiming to limit warming to 1.5C or “well-below 2C”, the margins for avoiding this threshold are fine indeed” [38]. Unfortunately atmospheric sulphate aerosols from the burning of coal have a global dimming effect, and but for this the “hidden” global temperature rise is already approaching a catastrophic plus 2C.

Apartheid Israel (see Israel, Palestine). White Australia played a key role in the foundation of Apartheid Israel through participation in the UK invasion of the Middle East in WW1, the key victory of the Australian Light Horse over the Turks at Beersheba (30 November 1917) that was followed immediately by the UK Balfour Declaration granting Palestine to the Zionists (2 December 1917), the WW1 Palestinian Famine (100,000 died), the Surafend Massacre of 100 Palestinian men and boys by Australian and New Zealand ANZAC soldiers (1918), and the WW2 presence of Australian forces. Pro-fascist Australian PM Robert Menzies backed the UK, France and Apartheid Israeli invasion of Egypt in 1956. Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, international law-violating, grossly human rights violating, serial war criminal, child-abusing, women-abusing, and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. Apartheid Israel has named forests on ethnically cleansed Palestinian land after Australian PMs Robert Menzies (pro-fascist, and pro-Apartheid British imperialist), Bob Hawke (a US “asset”) and John Howard (who made Australia complicit in the illegal US and UK invasion of Iraq). Apartheid Israel 2020 GDP per capita $46,371, population 8.7M, and avoidable deaths 716 (82.3).

Argentina. Argentina, like Australia, Chile, France, Norway, the UK and US, claims a big slab of Antarctica bordering the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Argentina’s Antarctica claim overlaps the claims of Chile and the UK. Argentina has a similar colonial history to Australia involving the devastation, dispossession and ethnic cleansing of the Indigenous inhabitants to make way for livestock for a hungry Britain. In WW2, because of a severe coal shortage, Argentina burned 2 million tons of wheat in its railway engines rather than shipping wheat to address the UK-imposed and Australia-complicit Bengali Holocaust in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity (see Bangladesh, India, Pakistan) [58]. Argentina 2020 GDP per capita $10,041, population 45.2M, and avoidable deaths 11,585 (256.3 per M).

Australia. The British invasion of Australia in 1788 led to a 2-century and ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide [61]. Indigenous Australians (Australian Aboriginals, Australian Aborigines, Black Australians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, First Nations Peoples) have suffered appalling under the ongoing and 233 year Australian Aboriginal Genocide associated with 2 million deaths from violence (0.1 million) and imposed deprivation and disease. The present life-expectancy gap of about 10 years translates to about 4,300 avoidable deaths from deprivation annually out of an Indigenous population of 720,000, and a continuing Australian Aboriginal genocide. The genocidal practice of forced removal of children from their mothers (the Stolen Generations) continues today at a record rate albeit in politically correct racist Australia (PC racist Australia) under the name of “child welfare”. A huge Aboriginal Ethnocide continues – of 350-700 languages and dialects at the time of British invasion in in 1788, only 150 survive and of these all but 20 are endangered. Indigenous Australians were finally “counted” as Australian citizens after a 1967 Referendum (having previously been “counted” under Fauna and Flora). However the hard-fought right to vote is now under attack by the Trump-inspired and deeply racist Coalition Government which is proposing to replace Australia’s world’s best electoral system with ID-based voting (many Indigenous Australians are not enrolled, live in remote areas, are impoverished and do not have the photo ID (e.g. car licence) universal for White Australians [59-61]. Australia is among world leaders in climate criminality in 16 areas, and in a 2022 report launched at COP26 was scored zero (0) and thus worst for Climate Policy among 64 polluting countries [62]. Australia’s Torres Strait islander citizens are facing loss to inundation and storms of their low-lying island homes that are subject to sea level rise, increasingly intense cyclones and storm surges. Impoverished Indigenous Australians in hot, remote areas and lacking air conditioning are facing an increasing threat of death through heat stress at temperatures of about 50C [63]. Australia 2020 GDP per capita $54,763, population 25.5M, avoidable deaths 1,564 (61.3 per M).

Bahrain. The Royal Australian Navy (RAN): “The Logistic Support Element (LSE) Middle East was established on 30 August 1990 to support Australian military operations in the region and now, after 18 years, its work continues as a testament to Australia’s enduring interests in the Middle East… On cessation of hostilities in February 1991, RAN ships remained on station to continue enforcing UN trade sanctions against the Iraqi Government under Saddam Hussein. The LSE centre of operations moved from Muscat to Bahrain to take advantage of the country’s excellent telecommunications and its position as a major transport hub. The presence of the US Navy’s Administrative Support Unit in Bahrain also allowed greater cooperation between allies” [64]. The U.S. Navy has its Middle East headquarters in Bahrain and also uses ports in the United Arab Emirates. Bahrain 2020 GDP per capita $23,504, population 1.7M, and avoidable deaths 239 (140.6 per M).

Bangladesh. Bangladesh was formerly part of British India (1757-1947) and thence of Pakistan until the 1971 Bengali Holocaust [1]. In the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine) an estimated 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Orissa (Odisha) were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity. Australia was complicit in this atrocity by withholding desperately needed grain from its Indian allies in its huge WW2 grain stores. Canada offered grain but this was rejected by mass murderer Churchill. Because of a wartime shortage of coal Argentina burned 2 million tons of wheat to run its trains. An estimated 30,000 starving women and girls in Calcutta and 300,000 elsewhere in Bengal were subject to civilian and military sexual abuse on a scale commensurate with the Comfort Women (sex slave) abuses of the Imperial Japanese Army in WW2, The Bengali Holocaust was the first WW2 holocaust atrocity to be called a holocaust [2, 58, 65]. In WW2, 1939-1945, Australians served in the RAF in India. In 1971 the US-backed West Pakistan military killed 3 million mainly men and boys and raped 300,000 Bengali women until forced to stop by India that was deluged with 10 million refugees. Fellow SEATO member Australia did not participate but no doubt would have if asked by the US (Australia was involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and deprivation) [2]. Indeed the nuclear-armed US 7th Fleet led by the carrier USS Enterprise entered the Bay of Bengal in December 1971 to threaten India over its intervention to stop the 1971 Bengali Holocaust [66]. Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality, ranks worst in the Developed World for climate change inaction, and disproportionately contributes to man-made climate change that existentially threatens Bangladesh. Bangladesh 2020 GDP per capita $1,486, population 164.7M, and avoidable deaths 117,357 (712.6 per M).

Bougainville (see Papua New Guinea). Formerly Germany-run Bougainville (North Solomons) became part of an Australian mandate after WW1. During WW2 there was major fighting led by the US to remove the Japanese. After WW2 Australia ignored ethnic, cultural and historical realities and made Bougainville part of Australia-administered Papua New Guinea (PNG) [1]. Gold was discovered in 1930 and in the 1960s huge copper ore deposits were discovered. In 1972 the huge open-cut Panguna Bougainville Copper Mine of the Australian company Conzinc Rio Tinto began production. The Panguna mine produced more than 45% of Papua New Guinea's export revenue. Bougainvilleans objected to an influx of ethnically distinct PNG workers, land alienation and pollution from the mine. In the consequent 1988-1998 Bougainville conflict (Bougainville Civil War) Australia supplied the PNG Government with Iroquois helicopters and patrol boats, and 15,000-20,000 Bougainvilleans died out of a population of 300,000, many due to lack of medical services . Referenda established overwhelmingly support for independence that was partially met by establishment of an Autonomous Bougainville Government. As a leading climate criminal country, Australia disproportionately contributes to global warming that is destroying coral reefs, damaging tropical forests and also threatening tropical Island Nations with high energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges.

Brunei (Brunei Darussalem). In June 1945, the Australian 9th Division with support from the US Navy and US Air Force landed at Muara under Operation Oboe Six to recapture Brunei and Borneo from the Japanese. After WW2, the new British Military Administration (BMA) was composed mainly of Australian officers and servicemen. In 1959 Brunei became a self-governing state, while its foreign affairs, security, and defence were run by the UK. The anti-monarchy Brunei Revolt in 1962 was suppressed by UK forces. Brunei gained its independence from the UK in 1984 [1]. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately threatens Brunei coral reefs, low lying coastal areas, and tropical forests through global warming. Brunei 2020 GDP per capita $31,086, population 0.44M, and avoidable deaths 82 (1,86.4 per M).

Cambodia. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, who had desperately tried to maintain neutrality, was overthrown in a US-backed coup in 1970. Leading up to the coup, Australia was representing US interests in Cambodia after Sihanouk broke off relations with US in 1965 (Australia similarly represented US CIA interests in the run up to the US-backed 1973 Chilean Coup).The Australian Security Intelligence Service (ASIS) took over the CIA’s network of agents. After the coup US lackey Australia gave financial aid and military advice to the US-backed Lon Nol regime [67, 68]. In 1976-1979 about 1.5 million Cambodians were killed in the Cambodian Genocide under the re-established Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1980 excess mortality 1.2 million; 1965-1998 excess mortality 3.9 million). US lackey and ally Australia was overtly involved in the US-led Indo-China War that devastated Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos [1]. Cambodia 2020 GDP per capita $1,644, population 16.7M, and avoidable deaths 12,609 (755.0 per M).

Canada. Like its White Anglosphere sister country and fellow “5-Eyes” intelligence-sharing club member, Australia, Canada was founded on the dispossession and ethnic cleansing of the Indigenous (First Nations) peoples, fervently supports Apartheid Israel, and has variously supported violent post-WW2 UK and US imperialism. During the 1942-1945 Bengal Famine (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the UK with Australian complicity), Canada offered 10,000 tons of wheat but this was rejected by racist mass murderer Churchill [58]. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to global warming that is presently severely impacting Canadian boreal forests (through die off and huge forest fires) and the Canadian Arctic (with massive loss of Arctic sea ice, approaching loss of all summer sea ice, and methane-releasing tundra melting). Canada 2020 GDP per capita $46,550, population 37.7M, avoidable deaths 2,721 (72.2 per M).

Central America (see Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia). The Central American states have the commonalities of being subject to sustained, long-term, malignant and violent US intervention; of being tropical or subtropical and threatened by climate change impacts (high energy storms, sea level rise, storm surges, drought, floods); and of major corruption and violence involving drugs. US lackey Australia is subject to massive American subversion, is disproportionately involved in climate criminality impacting all countries, and has a dominant culture of corruption ranging from neoliberal corporate corruption to US-involved illicit drugs in Vietnam and thence Afghanistan [69].

Chagos Archipelago (see Diego Garcia, Mauritius). Ruled by the UK, the Chagos Archipelago was home to the Chagossians, a Bourbonnais Creole-speaking people. Claimed by Mauritius, it was completely ethnically cleansed by the British in 1967-1973 to make way for the obscene US Diego Garcia military base that threatens the Indo-Pacific with “conventional” or nuclear destruction, and which is used by US lackey Australia in its Indo-Pacific military deployments. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have all ruled that the Chagos Archipelago should be handed back to Mauritius [70]. Italy left the genocidal Nazi Germany Axis alliance and if Australia were a decent country it would do likewise with the genocidal and nuclear terrorist AUKUS Alliance. US lackey berates China with the “rules-based order” over its island-building on uninhabited reefs in the South China Sea, but is complicit in the UK genocide of the Chagossians (the Chagossian Genocide).

Chile. As in Cambodia in 1970, US spies were expelled for subversion and its affairs were looked after by US ally and US lackey Australia. Indeed a key Australian player in the 1970 coup in Cambodia was transferred to Chile before the US-organized 1973 Chile coup. Australian Intelligence via the Australian Security and Intelligence Service (ASIS) was involved in the 1973 military coup in which the democratically-elected Allende Government was removed. President Allende died in the attack on the Presidential palace, 30,000 people were abusively imprisoned, 3,000 Chileans were killed, and Chileans had to endure years of brutal military dictatorship. Heavily redacted documents relating to Australian involvement in the Chile coup were released by the Australian Government in 2021. The Whitlam Labor Australian Government was concerned about the ASIS involvement in the Chilean coup and was itself removed in a UK- and US-backed coup on 11 November 1975. Paul Daley in The Guardian (2021): “Australia’s covert overseas spy agency, the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, opened a base in Santiago to assist in the US Central Intelligence Agency’s destabilisation of the Chilean government ahead of the bloody military coup against Salvador Allende’s socialist government 48 years ago today. Declassified Australian government documents prove that in December 1970 Liberal foreign minister and later prime minister, Billy McMahon, approved an Asis request to open the base. For 18 months from 1971, according to the US-based National Security Archive, Asis apparently conducted covert operations in Chile – including handling CIA-recruited Chilean assets in Santiago and filing intelligence reports to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The documents disclose how McMahon’s successor, Labor’s Gough Whitlam elected in December 1972, less than a year later ordered the then Asis director, William Robertson, to disband the service’s Chilean operations… Whitlam – as opposition leader in 1977 after the sacking of his government – told federal parliament of the leaks from the Hope royal commission: “It has been written – I cannot deny it – that when my government took office Australian intelligence personnel were still working as proxies and nominees of the CIA in destabilising the government of Chile”” [71].The democratically-elected governments of the following countries were overthrown in US-backed coups and replaced by military governments: Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), Dominican Republic (1963), Brazil (1964), Argentina (1966), Peru (1968), Bolivia (1969), Uruguay (1973), Chile (1973), Venezuela (2002), Haiti (2004), Palestine (2006), Honduras (2009) and Egypt (2013) [71-74]. Chile’s Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and Sala y Gómez Island have subtropical coral reefs that are threatened by global heating to which climate criminal Australia is a major contributor. Chile 2020 GDP per capita $14,896, population 19.1M, and avoidable deaths 2,450 (128.3 per M).

China. White Australia had a bad record of persecuting Chinese during the mid-19th century gold rushes, and Australian soldiers were involved in China in the Boxer Rebellion (1900-1901). In 1938 while Robert Menzies (1894-1978) was Australian Attorney General, he was given the nickname of “Pig Iron Bob” due to an industrial dispute [the Dalfram Dispute] with wharf workers who refused to load ships with scrap iron being sold to Japan, believing it would be used to make weapons to attack Australia. Pro-fascist, British imperialist, Nazi-style racist and Nazi Germany-praising Robert Menzies later became the Prime Minister of Australia, in office from 1939 to 1941 and again from 1949 to 1966. In WW2 China and Australia were allies in the war against the Japanese in which 35-40 million Chinese died in the WW2 Chinese Holocaust, the largest holocaust of WW2 [75]. Members of the Australian Gull Force were captured on Ambon in Indonesia and hundreds of them were taken by Japan to China's Hainan Island to work as slave labourers with Dutch soldiers and Chinese civilians. A third of them died in captivity from deprivation and disease but 10 reportedly escaped and joined anti-Japan Chinese guerrillas [76]. In the Korean War the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and the Australian Regular Army (ARA) were involved in fighting North Korean and Chinese forces (1950-1953) [77]. According to famed anti-racist Jewish American journalist I.F. Stone the Korean War was about finding a “excuse” for war against China and the USSR (and hence possible nuclear destruction of these countries) and removal of the communist government of “Mainland” China [78]. 28% of the North Korean population was killed and all buildings destroyed by US bombing. The US-backed Nationalists in Taiwan represented “China” at the UN until 1971. Australian Labor Opposition Leader Gough Whitlam visited China in 1971 and recognized China when elected PM in 1972. US recognized China in 1972 and the US President Nixon visited China in the same year (this “legitimizing” Whitlam’s courageous move in the eyes of US lackey Australia). Western hostility to China contributed to the 1969 Great Leap Forward famine in which 30 million Chinese died. After half a century of improving relations that eventually made China Australia’s biggest trading partner, crude jingoism and Sinophobia by the US lackey Australian Coalition Government in recent years has severely compromised diplomatic and commercial relations between Australia and China. Australia complains loudly about China tariff “retaliations”. However a “look-the-other-way” society and a world leading climate criminal country, Australia, ignores the reality that for every $1 billion of goods and services exported to China there is a $0.5 billion subsidy (dumping), a huge and inescapable Carbon Debt to be paid by future generations [79]. China like all other tropical and subtropical coastal countries is seriously threatened by global heating to which climate criminal Australia is a major and disproportionate contributor. China 2020 GDP per capita $10,004, population 1439.3M, and avoidable deaths 249,262 (173.2 per M).

Colombia. Australia is second only to the US in the world as a supporter of Apartheid Israel, and Colombia is the strongest supporter of Apartheid Israel in Latin America. Like Australia, Colombia has strong military and intelligence links with Apartheid Israel which has thus significantly contributed to the deadly Colombian civil war. Colombia is notorious as a major player in the criminal trade of cocaine (plus other illicit drugs such as opiates) to the US and other countries. However vastly less publicized is that Australia has a similar illegal drug involvement - as an ally of the US in Occupied Afghanistan, US lackey Australia was associated with the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007), and the global Opiate Holocaust in which 5.8 million people have died since 9/11 [80]. Australia is a major importer of illicit cocaine from Colombia. However I am unaware of covert illegal connections between government agents of Australia and Colombia – indeed if I were aware and revealed them I would be subject to draconian custodial punishment of up to 10 years in prison in pre-police state Australia. As a leading climate criminal country Australia impacts on the global warming-linked destruction of Colombian coral reefs and tropical rain forests. Colombia 2020 GDP per capita $6,432, population 50.9M, and avoidable deaths 14,361 (282.1 per M).

Comoros. Australia was long associated with friendly cooperation with French forces in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, although this may have been recently severely jeopardized by Australian duplicity in scrapping the $90 billion French submarine deal in favour of US-UK nuclear–powered submarines (a duplicitous process by Australia that that US president Joe Biden has described as “clumsy”; French President Emmanuel Macron when asked whether he thought Australian PM Scott Morrison was a liar, replied “I don’t think. I know”). France illegally occupies the island of Mayotte that is part of the Comoros. As a leading climate criminal country [81] Australia impacts on the global warming-linked destruction of Comoros coral reefs and high energy hurricanes (e.g. Cyclone Kenneth that severely impacted the Comoros, Mayotte, and Tanzania in 2019 as well as Malawi, Madagascar, and the Seychelles). Comoros 2020 GDP per capita $1,370, population 0.87M, and avoidable deaths 2,512 (2887.4 per M).

Cook Islands. The Cook Islands is a self-governing island country in the South Pacific Ocean in free association with New Zealand. It comprises 15 islands. New Zealand is responsible for the Cook Islands' defence and foreign affairs, but these responsibilities are exercised in consultation with the Cook Islands. Climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality [81], and thus disproportionately contributes to the global heating that threatens the Cook Islands and other tropical Island Nations.

Costa Rica. This small tropical country is an object lesson for serial war criminal and multiply climate criminal, ecocidal and speciescidal Australia in famously not having an army and having taken strong action to protect its biodiverse tropical forests. Costa Rica’s forests and coral reefs are threatened by global warming to which Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution. Costa Rica´s location between two oceans make it vulnerable to climate change. Floods and high energy storms have impacted Costa Rica in the 21st century [82]. Costa Rica 2020 GDP per capita $12,238, population 5.1M, and avoidable deaths 812 (159.2 per M).

Diego Garcia (see Chagos Archipelago and Mauritius). .

The UK continues to violate UN Resolution 73/295 that demands that the UK “withdraw its colonial administration from the Chagos Archipelago unconditionally”. Australia was one of only six states to vote against the resolution (in addition to the US, UK, Hungary, Apartheid Israel, and the Maldives). The UK has been branded an illegal colonial occupier by Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, who claims the Archipelago as Mauritian. The UK has drawn considerable international criticism over its disregard for the sovereignty claims of Mauritius. Australia supports the UK over Diego Garcia. For Australia, Diego Garcia is a US-UK strategic asset available for military operations in the Indian Ocean and beyond. In addition to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Diego Garcia anchors Australia’s presence in the Indian Ocean and provides a friendly port. As a US ally, Australia benefits from the myriad capabilities stationed on Diego Garcia, and has used the base for naval and air operations in support of Australia’s perceived interests as a violent US lackey. Australia has used Diego Garcia for military operations for many years, including use of F/A-18 Hornets and C130 Hercules Transport Aircraft [83].

Djibouti. Formerly French-ruled Djibouti hosts US, UK, France and China bases connected with maritime security and combating piracy in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Australia is involved in anti-piracy and anti-Somali naval operations. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to global heating and hence to severe drought in the region. Djibouti 2020 GDP per capita $3,252, population 0.99M, and avoidable deaths 1,354 (1,367.7 per M).

Dubai. The RAN: “In December 1990 the Australian Government authorised the RAN task group to enter the Arabian Gulf and cooperate with other allied naval forces preparing to use force to liberate Kuwait under UN Resolution 678. The LSE’s area of support and concept of operations increased accordingly. To cover the additional burden, logistic support detachments were established at the principal transport hubs of Bahrain and Dubai. While the main LSE remained at Muscat, some LSE personnel supplemented these small detachments. Operation DESERT STORM, the offensive to free Kuwait, was launched on 17 January 1991. As commercial air services in the region ceased immediately the LSE lost its primary means of supply from Australia. The air link was rapidly re-established using Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) aircraft and freight was transported either by road between Muscat and Dubai or using transport aircraft supplied by our allies” [64].

East Africa (see Eritrea, Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania). All of these countries were formerly subjects of the UK except for Mozambique (formerly ruled by Portugal). All of these countries except for Eritrea (Italian rule removed by the UK in WW2), Somalia (part Italian rule removed by the UK in WW2) and Sudan are members of the British Commonwealth. Mozambique and Rwanda are the only British Commonwealth members to never have had a constitutional link with the UK or another Commonwealth member state. Commonwealth member states must be “democracies”, but on closer inspection this term is rather loosely applied. Pakistan and Fiji were temporarily suspended after military coups, and membership was restored after restoration of democracy [84]. However no sanctions have been applied to Australia for its appalling record of participation in overt and covert moves for removal of national Indigenous governments, including democratically-elected governments (e.g. Fiji and Chile). East Africa suffered deadly famine that killed 1 million in WW1 [85]. In WW2 East Africa suffered shortages due to the 1943 halving by Churchill of Indian Ocean shipping that contributed to 6-7 million Indian deaths in the UK-imposed and Australia-complicity WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine) [58]. As a UK ally Australia was militarily involved in this region in WW2, notably in Eritrea and Somalia. East Africa is disproportionately impacted by climate change, notably by worsening drought. Thus, for example, intense and frequent droughts, floods and storms have affected livelihoods of 70 per cent of the population in Mozambique [86], and East Africa from South Africa to Somalia is impacted by worsening drought. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to this worsening disaster, and is among world leaders for the following 16 climate criminal activities or parameters: (1) annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution, (2) live methanogenic livestock exports, (3) natural gas exports, (4) recoverable shale gas reserves that can be accessed by hydraulic fracturing (fracking), (5) coal exports, (6) land clearing, deforestation and ecocide, (7) speciescide or species extinction, (8) coral reef destruction , (9) whale killing and extinction threat through global warming impacting on krill stocks , (10) terminal carbon pollution budget exceedance, (11) per capita Carbon Debt, (12) ultimately GHG generating iron ore exports, (13) climate change inaction, (14) climate genocide and approach towards omnicide and terracide, (15) increasing Domestic GHG pollution despite Paris commitments to lower GHG pollution, and (16) complicity in 9 million annual air pollution deaths from burning carbon fuels, Australia’s share being 75,000 overseas and 10,000 Domestically. Australia with a mere 0.33% of the world’s population contributes about 5.4% of global GHG pollution (including that due to the burning of Australia’s world leading gas and coal exports) [66, 87]. Of critical significance, a murderously climate criminal Australia fervently rejects a Price on Carbon and is thus involved in massive and deadly theft at the expense of all countries and in particular impoverished countries of the Indo-Pacific. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) regards adoption of a Carbon Price as a key climate action and warns that non-adoption of a modest Carbon Price of up to $75 per ton of CO2-equivalent by would cause 4 million pollution deaths by 2030. Leading experts have estimated a damage-related Carbon Price of $200 per tonne CO2 equivalent but the IMF has estimated that the world average applied price is merely $2 per tonne CO2-equivalent. This deadly gap illustrates why leading economist Lord Stern described climate change inaction as “the greatest market failure in history”. I have translated the 3 Laws of Thermodynamics - (1) conservation of energy, (2) entropy (disorder, chaos, lack of information content) increases to a maximum, and (3) zero motion at Absolute Zero - to Polya’s 3 Laws of Economics, to whit (1) Profit = Price minus Cost of Production, (2) Deceit about Cost of Production increases to a maximum, and (3) no life, work, price or profit on a dead Planet [88-93].

Ecuador. Australian climate criminality disproportionately impacts all coastal and Island Nations. Global warning may lead to more intense El Nino events and climate change impacting the remarkable biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands. Pre-COP26 global 2030 emissions reduction promises indicate a catastrophic temperature rise of abut 3C that would devastate Ecuador from the Galapagos Islands and coastal regions to biodiverse tropical rain forests. Global warming and ocean acidification will devastate coral reefs. Philip Agee’s book “CIA Diary. Inside the Company” describes CIA subversion of Ecuadorean political figures - Australian readers would strongly surmise, for example, that former Australian Labor PM Bob Hawke, Bob Santamaria (a key Catholic anti-Communist who kept Labor out of power for 2 decades), a former head of the Country Party (National Party), and the Australian Governor General Sir John Kerr (who notoriously removed the democratically-elected Whitlam Government in 1975 with UK, US and Coalition support) were all US “assets” [94]. Indeed Wikileaks identified 2 key Labor figures involved in the US-approved and pro-Zionist-led Coup against Labor PM Kevin Rudd as “US assets” reporting internal Labor Caucus and Labor Government deliberations to the US Embassy in Canberra. Ecuador 2020 GDP per capita $6,184, population 17.6M, and avoidable deaths 7,113 (404.1 per M).

Egypt. In WW1 (1914-1918) British-ruled Egypt was the initial base for the First Australian Imperial Force (AIF) and for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) sent to invade Turkey at Gallipoli in 1915. In WW2 the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) was involved in the Battle of El Alamein and elsewhere in Egypt, 1942-1943). During 1940 and 1941, three infantry divisions and other units assigned to I Corps of the Second Australian Imperial Force (AIF) were sent to the Middle East, where they took part in several campaigns against German and Italian forces under Rommel in Egypt and Libya (most famously the battles of El Alamein led by Tasmania-raised General Bernard “Monty” Montgomery and with the famous “Rats of Tobruk” holding Tobruk by resisting the Axis forces in their siege of Tobruk). The AIF was also located to Palestine for rest, training and defeating Vichy French forces in Syria. Following the outbreak of war in the Pacific, the corps headquarters and the 6th and 7th Divisions were returned to Australia in early 1942 to reinforce the defence of Australia. The Australian Government agreed to UK and US requests to temporarily retain the 9th Australian Division in the Middle East in exchange for the deployment of more US Army units to Australia and British support for a proposal to expand the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to 73 flying squadrons. The 9th Division played an important role in the First Battle of El Alamein during July 1942 and the Second Battle of El Alamein between 23 October and 4 November 1942. Australian Government decided in October 1942 to recall the 9th Division to Australia. The dangerous convoy operation to bring the 9th Division back to Australia from Egypt was called Operation Pamphlet [95]. Australia under British Imperialist and pre-war pro-Fascist PM Robert “Pig Iron Bob” Menzies supported the UK, France and internationalisation of the Suez Canal, warning Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser that the UK and France might need to resort to force. After the UK, France and Apartheid Israel invasion of Egypt, Australia and New Zealand were the only 2 countries to vote with the UK, France and Apartheid Israel against the General Assembly resolution 997 demanding an immediate ceasefire (there were 6 abstentions). Egypt cut relations with Australia but Apartheid Israel later named a forest on ethnically cleansed Palestinian land after Menzies. Australia is second only to America as a supporter of nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel, and has had a consistent anti-Arab anti-Semitic policies against Arab and Muslim countries ranging from egregious anti-Arab anti-Semitism via “anti-terrorism laws” at home and violent participation in the US War on Terror (aka the US War on Muslims). Egypt 2020 GDP per capita $3,161, population 102.3M, and avoidable deaths 66,333 (648.4 per M).

El Salvador. Severe deforestation and land degradation have negatively impacted agricultural lands, increasing the country’s vulnerability to climate variability and change. El Salvador has seen a steady increase in extreme events (storms, floods and droughts) during the last 30 years. The Pacific coastline is already experiencing rising sea levels and it is expected that 10–28 percent of the country’s coastal zone territory will be lost by the end of the century. Coastal areas, home to over 30 percent of the population, are highly vulnerable to the combination of sea level rise and El Niño events. El Salvador 2020 GDP per capita $4,187, population 6.5M, and avoidable deaths 2,494 (383.7 per M).

Eritrea. The three POWs from the RAN HMAS Hobart captured in WW2 operations out of Berbera, British Somaliland, were recovered from Adi Ugri in Eritrea on 29 April 1941 after Italian East Africa fell to the British [97]. Eritrea gained independence in 1950 via federation with Ethiopia and thence independence from Ethiopia in 1993. Climate criminal Australia is disproportionately responsible for global heating and ocean acidification that are killing coral world-wide, but Eritrea and other countries in the Red Sea appear to have heat-resistant algae that make the corals heat-resistant [98]. Eritrea 2020 GDP per capita $567, population 3.5M, and avoidable deaths 5,754 (1,644.0 per M).

Fiji. Fiji was a British colony from 1874-1970. It was involved in the South Pacific war effort in WW2. Australians were heavily involved in the sugar industry and in the associated 1879-1920 exploitation of Indian indentured labour (5-year slaves), and in the recruitment through violence or deceit (blackbirding) of South Pacific Melanesians (kanakas) to work Fiji and Queensland sugar cane fields. In 1863 there was Australian “blackbirding” in the eastern Lau Islands for slave labour for sugar cane plantations. Australian blackbirding and other activities were associated with huge deaths from introduced disease (40,000 out of 150,000 Fijian died from introduced measles in 1875) [1]. In WW1 the RAN was in Fiji in 1917-1919. The Tasmanian and thence New Zealand SS Talune brought deadly influenza to Fiji in 1918-1919. By the 1980s the descendants of the Indian indentured labourers (called “Girmityas” from mispronunciation of “Agreement”) were 50% of the population of Fiji, this creating tensions exploited by the racist, malignant and anti-democratic governments of the US, Australia and Apartheid Israel. In 1987 US lackey Australia was secretly involved with US and Apartheid Israel in the “bloodless” 1987 Fiji Coup that removed the democratically-elected, multi-racial Fiji Labour Government led by Dr Timoci Bavadra. The US strongly opposed the Fijian demand for a nuclear-free South Pacific and the CIA was actively involved in Fiji. Australian Governments regarded Fiji and the South Pacific as “our patch” ( in the words of John Howard, Coalition PM of Australia from 1996-2007). Dr Gopal Nair: “Time magazine also asserted that a ship formerly owned by Baron Offshore Ltd., a company linked to the parent company of EGM, was covertly transporting Israeli Uzi machine guns to Fiji. It is curious that prior to the coup and up to 25 September 1987 Israel maintained a low-level trade mission in Fiji but boosted its presence after the coup to full embassy status. Fiji hardly conducted any trade with Israel, and its Israeli Foreign Affairs magazine noted that ‘Israeli army officers are helping Fiji military coup leader (then) Col. Sitiveni Rabuka with surveillance and intelligence work”” [99]. This supports anecdotal evidence from the Sydney Jewish Zionist community that Apartheid Israel smuggled advanced weapons into Fiji via Australia disguised as agricultural piping. Australia ensured that the Commander of the Fiji Armed Forces had been invited to Australia at the time of the Coup [39]. William Blum in “Rogue State” unequivocally ascribed the 1987 Coup to the US [74]. 100,000 Fiji Indians fled to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US in what must be described as a US-, Australia- and Apartheid Israel-complicit ethnic cleansing of Fiji Indians analogous to the ethnic cleansing of Indians from Uganda under Idi Amin. Apartheid Israel was involved in the subsequent race-based 2000 Fiji Coup that, led by Australian George Speight, removed the multi-racial and democratically-elected Mahendra Chaudhry Fiji Labour Government. As revealed in the trial of a leading Coup participant, and reported by Radio New Zealand, the Apartheid Israeli Embassy supplied the Coup participants with advanced weapons [100-102]. There is good reason to suppose that the US and Zionist-subverted Australia (second only to Zionist-subverted America as supporter of Apartheid Israel) were also involved with Apartheid Israel in the 2000 Fiji Coup as in the 1987 Fiji Coup. There is extraordinary silence about the Fiji Coups in US-beholden and look-the-other-way Australia. Indeed there is only 1 reference to Israel in Brain Toohey’s otherwise excellent book “Secret” [25]. As a leading climate criminal country (worst out of 64 polluting countries for climate policy) Australia is disproportionately responsible for global heating and ocean acidification that are killing coral worldwide and for global warming-exacerbated sea level rise, high energy cyclones and storm surges that threaten all tropical Island Nations. While Fiji under PM Frank Bainimarama has been outspoken at World forums over the existential threat from climate change, a mendacious, racist and climate criminal Australia has helped sabotage successive UN climate conferences (most recently COP26) and successive South Pacific Forum and Pacific Islands Forum meetings [103, 104]. Fiji 2020 GDP per capita $4,295, population 0.9M, and avoidable deaths 607 (674.4 per M).

France (see New Caledonia, French Polynesia). Australia fought Vichy French forces in Syria in WW2. Post-WW2, France as a NATO country was allied with the US, UK and Canada, and thence was a “friend” of Australia and New Zealand that are members of the Anglosphere 5-eyes intelligence-sharing club (the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), and of the Australia New Zealand and US (ANZUS) Treaty organization (New Zealand was excluded on account of its ethical opposition to visits of nuclear-armed warships). As a “friendly’ , US- and UK-allied White power in the Indo-Pacific (French-occupied Mayotte of the Comoros, French Polynesia, New Caledonia) France was close to Australia militarily, culturally and diplomatically. Indeed in a speech in French in Australia, a French leader inadvertently referred to Australian cooperation with the French deployment of the nuclear “force de frappe”. As with White Australia’s Aboriginal Genocide, French colonialism in the South Pacific was associated with horrendous de-population by disease of New Caledonia, Vanuatu and French Polynesia. However that French-Australian cosiness has now changed with US lackey Australia stabbing France in the back over the recent AUKUS (Australia, UK and US) deal in which an untrustworthy, dishonest and Australia tore up a $90 billion submarine deal with France, an action that France described as “duplicitous”. Perhaps Franco-Australian relations will be restored eventually but the corrupt and dishonest and untrustworthy Australian Coalition has seriously changed its relations with 2 of its White Allies in the South Pacific (France and New Zealand) by opting instead for US-UK nuclear-powered submarines. It should be noted that the deal for diesel-run French submarines could have readily switched to being run on low-enriched uranium, whereas the UK-US submarines will be run on highly-enriched uranium, this being contentious for the decent New Zealanders and indeed all decent folk opposed to nuclear terrorism [2, 105]. France 2020 GDP per capita $40,319, population 65.3M, and avoidable deaths 3,357 (51.4 per M).

French Polynesia (see France). The massive depopulation of French Polynesia by introduced disease, and the radionuclide pollution of the South Pacific by French nuclear tests is mirrored in the (ongoing) Australian Aboriginal Genocide and intimate Australian involvement in UK nuclear weapons testing and intimate complicity in US nuclear terrorism that will be enhanced by the AUKUS deal involving Australia, the UK and the US. Australia has supported French, UK and US nuclear terrorism by rejecting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that came into force for ratifying nations in 2021. The Australian Labor Party has promised to support the TPNW if elected but it is highly likely that the US will prevent US lackey Australia from adopting this highly moral stance [105]. Low lying islands of French Polynesia are already subject to damage from sea level rise, high energy cyclones, storm surges and coral bleaching due to global heating to which climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution. French Polynesia 2020 GDP per capita $21,567, population 0.28M, and avoidable deaths 36 (128.6 per M).

Guam. This strategically located island was successively ruled by the Spanish, the US, the Japanese in WW2 and then again by the US after defeat of the Japanese in WW2. In 1950 the inhabitants were granted US citizenship, but in 1973 the UN urged independence. In 1982 there was a 75% plebiscite vote for a US-Guam association scheme, and in 1987 there was a new form of association with the Guam residents US citizens, an elected governor, no Congressman and 1/3 of the island devoted to a major US air base and naval base threatening China and North Korea. Guam is threatened by global warming, sea level rise and high intensity tropical hurricanes. The Occupier US has 5,800 nuclear weapons (some no doubt on Guam), opposes the TPNW and has made Guam (like the key US-Australian Pine Gap base near Alice Springs in Central Australia) a prime nuclear target for total thermonuclear destruction. Climate criminal and pro-nuclear terrorism Australia disproportionately contributes to the serious threats to Guam from nuclear weapons and climate change. Guam 2020 GDP per capita $30,000, population 0.17M, and avoidable deaths 37 (217.6 per M).

Guatemala. Climate change in Guatemala is a serious issue because Guatemala is considered one of 10 nations considered most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In 2010 Guatemala was ranked second in the world on the Global Climate Risk Index, which indicates the level of exposure and vulnerability to extreme events. Both commercial agricultural production and subsistence farming have decreased. About 300,000 subsistence farmers reported crop loss due to drought in 2018, noting that about half of Guatemala's workforce is involved in agriculture. Poor crop yields due to climate change have been identified as a factor in mass migration to the US. Australia disproportionately contributes to global heating that threatens forested and coastal areas of Guatemala. Guatemala does not have coral reefs to be destroyed by global warming. Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel which was complicit in the US-backed Guatemalan Indian Genocide. Guatemala 2020 GDP per capita $4,363, population 17.9M, and avoidable deaths 14,387 (803.7 per M).

Honduras. Climate change is a major threat for Honduras as it is one of the countries most at risk from climate change. The frequency of natural disasters in Honduras, such as floods, mudslides, tropical storms and high energy hurricanes, is increasing as global heating worsens. Over 40 percent of Hondurans work in the agricultural sector, which is impacted by increasing temperatures and reduced rainfall. However, agriculture could be dramatically impacted, which can hurt certain households in Honduras. Sanitation and food access is a major issue that is increasing due to climate change, as well as the loss of habitats for endangered species. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to global heating that threatens Honduras and other Central American countries. While climate criminal Australia is destroying the iconic Great Barrier Reef, Honduras does not have coral reefs to be thus destroyed. US-manipulated and violated Honduras was a key country in violent US subversion of Central America, noting that fervently Australia-backed Apartheid Israel was involved in the Guatemala Indian Genocide and the US-backed right wing Contra terrorism in Nicaragua. Honduras 2020 GDP per capita $2,575, population 9.9M, and avoidable deaths 5,838 (589.7 per M).

India. Australia was “discovered” and claimed for Britain (1770), founded as a UK penal colony (1788), and from then onwards substantially ethnically cleansed of its Indigenous inhabitants. This genocidal, ethnocidal, speciescidal and ecocidal violation of the whole of Island Continent Australia commenced at a time in the 18th century when the UK and France were fighting for control of the Indian subcontinent. Australian members from British regiments stationed in Australia saw action in India and Afghanistan pre-1901. As super-loyal subjects of the British Empire, White Australians were thus variously complicit in the 2 century Indian Holocaust in which 1,800 million Indians died avoidably from imposed deprivation [108]. This passive mass murder of Indians by the British was regularly punctuated by horrendous famine events from the 1769-1770 Great Bengal Famine (10 million starved to death) to the 1942-1945 WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 India Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine) in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons in Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Assam by the British with Australian complicity. This horrendous atrocity was associated with military and civilian sexual abuse of starving women and girls on a huge scale. White Australia was deeply complicit in this atrocity by denying food from its huge wartime wheat stores for its starving ally India that had contributed 2.5 million soldiers to the Allied war effort against Germany, Italy and Japan. During WW2 Australia produced 24 million tonnes of grain but only 9.4 million tonnes were exported with as little as 0.3 million tonnes reaching starving India. Before the war Indian depended upon grain imports to cover production deficits. Indeed in 1935 Churchill made the following statement to the British House of Commons: “In the standard of life they have nothing to spare. The slightest fall from the present standard of life in India means slow starvation, and the actual squeezing out of life, not only of millions but of scores of millions of people, who have come into the world at your invitation and under the shield and protection of British power.” The British knew that decreased food availability per se or through price increases would doom millions to starvation. Following the example of the perpetrator Churchill who removed any mention of the Bengal Famine from his voluminous writings (for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953), successive generations of Anglosphere, British and Australian historians have deleted the 2 century Indian Holocaust and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust from history [58, 65,109-111]. In WW2, 1939-1945, Australians served in the RAF in India, and the AIF and RAN transited via Bombay. Tropical and sub-tropical India is already suffering huge impacts from man-made climate change, including elevated precipitation in the South, drought in the north, sea level rise, high energy cyclones and storm surges, noting that climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution to the worsening global heating and climate genocide. India suffers from massive mortality from air pollution due to the burning of fossil fuels [112]. It is estimated that 1.4 million Indians will eventually die from the burning of coal from the life-time, full-scale operation of the Adani coal mine in Queensland, Australia. Presently 1 million people die from climate change each year but in the absence of requisite action it is estimated that 10 billion people, including about 3 billion Indians, will die avoidably this century en route to a sustainable world population in 2100 of only 1 billion [5]. India 2020 GDP per capita $2,116, population $1,380.0M, and avoidable deaths 1,213,300 (879.2 per M).

Indonesia. In WW2 the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) was involved in Indonesia in 1944, and the AIF was involved in the Borneo Campaign in 1944. In 1964-1966 Australian forces were involved with UK forces in the Confrontation with Indonesia [1]. Fearing non-aligned and progressive Soekarno’s newly-independent and populous Indonesia, egregiously racist and serial invader White Australia sought to get the US to invade Indonesia. The US declined and instead Australia and the US backed Islamist rebels in Indonesia. Brian Toohey: “The US National Archives show that at the ANZUS military representatives’ meeting in Melbourne on 23 January 1956, Australia wanted treaty members to prepare for an invasion of Indonesia. But at a meeting on 26 May that year the US military’s joint chiefs of staff made it clear that they opposed “overt military intervention in Indonesia”… However, the US fostered a rebellion in Sumatra and Sulawesi by giving covert support to Islamist parties…the agency [CIA] managed to arm a rebel group of 42,000 and Australia was expected to supply administrative and medical help if the rebels succeeded” (pages 132-133 [25]). The US rejected the crude Western imperialist approach advocated by Australia for a subtle approach of subverting Indonesia and the Indonesian military. In 1965 the US-backed military operating on the US-inspired false “excuse” of a Communist coup violently took over the country - 1 million Indonesians were killed (mainly progressive and educated Indonesians and many ethnic Chinese) and 0.2 million were abusively imprisoned. Under the violent, corrupt and US- and Australia-backed Suharto dictatorship (1965-1999) about 33 million Indonesians died avoidably from imposed deprivation [1]. Australia engaged in military cooperation with Indonesia (notably with Kopassus, the Indonesian Special Forces), supported the 1975 invasion of East Timor (200,000 killed out of a population of 600,000 in the Timorese Genocide), and supported the annexation of East Timor. Despite these deplorable complicities with the Suharto dictatorship, successive Australian Governments failed to build a strong relationship with Australia’s next door neighbour, possibly due to entrenched but unacknowledged White Australian racism (it might have helped if the Indonesians played cricket like the Indians). Indeed in 2013 it was revealed by US NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden that Australia's intelligence gathering in Indonesia went as far as spying on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's phone in August 2009 that targeted his wife and his inner circle [113, 114]. While the 1901-1973 White Australia Policy was formally terminated during the term of the Whitlam Labor Government, it has been replaced by a publicly unacknowledged “New White Australia Policy” in which people from White and “honorary White” countries are readily favoured for visas whereas people from non-White and “insufficiently White” countries have to go through arduous processes before they will even be considered and then only as potential visa violators. Australia repeatedly violated Indonesian territorial waters by forcibly returning refugee laden boasts to Indonesia [115]. From 2013 onwards refugees not thus returned or “turned around” were highly abusively and indefinitely imprisoned without charge or trial in concentration camps in Nauru and PNG. Indonesia 2020 GDP per capita $4,136, population 273.5M, and avoidable deaths 154,130 (563.5 per M).

Iran. In WW2 the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) supported UK action against neutral Iran in 1941. After the Iranian Revolution that deposed the US-backed Shah, Zionist-subverted US lackey Australia adopted a hostile attitude to Iran. It later followed the US in applying sanctions on Iran. According to Australia’s DFAT: “Between 2006 and 2010, the UNSC passed five resolutions imposing sanctions in relation to Iran in response to Iran’s refusal to suspend its uranium enrichment program. On 20 July 2015, the UNSC adopted Resolution 2231, which endorsed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The Resolution took effect on 16 January 2016. Under the Resolution, previous sanctions were terminated but measures that restrict certain activities were imposed. Australia implements United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions by incorporating them into Australian law. In addition, Australia imposes autonomous sanctions in relation to Iran, which complement the UNSC sanctions” [116]. Of course Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australia did not apply any sanctions on serial invader and nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel that has 90 nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems. However US lackey Australia sanctioned Iran even though Iran was (and is) the leading country in the world for interdiction of Afghan opiates [117]. Since the removal of the US-backed Shah in the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the US has enacted 4 decades of deadly hostility to Iran through sanctions and violence that can be described as a 4-decade US War on Iran. 1 million Iranians died in the 1980-1988 US-backed Iran-Iraq War and 3 million Iranians died avoidably from deprivation in 4 decades of variously applied sanctions. Now UK machinations, US sanctions with threats of “obliteration”, and Apartheid Israeli bombing of Iranian facilities in Syria and Iraq threaten a devastating hot war of 3 nuclear powers against a peaceful and non-nuclear-armed Iran [117]. Occupied Afghanistan-derived, opiate-related deaths of 5.2 million people since 9/11 is a US-imposed Opiate Holocaust that is similar in magnitude to the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence or imposed deprivation). The UNODC reports the annual drug-related deaths of 15-64 year olds in 2017 in the following “White” countries of the US Alliance and of the Anglosphere “5-Eyes” Intelligence Club, with opioids being the leading cause of death: the US (70,237), Canada (3,998), UK (3,394), Australia (1,899), Germany (1,333), France (257), and New Zealand (261). By way of comparison, the figures are as follows for some further entities: the World (585,000), China (25,727), Russia (7,529), Iran (3,021), Vietnam (2,184), Kenya (1,338), Indonesia (447), Myanmar (275), Uzbekistan (220), Kazakhstan (141), Mexico (113), and Afghanistan (16) (no data for Pakistan and India) [118]. One notes that jihadi psychopaths have only killed 4 Australians since 9/11. Iran 2020 GDP per capita $7,282, population 84.0M, and avoidable deaths 28,104 (334.6 per M).

Iraq. The British invaded oil-rich Iraq in 1914, with the Australian Flying Corps (AFC) precursor to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) becoming involved in 1915. During WW2 the RAN was involved in Basra in the 1941Anglo-Iraq War. In 1990-2003 the RAN was involved in Sanctions against Iraq that resulted in 1.7 million Iraqi deaths from imposed deprivation, about half of them children. In 1996 US UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright conceded that 0.5 million Iraqi children had died and that “the price was worth it”. Australian forces served in Iraqi Kurdistan in 1991. The RAN was involved in the 1990-1991 Gulf War in which 0.2 million Iraqis were killed. Australia, the UK and the US were primarily involved in the illegal and genocidal invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003-2011 in which there were 1.5 million Iraqi violent deaths, and 1.2 million Iraqi deaths from war-imposed deprivation. Serial war criminal American and US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, had falsely justified the invasion before the UN on the basis of Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), a total falsehood also promulgated by UK PM Tony Blair and Australian PM John Howard [119-121] . John Valder, a former Federal president of John Howard’s Liberal Party, stated of Howard (2004) “"Bush, Blair, and Howard, as leaders of the three members of the coalition of the willing, inflicted enormous suffering on the people of Iraq. And, as such, they are criminals. I believe the only deterrent to a repetition of the Iraq situation is punishment in some form as war criminals” [122]. Australia's Pine Gap is key to targeting US drone strikes on Iraq and other countries (from 2008 onwards). With the rise of the barbarous Sunni ISIS terrorist group in Iraq and Syria, the RAAF resumed bombing in Iraq in 2014- 2019 during which time the huge and ancient Iraqi cities of Mosul and Fallujah were destroyed. In 2020 the Iraqi Parliament requested that Western forces leave but the request was ignored by the US, UK and racist White Australia. Iraq 2020 GDP per capita $5,730, population 40.2M, and avoidable deaths 42,065 (1046.4 per M).

Island Nations (see Comoros, Chagos Archipelago, Diego Garcia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Reunion, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Timor Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu). Tropical Island nations are already being seriously damaged by man-made climate change to which climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution, notably through coral bleaching, sea level rise, high energy cyclones and storm surges.

Israel (see Apartheid Israel). Australia played a key role in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the British, the Zionists and Apartheid Israel through the key victory of the Australian Light Horse over the Turks at Beersheba (30 November 1917); the UK Balfour Declaration granting Palestine to the genocidally racist Zionists (2 days later on 2 December 1917); the WW1 Palestinian Famine (100,000 died); the Surafend Massacre of 100 Palestinian men and boys by Australian and New Zealand ANZAC soldiers (1918); the WW2 presence of Australian forces in Palestine; and Australian support for creation of the State of Israel (but not the State of Palestine) by the UN, notably through the Australian UN President Dr Herbert Vere Evatt. Australia supported the UK, France and Apartheid Israel invasion of Egypt in 1956. Australia under Christian Zionist PM Scott Morrison is second only to Zionist-subverted America as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel – it supports the anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and holocaust-denying IHRA; has proscribed popularly-supported and Lebanon-defending Hezbollah in its entirety as a “terrorist organization”, and is under US, Zionist, and Apartheid Israeli pressure to act similarly in relation to popularly-supported and Palestine-defending Hamas; it has variously joined the US, UK and Apartheid Israel in making devastating war on Muslim countries, namely Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan. The joint Australia-US Pine Gap bases in Central Australia is crucial for US nuclear terrorism and also targets war criminal US drone strikes on 7 Muslim countries from Africa to South Asia in the interests of US and Apartheid Israeli “security”. In recognition of Australia’s fervent support for Apartheid Israel this nuclear terrorist rogue state has named forests on ethnically cleansed Palestinian land after former PMs Robert Menzies (a racist British imperialist) , Bob Hawke (a fervently pro-Zionist “US asset”) , and John Howard (who was involved in the illegal invasion and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan) [39-57]. A former Israeli ambassador to Australia, Naftali Ophir, offensively and unwisely articulated his view of the relationship between Apartheid Israel and White Australia thus: “Israel and Australia are like sisters in Asia. We are in Asia without the characteristics of Asians. We don’t have yellow skin and slanted eyes. Asia is basically the yellow race. Australia and Israel are not - we are basically the white race. We are on the western side of Asia and they are on the southeastern side. Israel has not fully acknowledged the value of working together with Australia in Asia. It’s a way for us to cooperate with and enhance our position in the countries neighboring Australia” [123]. Israel 2020 GDP per capita $46,371, population 8.7M, and avoidable deaths 716 (82,3 per M).

Jordan. In 1991 the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) was involved in Jordanian waters. The RAN: “Australian operations subsequently [1991] moved to the northern Red Sea, where RAN ships were inspecting all merchant traffic entering the Jordanian port of Aqaba” [64]. Australia is second only to Zionist-subverted America as a supporter of nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, serial war criminal and anti-Arab anti-Semitic Apartheid Israel that has violently crippled Jordan and much of the Arab world through war and millions of Palestinian refugees. Jordan is threatened with worsening drought from man-made climate change to which climate criminal Australia is a disproportionately high contributor. Jordan 2020 GDP per capita $4,405, population 10.2M, and avoidable deaths 4,879 (478.3 per M).

Kenya. Kenya was a British colony from 1883-1963, gaining its independence after the 1952-1960 Kikuyu Mau Mau Emergency in which 0.3 million Kenyans were imprisoned in concentration camps and 1 million were held in “enclosed villages”. 0.1 million Kenyans were killed or otherwise died in horrendous custody. Avoidable deaths from deprivation totalled 1.1 million for the period 1952-1960. Australia was a fervently loyal ally of the UK in WW2 and thence after WW2. During WW2 the RAN the cruiser HMAS Shropshire was involved in escort duties in East Africa and she was employed on patrol and escort duties between Capetown, Durban, Mombasa and Aden. In 1941 HMAS Shropshire operated against Italian Somaliland, bombarding Mogadishu and Kismaya during the advance of the South African Army from Kenya to Abyssinia [124]. In 2014-2021 drought has severely impacted Kenya with 2.4 million people now severely affected [125]. Climate criminal Australia is disproportionately responsible for global warming that is driving disastrous drought in East Africa and the Sahel. Kenya 2020 GDP per capita $1,817, population 53.8M, and avoidable deaths 92,180 (1,713.4 per M).

Kiribati. This low lying coral atoll archipelago was a UK colony (the Gilbert Islands part of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands) in the period 1892-1979. In WW2 it was invaded by the Japanese who were thence removed by US forces from Tuvalu. In the late 1950s and early 1960, Christmas Island was used by the US and UK for nuclear weapons testing including hydrogen bombs, noting that Australia was and is deeply complicit in UK and US nuclear terrorism. Australia rejects the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that came into force for ratifying nations in 2021. The Australian Labor Party has promised to support the TPNW if elected but it is likely that US lackey Australia will cave in to US pressure. Existentially threatened by climate change via more energetic hurricanes, rising sea level, storm surges and salinization; only 1.8 metres above sea level at its highest, Kiribati (population 120,000) may disappear this century. Kiribati and other tropical Island Nations desperately speak out at the UN, the Pacific Islands Forum and the South Pacific Forum, but are countermanded and betrayed at these important fora by climate criminal Australia that is among world leaders in16 areas of climate criminality and is committed to terracidal fossil fuel exploitation “for decades”. Kiribati 2020 GDP per capita $1,655, population 0.12M, and avoidable deaths 227 (1,819.7 per M).

Korea (see North Korea, South Korea). In the Korean War the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and the Australian Regular Army (ARA) were involved in fighting North Korean and Chinese forces (1950-1953) [126]. The US Navy, Republic of Korea Navy and the Royal Australia Navy regularly participate in maritime training exercises throughout the 7th Fleet area of operations in an effort to maintain “security and stability” throughout the Indo-Asia-Pacific. US lackey Australia maintains sanctions against North Korea over its possession of nuclear weapons, but in stark contrast is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel that has some 90 nuclear weapons as well as missile delivery systems.

Kuwait. RAN: “In December 1990 the Australian Government authorised the RAN task group to enter the Arabian Gulf and cooperate with other allied naval forces preparing to use force to liberate Kuwait under UN Resolution 678. The LSE’s area of support and concept of operations increased accordingly. To cover the additional burden, logistic support detachments were established at the principal transport hubs of Bahrain and Dubai. While the main LSE remained at Muscat, some LSE personnel supplemented these small detachments. Operation DESERT STORM, the offensive to free Kuwait, was launched on 17 January 1991. As commercial air services in the region ceased immediately the LSE lost its primary means of supply from Australia. The air link was rapidly re-established using Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) aircraft and freight was transported either by road between Muscat [Oman] and Dubai or using transport aircraft supplied by our allies… On cessation of [Gulf War] hostilities in February 1991, RAN ships remained on station to continue enforcing UN trade sanctions against the Iraqi Government under Saddam Hussein. The LSE centre of operations moved from Muscat to Bahrain to take advantage of the country’s excellent telecommunications and its position as a major transport hub. The presence of the US Navy’s Administrative Support Unit in Bahrain also allowed greater cooperation between allies” [64]. 200,000 Iraqis were killed in the Gulf War arising from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait that was green-lighted by the US. Kuwait 2020 GDP per capita $31,999, population 4.3M, and avoidable deaths 576 (134.0 per M).

Laos. The South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) members the UK, Australia and New Zealand were involved in the US-led Secret War in Laos 1954-1975. R. Bach: “The thesis examines the building of the Operation Crown airfield near Leong Nok Tha and the Post Crown Works road networks in Thailand over the 1962-68 period, and the rotation of many engineer units and support services from Britain, Australia and New Zealand. This infrastructure was part of the US-led SEATO military build-up in Thailand. Crown was also used for commando incursions into Laos across the Mekong River. Participation in the SEATO alliance included staffing of the SEATO Headquarters in Bangkok; planning of an invasion, occupation and partition of Laos; and planning and participating in major SEATO exercises designed to rehearse the intended invasion. The plans also involved Britain contributing nuclear weapons. The invasion was eventually abandoned due to the divergent views, limited commitment of SEATO allies, and the US failure to consult. The study also describes Britain and Australia’s provision of counterinsurgency warfare advisers and how these individuals worked with special forces, mercenaries, and ethnic minorities to carry out covert warfare. These Anglosphere advisers also provided the US with strategic advice based on Britain’s experience in Kenya and Malaya. These counterinsurgency activities included ‘Hearts and Minds’ projects, but also the coercive removal of civilians from their traditional ancestral farming land. They set up strategic hamlets and refugee camps, destroyed food, crops, domestic animals, homes and property, and carried out the interrogation of prisoners. Eventually, advisers from Britain and Australia joined the leadership of the Phoenix Program, which assassinated 20,000 to 30,000 suspected communist sympathisers in South Việt Nam… The British, Australian and New Zealand contributions to the war were a whole of government undertaking. There were connections between the ‘big’ conventional war that included massive bombing and invasion plans, as well as the ‘small’ covert unconventional guerrilla counterinsurgency wars in Laos and throughout Indochina that were part of the regional war of resistance to decolonisation” [127, 128]. The US Alliance succeeded in regime change in Laos in 1960 but this was reversed by the communist Pathet Lao in 1973. More bombs were dropped by the US on Laos than the bombs dropped on Europe in WW2. In 1973 the Pathet Lao forced US advisers and Thai mercenaries to leave and by 1975 Laos became free of foreigners under the Sufanuvong Communist Pathet Lao government (1955-1975 excess mortality 1.1 million) [1]. Laos 2020 GDP per capita $2,625, population 7,3M, and avoidable deaths 10,129 (1,387.5 per M).

Madagascar. The French ruled Madagascar from 1885-1960. In WW2 there was an Allied including Royal Australian Navy (RAN) presence. The visit of HMAS Newcastle to Diego Suarez (Antsiranana) port in 2017 was the first Royal Australian Navy ship to visit Madagascar since the Second World War [129]. After 4 years of drought Madagascar is facing catastrophic famine linked to climate change. The BBC: “Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world's first "climate change famine", according to the United Nations, which says tens of thousands of people are already suffering "catastrophic" levels of hunger and food insecurity after four years without rain. The drought - the worst in four decades - has devastated isolated farming communities in the south of the country, leaving families to scavenge for insects to survive” [130]. Climate criminal Australia is a disproportionately huge contributor to global warming. Madagascar 2020 GDP per capita $523, population 27.7M, and avoidable deaths 47,909 (1,729.6 per M).

Malaysia. Australian forces fought with British and Indian forces against the Japanese in Malaya in WW2, and were subsequently involved with the UK in the Malaya Emergency (against Malayan Communists) and with British forces in the Confrontation against Indonesia. US lackey Australia disliked non-aligned Malaysia, with Australian Labor PM Paul Keating famously describing Malaysian PM Dr Mahathir Mohamed as “recalcitrant”. As a leading climate criminal country Australia impacts Malaysia’s over-exploited and dwindling tropical rainforests. Australia excluded non-Europeans through the “Ministerial prerogative” accorded by the racist 1901-1973 “White Australia Policy”. Malaysia 2020 GDP per capita $11,414, population 32.4M, and avoidable deaths 4,817 (148.7 per M).

Maldives. The Maldives were ruled by the UK from 1887-1965. In WW2 the Maldives were strategically important to the Allies including Australia. In 1957 the UK demanded an increase in the Gan base but withdrew from the Gan base in 1975. The Maldives are existentially threatened by climate change through high energy storms, sea level rise and storm surges. The Maldives are on average only 7 feet above sea level and in 2009 the Maldives Government famously held a cabinet meeting underwater to dramatizes their plight [131]. As a leading climate criminal country Australia disproportionately impacts on the global warming threat to the Maldives and indeed to all tropical Island Nations. Maldives 2020 GDP per capita $10,626, population 0.54M, and avoidable deaths 70 (129.6 per M).

Mauritius (see Chagos Archipelago, Diego Garcia). Mauritius was a British colony from 1810-1968. In WW2 Mauritius was strategically important as an Indian Ocean air force bases and a naval base for the British Royal Navy (RN) and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). During WW2 Mauritius was important for Allied anti-submarine and convoy operations, as well as for the collection of signals intelligence. The UK continues to violate UN Resolution 73/295 that demands that the UK “withdraw its colonial administration from the Chagos Archipelago unconditionally”. Australia was one of only six states to vote against the resolution (in addition to the United States, UK, Hungary, Apartheid Israel, and the Maldives). The UK has been branded an illegal colonial occupier by Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, who claims the Archipelago as Mauritian. Australia supports the genocidally racist UK over Diego Garcia. For Australia, Diego Garcia is a strategic asset available for military operations in the Indian Ocean and beyond. In addition to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Diego Garcia anchors Australia’s presence in the Indian Ocean and provides a friendly port. As a US ally Australia has used Diego Garcia for military operations for many years, including use of F/A-18 Hornets and C130 Hercules Transport Aircraft [132]. Presently India is investing $250m in developing an airfield, port, and communications hub on the island of North Agaléga with a clear anti-China strategic implication [133]. India, Japan, the US and Australia have recently formed the anti-China Quad, and Australia has joined with the UK and US in the anti-China AUKUS Alliance. Tropical Island Nation Mauritius is seriously threatened by man-made climate change, with climate criminal Australia being a disproportionately huge contributor to global warming. Mauritius 2020 GDP per capita $11,619, population 1.3M, and avoidable deaths 214 (164.6 per M).

Mexico. The European colonizers destroyed much of the Indigenous population in both Mexico and Australia through introduced disease. As a leading climate criminal country Australia disproportionately contributes to global warming that causes more intense cyclones, sea level rise, storm surges and droughts, and threatens Mexican coral reefs and tropical rainforests. US lackey Australia contributed to the 20 year occupation of Afghanistan and the massive associated global Opiate Holocaust that also promoted drug flow and epidemic drug-related crime and killing in Mexico. Mexico 2020 GDP per capita $9,849, population 128.9M, and avoidable deaths 46,029 (357.1 per M).

Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia). After successive Spanish, German and Japanese rule, Micronesia became a US trust territory after WW2 under a UN mandate As a leading climate criminal country Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality, and disproportionately impacts the global warming threat to Micronesia from increasing higher-energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges. Despite the deadly threat Australia poses to Micronesia, as US lackeys Australia and Micronesia frequently vote with the US at the UN to support nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel. Micronesia has suffered egregiously from nuclear contamination from US nuclear tests, noting that a nuclear terrorist Australia is intimately involved in US nuclear terrorism through hosting nuclear-armed warships, the Harold Holt base in WA for nuclear-armed submarine communications, and the Pine Gap base in Central Australia that is a key element in US nuclear terrorism as well as in illegal drone strikes from Africa to South Asia. Micronesia suffered the 1947-1948, Bikini atoll atomic bomb tests, and the 1954, Eniwetok hydrogen bomb tests. In 1968, Bikini and dozens of other sites were declared safe but were still radioactive in 1977. There has been continued military use and Johnson Island is used for war gas storage. In 1979 Micronesia was self-governing but in 1982 it voted for US Compact of Free Association with US involving US control over foreign affairs. In 1986 Micronesia gained independence with US control over external affairs. In 2002 the Compact with the US renewed for 20 years. The US occupies Wake Island with its air force but the island is claimed by Micronesia. In the 21st century there have been mounting concerns over global warming, sea level rise, more intense cyclones, and storm surges (concerns shared by the Maldives, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and other Island States world-wide together with deltaic regions such as Bengal and Louisiana). Micronesia votes with the Zionist-subverted US at the UN, and in 2019 the 5 nations of the Micronesian region withdrew from the Pacific Islands Forum, thereby weakening its international position of strong action on climate change. While US lackeys Micronesia and Australia find common cause as obscene supporters of US-backed Apartheid Israel at the UN, climate criminal Australia is disproportionately threatening the very existence of the low-lying islands of Micronesia. Micronesia 2020 GDP per capita $3,640, population 0.12M, and avoidable deaths 111 (925.0 per M).

Mozambique. In WW2 the Australian RAN was involved in maritime security operations in mostly British-ruled East Africa from South Africa to Eritrea. Although previously ruled by Portugal and never ruled by Britain, Mozambique is a member of the British Commonwealth. Mozambique has suffered from major cyclones and flooding in the 21st century, and is at high risk from climate change impacts of drought, floods, high energy storms, sea level rise and storm surges. Mozambique has extremely biodiverse coral reefs that are threatened by global warming and ocean acidification. Australia is a disproportionately large contributor to global warming. Mozambique 2020 GDP per capita $504, population 31.3M, and avoidable deaths 107,887 (3446.9 per M).

Myanmar (Burma). No Australians were taken prisoner of war in Burma (now Myanmar) during WW2, but more than 4,800 Australians were sent to southern Burma by the Japanese between September 1942 and July 1944 to slave on the Burma-Thailand railway. During this period around 800 Australians died in the appalling conditions [134]. In 2013–14, Australia included military-run Myanmar into its Defence Cooperation Program (DCP). This military cooperation continued despite the Rohingya Genocide (village burning, mass rape, mass murder of thousands and 800,000 Muslim Rohingyas expelled by the Myanmar military). However Australia suspended military cooperation with Myanmar after the military coup in 2021 and the imprisonment of democratically-elected MPs, including Rohingya Genocide-complicit Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. As a leading climate criminal country Australia disproportionately impacts on the global warming threat to Myanmar from numerous higher-energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges. Cyclone Nargis devastated the Irrawaddy delta in 2008 with circa 140,000 deaths. Myanmar 2020 GDP per capita $1,421, population 54.4M, and avoidable deaths 59,144 (1,087.2 per M).

Nauru. Australian force seized Nauru from Germany in 1919. In 1920 an influenza epidemic killed 18% of the Indigenous population of White Australia-ruled Nauru. In 1942-1945 the Japanese occupied Nauru but this was ended by Australian forces. Nauru gained independence in 1968 but with attendant disputation with Australia over phosphate mining compensation payments and possible population re-location to Curtis Island off Queensland. From 2012 onwards, boat-borne refugees have been indefinitely and highly abusively imprisoned on Nauru without charge or trial in Australian concentration camps, an immense and continuing moral stain on both Australia and Nauru. In 2016 the US agreed to take some of the refugees (a newly elected President Donald Trump angrily and reluctantly went along with the deal agreed to by his predecessor Barack Obama), however many remain as a continuing human rights blot on Nauru and Australia. Nauru is existentially threatened by climate change via more energetic hurricanes, rising sea level, and storm surges to which climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution. Nauru often votes at the UN with Zionist-subverted Australia and the Zionist-subverted US in support of nuclear terrorist and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel. Unlike nuclear terrorism-complicit Australia, Nauru has signed and ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Nauru 2020 GDP per capita $9,459.

New Caledonia. This large island was annexed by France in 1853, together with associated small islands. With the assistance of Australia, in 1942 New Caledonia became an important Allied base. The main South Pacific Fleet base of the US Navy in the South Pacific moved to Nouméa in 1942–1943. The Nouméa-based US fleet defeated the Japanese in the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942. 50,000 US troops were stationed on New Caledonia. Repeated referenda have rejected independence demanded by the now minority Indigenous Kanak population [135]. New Caledonia is impacted by global heating-increased cyclone energy, sea level rise, storm surges and coral bleaching [136], noting that climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality and thus makes a disproportionately high contribution to global warming. New Caledonia 2020 GDP per capita $34,942, population 0.29M, and avoidable deaths 69 (237.9 per M).

New Zealand (Aotearoa). Genocidal colonization of New Zealand began in in 1840 with the assistance of genocidally racist Australians. The Indigenous Maori population dropped from 0.1-0.2 million in 1800 to 42,000 in 1893, mostly through disease, dispossession and war. New Zealand and its sister country, White Australia, participated in UK and US wars including WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the US-imposed Afghan Genocide. Unlike Australia New Zealand did not join the US invasion of Iraq. New Zealand was a member with Australia and the US of the ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand and US) Treaty but in 1986 New Zealand was suspended from ANZUS because of its opposition to visits by US nuclear-armed ships. New Zealand opposed French nuclear tests. Greenpeace’s ship “Rainbow Warrior” was sunk in New Zealand by French agents. Unlike nuclear terrorism-complicit Australia, New Zealand has ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). In the 21st century New Zealand provides a much better model for how its sister country Australia should behave. New Zealand 2020 GDP per capita $43,624, population 4.8M, avoidable deaths 380 (79.2 per M).

Nicaragua. As a tropical coastal state Nicaragua is vulnerable to global heating due to the increase infrequency and intensity of extreme climate events, including high energy cyclones, floods, landslides, drought, and storm surges [137]. Climate criminal Australia (scoring zero and worst out of 64 GHG polluting countries for climate policy) makes a disproportionately high contribution to global warming. Possible guilt by association in the absence of hard evidence – US lackey Australia is second only to Zionist-subverted America as a supporter of Apartheid Israel, Australia has a long and dirty history of supporting US- and Apartheid Israeli-backed regime change, and the US and Apartheid Israel were involved in the Iran-Contra Affair involving the funding of violent subversion of Nicaragua. Nicaragua 2020 GDP per capita $1,913, population 6.6M, and avoidable deaths 3,367 (510.2 per M).

North Korea (see Korea, South Korea). In WW2 the Korean and Chinese Communists were on the same side as the Allies in fighting the Japanese invaders. In the Korean War the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and the Australian Regular Army (ARA) were involved in fighting North Korean and Chinese forces (1950-1953). Virtually all buildings were destroyed and 28% of the North Korean population were killed by US bombing. Outstanding Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett was persecuted by the neo-fascist Menzies Coalition Government for reporting US Alliance atrocities in Korea. All nuclear weapons should be banned immediately but one can well understand why the US-devastated North Koreans have armed themselves with nuclear weapons. Since 2006 nuclear terrorism-complicit and serial war criminal Australia has imposed deadly sanctions on impoverished North Korea relating to nuclear tests [138]. North Korean 2020 GDP per capita $640, population 25.8M, and avoidable deaths 8.156 (316.1 per M).

Occupied Palestine (see Apartheid Israel, Israel, Palestine).

Oman. Royal Australia Navy (RAN): “In December 1990 the Australian Government authorised the RAN task group to enter the Arabian Gulf and cooperate with other allied naval forces preparing to use force to liberate Kuwait under UN Resolution 678. The LSE’s area of support and concept of operations increased accordingly. To cover the additional burden, logistic support detachments were established at the principal transport hubs of Bahrain and Dubai. While the main LSE remained at Muscat, some LSE personnel supplemented these small detachments. Operation DESERT STORM, the offensive to free Kuwait, was launched on 17 January 1991. As commercial air services in the region ceased immediately the LSE lost its primary means of supply from Australia. The air link was rapidly re-established using Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) aircraft and freight was transported either by road between Muscat [capital of Oman] and Dubai or using transport aircraft supplied by our allies… On cessation of hostilities in February 1991, RAN ships remained on station to continue enforcing UN trade sanctions against the Iraqi Government under Saddam Hussein. The LSE centre of operations moved from Muscat to Bahrain to take advantage of the country’s excellent telecommunications and its position as a major transport hub. The presence of the US Navy’s Administrative Support Unit in Bahrain also allowed greater cooperation between allies” [64]. Oman 2020 GDP per capita $15, 343, population 5.1M, and avoidable deaths 949 (186.1 per M).

Pacific Latin America (see Central America, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia). All of these countries except for Honduras and Nicaragua have tropical coral reefs and forests. Climate criminal Australia (0.3% of the world’s population) is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality, is a world leader in coal and gas exports, contributes 5-9% of world greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, and ranks worst in the world for climate policy. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to global heating that is threatening tropical coral reefs and tropical rainforests.

Pakistan. Pakistan was formerly part of British India (1757-1947) and ruled East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) from 1947-1971. In the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine) an estimated 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Orissa were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity [58, 108-111]. Pakistan was a member of the US-allied and anti-communist South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) that existed from 1954-1977 and included 3 Asian military dictatorships (Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand) and 4 European countries involved in colonial and neo-colonial violence against other countries (Australia, France, the UK and the US) [139]. In 1971 Australia-allied and US-backed Pakistan committed the 1971 Bengali Holocaust atrocity in which the US-backed West Pakistan military killed 3 million mainly men and boys and raped 300,000 Bengali women until forced to stop by India that was deluged with 10 million refugees [140]. The Australia-US joint base at Pine Gap, Central Australia, is a key element in US nuclear terrorism and also targets war criminal US drone strikes in a swathe of Muslim countries including Pakistan. Pakistan 2020 GDP per capita $1,187, population 220.9M, and avoidable deaths 616,890 (2,792.6 per M).

Palau. Palau was made part of the Spanish East Indies in 1574. Following Spain's defeat in the US-contrived Spanish–American War in 1898, the islands were sold to Germany in 1899. After WW1 the Palau islands were made a part of the Japanese-ruled South Seas Mandate by the League of Nations. In WW2 there were battles between the US and Japan on Palau, notably the huge Battle of Peleliu. Along with other Pacific Islands, Palau was made a part of the United States-governed Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands in 1947. The Palau islands gained sovereignty in 1994 under a Compact of Free Association with the United States which provides defence, funding, and access to social services. Palau often votes with the US and US lackeys like Australia to support nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to global heating that is threatening tropical coral reefs and the very viability of Island Nations like Palau.

Palestine (see Apartheid Israel, Israel, Occupied Palestine).

Australia played a key role in the century-long Palestinian Genocide imposed by the British, the Zionists and UK-, US-, EU- and Australia-backed Apartheid Israel. Australia was involved through the following: the key victory of the Australian Light Horse over the Turks at Beersheba (30 November 1917); the UK Balfour Declaration granting Palestine to the Zionists (2 December 1917); the WW1 Palestinian Famine (100,000 died); the Surafend Massacre of 100 Palestinian men and boys by Australian and New Zealand ANZAC soldiers (1918); the WW2 presence of Australian forces in Palestine, and Australian support for creation of the State of Israel (but not the State of Palestine) by the UN, notably through the Australian UN President Dr Herbert Vere Evatt. Zionist-subverted Australia is second only to Zionist-subverted America as a supporter of nuclear terrorist, and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel. The century-long Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, 2.1 million, the expulsion of 800,000 Palestinians in the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe), and the expulsion of 400,000 Palestinians and inhabitants of the Syrian Golan Heights in the 1967 Naksa (Setback). In the last 20 years Gaza rockets have killed about 40 Israelis and about 1,000 Israelis have been killed in Apartheid Israeli attacks on Occupied Palestinians. In stark contrast, in the last 20 years about 10,000 Occupied Palestinians have been killed violently by Israelis and another 85,000 have died avoidably from Israeli-imposed egregious deprivation (passive mass murder by Apartheid Israel). Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, serial invader, serial occupier, grossly human rights-abusing, international law-violating, child-violating, mother-violating, women-violating, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, egregiously mendacious, endlessly thieving, anti-Indigenous and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel [39-57]. Indigenous Palestinians now represent 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel, but the Occupied Palestinians (73% of these Indigenous Palestinian Subjects) have zero human rights and are excluded from voting for the government ruling them (i.e. they are subject to egregious and International Law-violating Apartheid). Occupied Palestine 2020 GDP per capita $3,424, population 5.1M, and avoidable deaths 3,839 (752.7 per M).

Panama. With US backing Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903, this permitti9ntg the construction of the Panama Canal by the US Army Corps of Engineers between 1904 and 1914. Territory surrounding the Panama Canal was first returned to Panama in 1979. In 1989 the US invaded with 4,000 Panamanians being killed and 20,000 displaced by the US state terrorists. The UNGA condemned the US invasion by fervently Australia-supported America. US-corrupted Panama has been heavily involved in corruption, corporate tax evasion and drug smuggling as has US-corrupted Australia. As an ally of the US in Occupied Afghanistan, US lackey Australia was associated with the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007), and the global Opiate Holocaust in which 5.8 million people have died since 9/11 [80]. Panama’s biodiverse tropical forests and coral reefs are threatened by global warming to which climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution. Panama 2020 GDP per capita $15,728, population 4.3M, and avoidable deaths 2,012 (467.9 per M).

Papua New Guinea (also see Bougainville). The northern New Guinea part of Papua New Guinea (PNG) was forcible acquired off Germany in WW1 and combined with Papua that had been ruled by Australians and British since1885. In WW2 Australian forces (with the help of immense US forces in the region) stopped Japanese advance on Port Moresby down the Kokoda Track. PNG gained independence from racist Australian colonial rule in 1975. While Australia claims to have provided great assistance to PNG, the horrible reality is that before independence in 1975 PNG inhabitants were utterly impoverished compared to their Australian colonial masters. Poverty is deadly and in 2020 Australia and PNG had a per capita GDP of $54,763 and $2,845, respectively. In 2020 the “annual under-5 infant mortality as a percentage of total population” for Australia (0.0044%) was 3.0 times greater than for Japan (0.00145%), but for PNG it was 0.1314% (a shocking 91 times greater than for Japan). Noting that avoidable mortality from deprivation is about 1.4 times the under-5 infant mortality one can assess that Australian colonialism and neo-colonialism in PNG has involved massive violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Australia supplied Iroquois helicopters and advisers for the PNG suppression of Bougainville that killed about 10,000 Bougainvillians. The Bougainvillians objected to environmental pollution by the Panguna copper mine run by the Australian mining giant Rio Tinto [141]. The Australian mining company BHP was responsible for the Ok Tedi disaster that polluted the Ok Tedi and Fly Rivers and impacted 50,000 people [142]. Now another even bigger Australian-involved mining project threatens the Sepik River with toxic pollution [143]. As if this Australian environmental vandalism were not enough, climate criminal Australia is disproportionately responsible for global warming that impacts PNG and the other Pacific Island Nations through high energy cyclones, sea level rise, and storm surges. Inundation has already made PNG’s Carteret Islands uninhabitable [144]. PNG’s coral reefs, coastal regions and forests are threatened by global heating. By rejecting a Carbon Price ($200 per tonne CO2-equivalent but the world average applied price is a mere $2 per tonne CO2-equivalent) climate criminal Australia is continuing to egregiously rob PNG (one of the world’s poorest countries) and to disproportionately contribute to 7.4 million avoidable deaths from deprivation globally each year in a continuing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust [1]. Papua New Guinea 2020 GDP per capita $2,845, population 8.9M, and avoidable deaths 16,461 (1,849.6 per M).

Philippines. In WW2 Australian forces were involved with the Americans in the war against the Japanese in 1942-1945, most notably the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) in the battle of Leyte in 1944 [145]. The bloody 1898-1946 US rule of the Philippines ended with independence in 1946. Australia was allied with the Philippines in the anti-communist South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) in the period 1954-1977 that overlapped with the rule of Ferdinand Marcos that became increasingly authoritarian (1966-1986). The islands of the Philippines are increasingly suffering devastation from sea level rise, storm surges and high-energy tropical cyclones from global heating. Australia is among world leaders in climate criminality [146]. With Domestic and exported GHG pollution that is 9.4% of the world’s total, Australia ranks 3rd after China (26.7%) and the US (13.0%) [146], and is disproportionately complicit in man-made global warming that is increasingly devastating tropical Island Nations like the Philippines. The Philippines now has a “new normal” of devastating high energy cyclones. In 2013 Typhoon Haiyan, killed 6,300 people. Philippines 2020 GDP per capita $3,324, population 109.6M, and avoidable deaths 81,708 (745.5 per M).

Qatar. The Australian National Headquarters Joint Operation Centre, or JOC, for the war criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq was located in Qatar. The US moved its air operations center from Saudi Arabia to Al Udeid in Qatar in 2003. Since then, the base has expanded dramatically. In 2018 the base is currently host to more than 9,000 American and allied military personnel and about 100 military aircraft [147, 148]. Qatar 2020 GDP per capita $64,782, population 2.9M, and avoidable deaths 280 (96.6 per M).

Réunion. Like the other 4 French overseas departments, Réunion is a region of France, and part of France. As a tropical Island state, Réunion is threatened by global warming and attendant sea level rise, more intense tropical cyclones and sea surges, noting that Australia is one of the worst countries for climate criminality [149]. Réunion 2020 GDP per capita $25,900, population 0.90M, and avoidable deaths 54 (60.0 per M).

Russia. Australia contributed to the Allied invasion and other interventions against the Communists in the Russian Civil War in 1918-1919 via Australians in the British Army and by Australian naval and intelligence involvements (prolongation of the Russian Civil War contributed to massive famine that killed 5 million Russians) [150]. In WW2 Australia was allied with Russia against Nazi Germany and Japan but as a US lackey has been hostile to the USSR and Russia since WW2 [1], notably during the Cold War that was exploited for domestic politics (e.g. “Reds under the bed”, the Petrov Affair, and persecution of Leftists) by the conservative Coalition under fascist-sympathizing, British imperialist and racist PM Robert “Pig Iron Bob” Menzies who was PM from 1939 -1941 and 1949 -1966). While Australia has massively sought post-war rapprochement with Turkey (over war remembrance and especially of the ANZAC 1915 Gallipoli invasion) and Japan (a major post-WW2 trading partner), there is scant if any recognition of the 25 million Russians who died in the WW2 Russian Holocaust. Australia belongs to the egregiously anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and holocaust denying International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) that ignores all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed), these including (deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in brackets) the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million), WW2 Russian Holocaust (25 million), WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million),and the WW2 Polish Holocaust (6 million). Of the 34 member states of the IHRA, all are European, 25 are NATO members and support US Alliance nuclear terrorism directed against Russia, 8 were complicit in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, and the 6 states not in Europe (including Australia) are all based on genocide of their Indigenous inhabitants [1, 12, 151]. Australia has applied Sanctions against Russia over the occupation of Crimea (overwhelmingly supported by the Crimean population) [152], but as second only to the US as a supporter of nuclear terrorist and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel, Australia refuses to criticize the war criminal, genocidal and ongoing Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine [39-57]. Russia 2020 GDP per capita $11,606, population 145.9M, and avoidable deaths 15,997 (109.6 per M).

Samoa. Historically Australia was involved in the devastating spread of deadly disease (notably measles) in the South Pacific associated with colonialism and slavery (Australian “blackbirding” of Indigenous people). In the 21st century Australia is disproportionately involved in climate criminality that is already disastrously impacting tropical Island Nations, and has an appalling record of repeatedly sabotaging attempts by the South Pacific Forum to get international action on climate change. Unveiled at COP26, the 2022 Climate Change Performance Index has ranked climate criminal Australia worst in the world out of 64 polluting countries for climate policy. The 2022 Climate Change Performance Index (2022 CCPI) covers 64 countries generating 92% of global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and ranks them from Very High to Very Low across 4 categories – Climate Policy, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, Renewables and Energy Use. Australia is ranked Very Low for performance in all 4 key areas and was the only country to score zero (0) on Climate Policy [149, 153, 154]. Samoa 2020 GDP per capita $4,285, population 0.20M, and avoidable deaths 16 (80.0 per M).

Saudi Arabia. Australian is largely dependent on imported crude and refined oil and Saudi Arabia is a major oil producer. UK and US policy in the Middle East over the last century has been fundamentally about oil. US lackey Australia slavishly follows US policy in the Middle East, the Indo-Pacific and indeed the whole world. Australia has been involved in UK and US wars in the Middle East for over a century, namely WW1, WW2, the Gulf War, sanctions against Iraq, the Iraq War, the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the Afghan Genocide and the ongoing Yemeni Genocide. Australian air, navy and ground forces have been based in the Persian Gulf since 1990. Australian navy has repugnantly been involved in joint exercises with the genocidal Saudis during its deadly blockage of starving Yemen [155]. In 2018-19, Australia issued 45 arms export permits to the UAE and 23 to Saudi Arabia, this making US lackey Australia complicit in the Saudi- and UAE-prosecuted Yemeni Genocide [156, 157]. Saudi Arabia 2020 GDP per capita $23,140, population 34.8M, and avoidable deaths 5,337 (153.4 per M).

Seychelles. The British ruled the Seychelles from 1814-1976. As a tropical Island Nation Seychelles is seriously threatened by global warming through increased high energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges to which climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution. The Seychelles is heavily dependent upon quality tourism. The Seychelles lost up to 90% of its coral reefs in 1998 when sea temperature rose by 2-3°C. In 2013 the Seychelles was devastated by tropical cyclone Felleng. A bleaching event in the Seychelles in 2016 affected partially-recovered coral reefs and caused a 50% decrease in hard coral coverage. In 2019, a further coral bleaching event occurred in the Seychelles when the sea surface temperature crept up to 31°C. Annual bleaching events in the Seychelles by 2050 are predicted in the absence of requisite climate change action [158]. Australia ranks worst out of 64 polluting countries for climate policy. Seychelles 2020 GDP per capita $17,382, population 0.10M, and avoidable deaths 29 (290.0 per M).

Singapore. Apart from the Japanese occupation in 1942-1945, the British ruled Singapore from 1819-1957. Australian forces were involved in the defence of Malaya and Singapore in WW2. Singapore was one of the most important places at which Allied prisoners of the Japanese were interned during WW2. When Singapore fell to the Japanese on 15 February 1942 there were some 50 000 British troops on the island, about 15,000 Indian soldiers and 15,000 Australians. They were confined to Changi, the major POW camp established in Selerang barracks at the eastern tip of the island. Later in WW2 many other prisoners would pass through the hub of Singapore as they were moved around the Asia–Pacific region by the Japanese to sites in Borneo, Burma, Thailand, and Japan. In WW2 Australians were unsuccessful in defending British-ruled Malaya (Malaysia) and Singapore from the Japanese invasion after Pearl Harbor (7 December 1941). After Singapore fell in 1942, Changi was a major prison for Australian prisoners of war (POWs) of the Japanese during WW2. Changi was severe and highly abusive but apparently better than horrific camps in Borneo (Sandakan), Ambon, Hainan, Japan and on the horrendous Burma-Thailand railway [159, 160]. Singapore gained its independence from the UK in 1957. Rich and technologically sophisticated Singapore, like the Netherlands, will be better able to deal with global heating-driven sea level rise and storm surges than most countries - however this will be increasingly expensive in a world in which presently the applied damage-related Carbon Price is a mere $2 per tonne CO2-equivalent as compared the inescapable actuality of $200 per tonne CO2-equivalent. Singapore and indeed the rest of Humanity will eventually demand its pound of flesh from climate criminal Australia. Singaporeans and Japanese are not-so-secretly regarded as “safe” people (like “honorary Whites” in Apartheid South Africa) as visa holders for Australia under Australia’s not-so-secret “New White Australian Policy”.Singapore 2020 GDP per capita $64,103, population 5.9M, and avoidable deaths 141 (23.9 per M).

Solomon Islands. In the 18th-19th century there was major Australian-run slavery (“Kanaka” blackbirding) to Fiji and Australian sugar plantation. Slavery, and missionary activity were associated with catastrophic epidemics. In 1886 Britain and Germany agreed on Pacific holdings, and Britain secured much of the Solomons. In 1900 Germany transferred its holdings (except for Bougainville and Buka) to Britain. In WW1 Bougainville and Buka were occupied by Australia. The Japanese invaded in 1942 and the Australians vacated a key air base. In 1943-1944 there were huge US-Japanese battles on and near Guadalcanal associated with massive war devastation. In 1945 the UK administration resumed and in 1978 the Solomons became independent. In the 1990s problems arose associated with the Australia-backed PNG war on adjacent Bougainville. In 1999 indigenous Guadalcanal Isatabus expelled 20,000 Malaitans. The Malaitan Eagle Force seized Honiara. In response to armed lawlessness, in 2003 an Australian peace keeping force (the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands or RAMSI) intervened and disarmed militias (the Australians had originally called it SIRAM, the acronym for Solomon Islands Regional Assistance Mission, but when apprised that this was the very worst expletive in the Are’are languge they quickly changed it). In 2006 there were anti-Chinese riots and Manasseh Sogavare (hostile to the Australian presence) was elected PM by Parliament. In a climate of fierce politics with allegations of corruption, in 2019 Sogavare won the elections and switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China. The Malaitans support the status quo of backing Taiwan that had secured now crumbling support among small Pacific Island nations. In November 2021 Malaitan riots resumed in Honiara with a bank, a high school and Chinese businesses torched. PM Sogavare appealed to Australia for help and about 100 Australian police and soldiers were promptly dispatched to restore order. PM Sogavare has darkly referred to “foreign powers” being involved without naming them. US lackey Australia is very pro-Taiwan but the truth-challenged Australian Coalition Government has claimed neutrality in the present matter in the Solomons. However Australia-backed America and Australia-backed Taiwan are prime candidates for being the “foreign powers” involved. The Israeli flag among the rioters is notable because there is a complex Zionist-like cult among the Malaitans leading to a very pro-Apartheid Israel position, noting the support for both Taiwan and Apartheid Israel by some US-suborned tropical Island States and Zionist-subverted Australia (indeed Australia-backed Apartheid Israel was deeply involved together with the US in the 1987 and 2000 Coups in Fiji) (see Fiji) [161, 162]. It seems likely that this was a covertly US-, Taiwan- and Apartheid Israel-backed coup by the Malaitans. While the Malaitan-Israel connection was reported by the Israeli press a decade ago, it is hidden by the mendacious and Zionist-subverted Australian Mainstream media. Any journalist publishing definitive, smoking gun evidence of pro-US, pro-Taiwan and pro-Apartheid Israeli Australian involvement would face 10 years’ imprisonment in pre-police state Australia. Solomons 2020 GDP per capita $1,945, population 0.69M, and avoidable deaths 574 (831.9 per M).

Somalia. In 1939-1941 the Aden (Yemen)-based RAN (HMAS Hobart; named after my hometown, the capital of Tasmania) was involved in the British Royal Navy’s Red Sea Force operations against the Italians in evacuating Allied forces from British-ruled Somaliland (Somalia). Australian POWs were released in 1941 [163]. Somalia gained its independence from the UK in 1960 but was invaded by the US in 1992 and then re-invaded by a US Alliance in 1997. JMVH: “In late 1992, the Australian Government committed a battalion group to the United Nations-sponsored Joint Task Force in Somalia (UNITAF). The commitment was announced in December 1992 and became known as Operation Solace. The force deployed over the period 22 December 1992 to 19 January 1993” [164]. The Royal Australian Navy is involved with the US Alliance in seizing Somali vessels involved weapons and piracy but also those of impoverished Somalis involved in the environmentally damaging charcoal trade. US lackey Australia has applied sanctions against impoverished and occupied Somalia since 1992 [165]. If that were not enough, a morally degenerate and climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to global heating and worsening drought in the Sahel, Somalia, East Africa and the Yemen. What sort of rich and over-fed degenerates make war on impoverished, starving and drought-wracked people? Somalia 2020 GDP per capita $105, population 15.9M, and avoidable deaths 101,327 (6,372.8 per M).

South Africa. Diplomacy (or politics) is war by other means. UK lackey and thence US lackey racist White Australia historically supported UK-, US- and Apartheid Israel-backed backed, racist White-ruled South Africa through to the 1970s because both White cultures had exactly the same White supremacist ideology [166]. The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) used South Africa ports during WW2. Racist White Australia permitted Springbok rugby union tours of Australia throughout the 20th century. Sports-loving White Australia embraced rugby and cricket matches with all-White Apartheid South African teams. The 1971 Springbok rugby team tour was met with huge demonstrations (I and my non-European wife attended one in Canberra) and a declaration of a state of emergency in extreme right-wing and neo-fascist Queensland under corrupt, mendacious, Bible-spouting and racist Premier Joh Bjelke-Peterson. Australian support for Apartheid South Africa (most evident under racist, pro-fascist, pro-Apartheid and British imperialist Coalition PM Sir Robert “Pig-iron Bob” Menzies in the 1950s and 1960s) was ended by Labor PM Gough Whitlam and his successor (by CIA-backed coup), Coalition PM Malcolm Fraser. However in 2021 Australia is second only to Zionist-subverted America as a supporter of nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel and hence of the crime of Apartheid. Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to global heating and to present severe water deficits in South Africa and indeed in East Africa. South Africa 2020 GDP per capita $6,001, population 59.3M, and avoidable deaths 54,395 (917.3 per M).

South Korea (see Korea, North Korea). In the Korean War the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and the Australian Regular Army (ARA) were involved in fighting North Korean and Chinese forces (1950-1953) [1].

The US Navy, the Republic of Korea Navy and the Royal Australia Navy regularly participate in maritime training exercises throughout the 7th Fleet area of operations in an effort to maintain “security and stability” throughout the Indo-Asia-Pacific. South Korea is a major trading partner of Australia. US lackey Australia maintains sanctions against impoverished North Korea over its possession of nuclear weapons, but in stark contrast is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel that has some 90 nuclear weapons as well as missile delivery systems. Australia has a 70 year history of deep complicity in US and UK nuclear terrorism, opposes the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), and through the AUKUS and nuclear-powered submarine deals with the UK and US has cemented this deep complicity of Australia in nuclear terrorism. Professor Stephen Hawking (eminent theoretical physicist and cosmologist) addressing the question “Will we survive on Earth?”(2018): “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [167, 168]. The World is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and climate change and Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution to this worsening threat as a leading climate criminal country and through its key role in US and UK nuclear terrorism. South Korea 2020 GDP per capita $32,143, population 51.3M, and avoidable deaths 1,270 (24.8 per M).

Sri Lanka. Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) was ruled by the British in the period 1798-1948. In WW2 Ceylon was a major base for the Allies, including the Australian RAAF and RAN. During WW2 the British established a naval headquarters at Trincomalee following the fall of Singapore. Australian Catalina flying boats were crucial for the war and physical connections with Britain. A Catalina pilot gave crucial early warning of the Japanese fleet before the battle of Ceylon in 1942 [169]. Australia supported the Sri Lankan Government during the Tamil Genocide 1982-2009. In 2009, critically supported by Apartheid Israel-supplied planes and bombs, the Sri Lankan military defeated the Tamils; the war involved horrendous human rights abuses, 150,000 killed in the Tamil Genocide, and 800,000 Tamils fleeing Sri Lanka. Australia provided diplomatic support, military hardware and security forces collaboration, including seizure of boats carrying Tamil refugees and likely use of drones in this this human rights-violating process [170]. Since 2009, Trincomalee has become a crucial hub for members of the anti-China Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), hosting war ships from Australia, the US, India, and Japan. For some years now the morally degenerate Coalition Government has been persecuting a haven-seeking Tamil couple and their 2 Australia-born children notwithstanding huge support for this family around Australia and especially from their town of Biloela in Queensland from which this refugee family is excluded. Sri Lanka 2020 GDP per capita $3,940, population 21.4M, and avoidable deaths 6,535 (305.4 per M).

Sudan. The British ruled Sudan from 1896-1958. Australia was involved in the Allied war effort in East Africa in WW2. 1955-2005 excess mortality in the Sudan Civil War totalled 12.4 million [1]. South Sudan became independent of Sudan in 2011. Australia collaborates with the US and its allies in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa. Fervently Australia-supported US and Apartheid Israel have bombed Sudan, backed civil war leading to independence of South Sudan, and successfully secured Sudan’s recognition of anti-Arab anti-Semitic Apartheid Israel in 2021. The Israeli-backed Sudan military have imprisoned the democratically elected Sudan civilian rulers who were opposed to recognition of Apartheid Israel [1]. Sudan 2020 GDP per capita $815, population 43.8M, and avoidable deaths 117,191 (2,675.6 per M).

Taiwan. In WW2 the Kuomintang (Nationalists) under Chiang Kai Shek and the Communists under Mao Zhedong were allies against the Japanese in 1937-1945 and hence allies of Australia and the US. However in 1938 while Robert Menzies (1894-1978) was Australian Attorney General, he was given the nickname of “Pig Iron Bob” due to an industrial dispute [the Dalfram Dispute] with wharf workers who refused to load ships with scrap iron being sold to Japan, believing this would be used to make weapons to attack Australia. Pro-fascist, British imperialist, Nazi-style racist and Nazi Germany-praising Robert Menzies later became the Prime Minister of Australia, in office from 1939 to 1941 and again from 1949 to 1966. After defeat in the China Civil War the Nationalists fled to Taiwan under US military protection. US lackey Australia recognized Taiwan as the Republic of China at the UN to the deadly diplomatic and economic exclusion of what it called “Mainland China”, “Communist China” and “Red China”. In 1971 Labor Opposition Leader Gough Whitlam visited China and promised recognition of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and did so in 1972. In the same year the US recognized the PRC. While PM Robert Menzies in in the 1950s said that Australia would not join the US in a war against China over Taiwan [173], WikiLeaks has revealed that former Labor Opposition leader and thence Labor Ambassador to the US, Kim Beazley, had promised Australian troops for a US war with China, and that former Australian Labor PM Kevin Rudd suggested US use of force against China to Hillary Clinton. In 2021 Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton stated: “It would be inconceivable that we wouldn’t support the US in an action [over Taiwan] if the US chose to take that action. I think we should be very frank and honest about that, look at all of the facts and circumstances without pre-committing, and maybe there are circumstances where we wouldn’t take up that option, (but) I can’t conceive of those circumstances” [174]. Idiocy. The Australian Coalition Government has adopted an increasingly aggressive and hostile policy towards China in recent years to the severe detriment of diplomacy and trade. But, according to Peter Hartcher: “Officially, Australia doesn’t even recognise Taiwan as a country” [174]. An egregiously mendacious and corrupt Australian Coalition Government is facing elections in March-May 2022 and is disgracefully using Sinophobia, jingoism, corruption and religious bigotry to secure re-election. Taiwan 2020 GDP per capita $27,000, population 23.8M, and avoidable deaths 1,260 (52.9 per M).

Tanzania. Tanzania was a British colony from 1916-1961. In WW2 the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) (notably HMAS Shropshire) was involved in supporting the British in East Africa from South Africa to Eritrea. Global warming impacts Tanzania through a higher likelihood of intense rainfall events (resulting in flooding) and of dry periods (resulting in droughts). Coastal regions are impacted by high energy storms, sea level rise, storm surges and salinization [175]. Climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution to global warming. Tanzania 2020 GDP per capita $1,084, population 59.7M, and avoidable deaths 156,551 (2,622.3 per M).

Thailand. The South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) members the UK, Australia and New Zealand were involved in the Thailand-based US-led Secret War in Laos 1954-1975 that was backed by the anti-democracy and US-allied Thai military [127, 128]. Australia was part of the US Alliance complicit in the US devastation pf Indo-China. Australia-supported US militarism that contributed to militarism in Thailand and hence a series of military coups against democratically-elected governments. Thailand is a sophisticated society but is presently still under military rule. Thailand’s forests are threatened by global warming. The southern low-lying river delta and other coastal regions of Thailand are threatened by high energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges. As a leading climate criminal country Australia disproportionately impacts on the global warming threats to Thailand. Thailand 2020 GDP per capita $7,785, population 69.8M, and avoidable deaths 1,661 (23.8 per M).

Timor Leste. In WW2 Australian forces fought the Japanese on the Japanese-occupied, Netherlands- and Portugal-ruled parts of Timor with the help of Indigenous Timorese. With zero respect for the Timorese who had helped Australian soldiers in WW2, the Whitlam Australian Labor Government supported the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975. Five Australian journalists were murdered by the invaders. About 200,000 East Timorese were killed by the Indonesian military between 1975 and 1999 out of a population of about 600,000. Australia recognized Indonesian annexation of East Timor in 1976 with oil and gas exploitation in mind. The UN intervened to protect the East Timorese during the 1999 referendum in which the East Timorese chose independence. Australian soldiers led the UN INTERFET peacekeeping force in Timor Leste in the period 1999-2002. Australia again sent peacekeeping forces to Timor Leste in 2006. Australia imposed an unfair deal on Timor Leste over offshore oil and gas. It was revealed in 2013 that Australian intelligence (the Australian Secret Intelligence Service , ASIS), had bugged Timor Leste Cabinet meetings to achieve advantage for Australian fossil fuel interests. Timor Leste subsequently launched a case at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague to pull out of the gas treaty it had signed with Australia, accusing the latter of having its intelligence agency bug the East Timorese cabinet room in Dili in 2004. In 2014, in response to an East Timorese request, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Australia not to interfere with communications between East Timor and its legal advisors in the arbitration proceedings. New negotiations began in 2014 and a revised agreement was concluded in 2018 that guaranteed 70-80% of revenue to East Timor and 20-30% to Australia [176, 177]. The courageous whistle-blower, Witness K, and his eminent lawyer, former ACT Attorney General Bernard Collaery, were subject to prolonged and outrageous legal persecution by successive Coalition Australian Governments. As a tropical Island Nation Timor Leste is seriously threatened by global warming to which climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution. Timor Leste 2020 GDP per capita $1,561, population 1.3M, and avoidable deaths 2,312 (1,778.5 per M).

Tonga. As a world leading climate criminal country Australia disproportionately contributes to global warming and resultant sea level, rise, high energy cyclones and storm surges that severely threaten the Island Nation of Tonga. Tonga 2020 GDP per capita $4,865, population 0.11M, and avoidable deaths 53 (481.8 per M).

Tuvalu. The British ruled Tuvalu (the Ellice Islands) from 1892-1978 and suffered massive damage to its vital trees in WW2. In 2019 Australia’s deputy prime minister seriously insulted Tuvalu by saying that Pacific islanders survive climate change because “many of their workers come here and pick our fruit” - indeed Tuvalu threatened on this account to leave Australia's exploitative seasonal worker program that has been likened by some to a form of slavery [178]. Tuvalu is existentially threatened by global heating to which climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution. Tuvalu is 4.8 metres above sea level at the highest, and is already suffering serious damage from global warming and attendant coral death, sea level rise, high energy cyclones and storm surges. Tuvalu 2020 GDP per capita $4,059.

United Arab Emirates (UAE). British rule over the UAE started with establishment of protectorates in 1892 and concluded with British withdrawal in 1971. In 1991 the UAE was used as a base by the US Coalition (including Australia) in the Gulf War. The UAE is involved in the Saudi-led, US Alliance-backed war on starving Yemen that also has Australian involvement. Thus Australia has joined for exercises with Saudi naval forces involved in blockading starving Yemen [179]. Australia has also sold arms to the war criminal and child-killing UAE [180]. In 2020, the UAE betrayed Arabs and recognized anti-Arab anti-Semitic and Australia-backed Apartheid Israel. United Arab Emirates 2020 GDP per capita $43,103, population 9.9M, and avoidable deaths 3,286 (331.9 per M).

United Kingdom (UK). British-founded Australia supported the UK militarily in WW1 and WW2 at immense human cost. After the fall of Singapore in January 1942 Australia successfully demanded return of Australian forces from the Middle East to help defend Australia from the Japanese. UK wartime leader, Winston Churchill, involved Australia in one of the worst atrocities of WW2, the WW2 Bengal Famine, by cutting Indian Ocean shipping and reducing export of Australian grain to starving India in WW2 to as little as 0.4 million tonnes. In the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine) an estimated 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Orissa were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity [108-111]. As a UK and/ or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries [1-4, 7]. After the carnage of WW2 Australia played a key role in UK development and testing of nuclear weapons and delivery systems that has made the UK a nuclear terrorist rogue state [181]. Successive Australian Governments and Parliaments have betrayed the British people by silence over the WW2 Bengali Holocaust and the UK role in the dismissal of the Whitlam Labor Government on 11 November 1975. The UK has no possessions left in the Indo-Pacific except for Diego Garcia and the Chagos Archipelago that the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have all ruled should be handed back to Mauritius. While there was some hope that an increasingly irrelevant post-Brexit UK might finally eschew global nuclear terrorism, the Australia-sought AUKUS deal has a nuclear terrorist UK policing the Indo-Pacific region in which it has no legal territorial stake. A cowardly, look-the-other-way Australia ignores the UK involvement in the UK- and US-backed Coup on 11 November 1975 that removed the democratically-elected Whitlam Labor Government from office [182]. UK 2020 GDP per capita $41,855, population 67.9M, avoidable deaths 4,334 (63.8 per M).

United States of America (US, USA). Zionist-subverted Australia has betrayed the American people by going along with the anti-Arab anti-Semitic terrorism story of the Zionist-subverted US Establishment. There is blind bipartisan acceptance in Australia of the Zionist-backed, post-9/11 US “terror hysteria” that permitted the US Alliance to invade some 20 countries from West Africa to South East Asia in the last 2 decades. About 32 million Muslims have died from violence, 5 million, or from imposed deprivation, in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity [11]. While US combat zone deaths in the War on Terror totalled about 6,000, post-9/11 US veteran suicides totalled about 140,000. Remorselessly ignored by the Zionist-subverted US Establishment are the 1.7 million Americans who die preventably each year from ”life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons, this including about 7,300 veteran deaths from suicide and an annual average of only about 4 jihadi non-state terrorism-related deaths in America. Since 9/11 about 33 million Americans have died preventably. The long-term accrual cost of the War on Terror has been about $6 trillion. Thus Zionist-subverted America has committed $6 trillion to killing over 30 million Muslims abroad instead of trying to save over 30 million American lives at home. Jihadi non-state terrorism has been a huge asset for Zionist-backed US imperialism – every jihadi atrocity provides an excuse for disproportionately violent US Alliance invasions of Muslim countries. A cowardly, mendacious and US Government-beholden Australia has betrayed the American people by supporting all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and violently-imposed deprivation. As a UK and/ or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries [1-4, 7]. Through the joint Australian-US electronic spying base at Pine Gap in Central Australia, US lackey Australia plays a key role in US nuclear terrorism as well as targeting illegal US drone strikes on 7 countries, namely Libya, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan [183-189]. In addition to spying to assist US nuclear terrorism and drone strikes, US lackey Australia spies on its own citizens, shares intelligence with the 5 Eyes Club (US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand [190] ), and permits the US to share bulk intelligence on Australians (supposedly collected for Australia’s ‘”security”) with nuclear terrorist, and Australia-violating Apartheid Israel [190]. However these spies (totally protected and unaccountable for Australia’s ‘”security”) were unable to prevent the murder by an Australian psychopath of 51 Muslims in the Christchurch Massacre in New Zealand [188]. And of course a cowardly, look-the-other-way and US lackey Australia ignores the US involvement in the UK- and US-backed Coup on 11 November 1975 that removed the democratically-elected Whitlam Labor Government from office, and the US approved, mining corporation-backed and pro-Zionist-led overnight Coup in 2010 that removed the democratically-elected Labor PM Kevin Rudd from office (for details and background see 191- 201). Australia is a lackey of a Zionist-subverted US and has become horribly Zionist-subverted itself, and as such utterly betrays the long-suffering American people. US 2020 GDP per capita $65,134, population 331.0 M, and avoidable deaths 38,926 (117.6).

Vanuatu. In the 19th century Australians, the British, the French and other Europeans were involved in trade, sandalwood exploitation, semi-slavery on plantations, slavery (blackbirding), importation of Vietnamese labour (by the French), and missionary activity. In 1860 an epidemic of measles introduced by Europeans killed 25% of the population, and in 1864 the first New Hebrides and Solomons slave labor (“Kanaka” blackbirding) arrived in Fiji. Vanuatu was subject to joint Anglo-French rule from 1887-1980. In 1942-1945 Vanuatu was a major US war-time base in WW2. In 1979-1980 French settlers and US interests were behind an Espiritu Santo rebellion that was suppressed by Britain and France with Papua New Guinea assistance [1]. Vanuatu gained independence in 1980. As a tropical Island Nation Vanuatu is subject to the global warming effects of more intense cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges, and was devastated by Cyclone Pan in 2015 and by Category 5 Cyclone Harold in 2020. Climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution to global heating. Vanuatu 2020 GDP per capita $3,023, population 0.31M, and avoidable deaths 309 (996.8 per M).

Vietnam. In WW2 resistance to the Japanese invaders was spear-headed by the Communist Viet Minh founded by Ho Chi Minh. In 1945 a war for independence commenced against the French and in 1954 the French were defeated in the Vietnamese capture of Dien Bien Phu, followed by the Geneva Agreement for North and South regions and elections. The US violated the agreement by setting up the South Vietnam regime. In 1960, a National Liberation Front war commenced against the US-backed South Vietnamese regime. A remorseless escalation of the Vietnam War led to involvement of Cambodia and Laos, 580,000 US troops in 1969, a greater tonnage of US bombs dropped on Vietnam than in all of WW2, massive defoliant use (with massive birth defect consequences), about 50,000 US dead, and 5 million Vietnamese deaths. In 1975 Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) was liberated with US withdrawal (1955-1975 excess mortality 11.9 million [1]). US lackey Australia was involved in the Vietnam War and in the more general Indo-China War, but that involvement was ended by the progressive Whitlam Labor Government before it was removed in a US- and UK-linked Coup. US lackey Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation. The Coalition supported all these genocidal wars and Labor supported all except for the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. As a tropical mega-deltaic country Vietnam is subject to damage from global warming-induced high energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges. Climate criminal Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution to global heating. Vietnam 2020 GDP per capita $2,715, population 97.3M, and avoidable deaths 43,608 (448.2 per M).

Yemen. In 1939-1941 the Aden (Yemen)-based Royal Australian Navy (RAN) ship HMAS Hobart was involved in the British Royal Navy’s Red Sea Force operations against the Italians [97]. As part of Operation Manitou the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has been conducting the training with the war criminal Saudi navy that has been blockading starving Yemen in the name of “maritime security” in the Middle East. The RAN has also been intercepting Somali civilian vessels in international waters in contravention of International law [155]. Australia is involved in targeting US drone strikes on starving Yemen (and other countries) via the joint Australia-US electronic spying base at Pine Gap in Central Australia. Australia supplies arms to the UAE and Saudi dictatorships that are genocidally devastating starving Yemen [180]. The Saudi- and UAE-led War on Yemen has been described thus: “The bloody, mostly one-sided, six-year battering led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against the Houthi insurgency in Yemen. A war underwritten by U.S. arms sales and training that has cost 130,000 lives (25% of them children), displaced 3.6 million people and plunged the country into the worst humanitarian crisis in the world” [202]. Yemen 2020 GDP per capita $855, population 29.8M, and avoidable deaths 66,067 (2,217.0 per M).


Humanity and the Biosphere are existentially threatened by nuclear weapons (Humanity and the Biosphere will be decimated by a nuclear war) , man-made climate change (in the absence of requisite action 10 billion will die this century en route to a sustainable population in 2100 of only 1 billion), and neoliberalism-driven over-exploitation (the extinction rate is 100-1,000 times greater than normal; for a US-style life we need 7 planets, for a European life-style we need 3 planets, and currently we are exploiting at a 2 planet level). 7.4 million people die avoidably each year in a continuing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust from deprivation due to violently-enforced neoliberal greed [1].

Rich, racist, serial war criminal, climate criminal, neoliberal and endlessly greedy White Australia has variously violated ALL Indo-Pacific countries in living memory (WW2 onwards) as summarized below:

(1). Australian nuclear terrorism. All Indo-Pacific countries are existentially threatened by nuclear terrorism. Australia played a key role in UK acquisition of nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems. Australia is a key element in US nuclear terrorism through the Pine Gap base in Central Australia ( electronic spying crucial for US nuclear strategy), the Harold Holt base in Western Australia (communications with nuclear-armed submarines), fervent support for US, UK, French and Apartheid Israeli nuclear terrorism, uranium exports (for peace and weapons), advanced uranium enrichment technology, hosting of nuclear-armed US and UK warships, and rejection of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

(2). Australian climate criminality. All Indo-Pacific countries are existentially threatened by man-made climate change. Climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality, is a world leader in coal and gas exports, and ranks worst for climate policy out of 64 GHG-polluting countries. Tropical Island Nations and tropical mega-delta countries are the most direly threatened.

(3). Australian war criminality. Nearly all Indo-Pacific countries have variously had the presence of Australian military forces in the last 80 years (WW2 onwards) with Australia acting as an ally of the UK rulers and/or the US. These involvements range from Australian Allied involvements in WW2 against Axis militarism in British Empire countries to Australian involvement in all post-WW2 US Asian wars (atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and deprivation) and the post-9/11 US War on Terror (over 30 million Muslim deaths from violence and deprivation).

(4). Australian involvement in genocides. Since Invasion Day (Australia Day 26 January 1788) Australians as UK or US lackeys have invaded 85 countries with 30 of these invasions being genocidal. From WW2 onwards Australia has been variously involved through force or sanctions in the following UK and/or US-imposed holocaust and genocide atrocities (dates and deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in brackets): WW2 Bengali Holocaust (1942-1945 WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million), ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide (1788 onwards; 2 million), ongoing Palestinian Genocide (1914 onwards 2 million), Korean Genocide (1950-1953; 5 million), Chinese Great Leap Forward Famine (1958-1960; 20-30 million), Vietnamese Genocide (1945-1975; 15 million), Laotian Genocide (1955-1975; 1 million), Cambodian Genocide (1969-1998; 6 million), Indonesian Genocide (1965 coup; 1 million massacred, 30 million died from deprivation by 2000), Timor Leste Genocide (Timorese Genocide; 0.2 million), ongoing Somali Genocide (1992 onwards; 2 million), Iranian Genocide (1978 onwards; 3 million), Iraqi Genocide (1990-2011; 4 million), ongoing Afghan Genocide (2001 onwards; 7 million), Global Opiate Holocaust (2001 onwards; 5 million), Muslim Holocaust (2001 onwards Muslim Genocide; 32 million), Syrian Genocide (2012 onwards; 0.5 million), ongoing Yemeni Genocide (2015 onwards; 0.5 million), ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (1950 onwards; 1,500 million), ongoing Air Pollution deaths (7-9 million annually; annual Australian contribution 75,000 abroad and 10,000 at home), ongoing Climate Genocide (10 billion to die this century unless there is requisite climate action).

(5). Australia-complicit regime change. Australians were variously involved with the US, UK and Apartheid Israel in effecting regime change in the following Indo-Pacific countries:

(i). Indonesia. Australia tried to get the US to make war on Indonesia, was involved with the US in the 1960s in backing jihadi rebels, and thence joined the US in backing the military coup in 1965 in which 1 million Indonesians were killed (mainly progressive and educated Indonesians and many ethnic Chinese) and 0.2 million were abusively imprisoned. Under the violent, corrupt and US- and Australia-backed Suharto dictatorship (1965-1999) about 33 million Indonesians died avoidably from imposed deprivation.

(ii). Laos 1960. The South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) members the UK, Australia and New Zealand were involved in the Thailand-based and US-led Secret War in Laos 1954-1975 that effected pro-US regime change in 1960. It was eventually removed by the Laotian communist Pathet Lao. More bombs were dropped on Laos by the US than all bombs in WW2.

(iii). Cambodia 1970. Pro-peace Prince Norodom Sihanouk was overthrown in a US-backed coup in 1970. Leading up to the coup, Australia was representing US interests in Cambodia after Sihanouk broke off relations with the US in 1965. The Australian Security Intelligence Service (ASIS) took over the CIA’s network of agents. After the coup US lackey Australia gave financial aid and military advice to the US-backed Lon Nol regime. These machinations eventually led to the horrendous Cambodian Genocide by the communist Khmer Rouge (up to 3 million Cambodians were killed).

(iv). Chile 1973. An Australian figure involved in the Cambodian coup was transferred to Chile. US spying in Chile was looked after by US ally and US lackey Australia after the Chilean Government had expelled subversive Americans. Australian Intelligence via the Australian Security and Intelligence Service (ASIS) was involved in the 1973 military coup in which the democratically-elected Allende Government was removed. President Salvador Allende died in the attack on the Presidential palace, 30,000 people were abusively imprisoned, 3,000 Chileans were killed, and Chileans had to endure years of brutal military dictatorship. Australian Labor PM Gough Whitlam objected to the ASIS operations before he in turn was removed in a CIA-linked coup on 11 November 1975.

(v). Australia 1975. The successively democratically elected reformist Whitlam Labor Government was removed on 11 November 1975 in a UK- and US-complicit coup involving Coalition politicians and a Governor General Sir John Kerr who was an evident US “asset”. Letters connecting this affair with British Royal Family were finally released (albeit heavily redacted) in 2021. Right wing trade union leader and fervently pro-Zionist US “asset”, Bob Hawke, played a critical role by subduing public anger after the Whitlam-deposing coup (a forest on ethnically cleansed Palestinian land was named after Hawke by Apartheid Israel). .

(vi). Fiji 1987. In 1987 the democratically-elected and multi-racial Fiji Labor Party Government led by Dr Timoci Bavadra was violently removed in a US-, Australia- and Apartheid Israel-complicit coup. The US was upset by the opposition from Fiji and New Zealand to nuclear–armed ships in the South Pacific. US lackey Australia conveniently invited the honourable and distinguished commander of the Fiji Armed Forces, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, to Australia, this enabling the US-linked third in-line Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka to launch the coup. Apartheid Israel smuggled Israeli weapons into Fiji. US-linked Rabuka launched a second coup later that year. An elected MP and Ministerial eye-witness noted that the balaclava-wearing assailants in the Parliament were black-skinned but not Fijians (i.e. they were possibly Black Americans). The only obvious previous Israel-Fiji connections may have been via Fiji Army peacekeepers in the Middle East. About 100,000 Indian Fijians left Fiji for Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand in a massive peaceful race ethnic cleansing.

(vii). Fiji 2000. In 2000 Apartheid Israel was involved in a further race-based Fiji Coup, in this instance led by Australian George Speight, removed the multi-racial and democratically-elected Mahendra Chaudhry Fiji Labor Government. As revealed in the trial of a leading Coup participant, and reported by Radio New Zealand, the Apartheid Israeli Embassy supplied the Coup participants with advanced weapons. There is good reason to suppose that the US and Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australia (second only to Zionist-subverted America as supporter of Apartheid Israel) were also involved with Apartheid Israel in the 2000 Fiji Coup as in the 1987 Fiji Coup.

(viii). Australia 2010. On 24 June 2010 the democratically elected and popular Labor PM of Australia, Kevin Rudd, was removed in an overnight, US-approved, mining corporation-backed and pro-Zionist-led coup. Kevin Rudd had provoked Zionist ire by mildly, almost apologetically and more in sorrow than in anger responding to Apartheid Israel forging Australian passports for terrorism purposes, and violently kidnapping Australians in international waters. PM Kevin Rudd’s attempts to mollify the Zionists were evidently unsuccessful. Strongly pro-Zionist and pro-US PM Julia Gillard (installed after the removal of PM Kevin Rudd in 2010) permitted several thousand US soldiers to be based near Darwin in the Northern Territory and further such involvements are predicted under the AUKUS Alliance. The 2010 Coup started a decade in which there were 6 new PMs in 11 years and 4 elected PMs were removed by internal party coups.

Were Australia and the US involved somehow in the singular and unprecedented departure of New Zealand PM David Lange 1989? New Zealand PM David Lange passed the Disarmament and Arms Control Act in 1987 banning nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed vessels and which still remains New Zealand policy. On this account New Zealand was removed from the Australia-New Zealand-US (ANZUS) Treaty. David Lange and the Labour Party were re-elected in August 1987 but in the face of Labour Caucus opposition over an economic crisis, Lange resigned in 1989. David Lange became the first elected New Zealand Labour Prime Minister who departed while neither dying in office nor being voted out in an election. In 1996 Lange sued the US- and Zionist-beholden Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) over an alleged defamation. In 2006, Archives New Zealand released to a newspaper a box of David Lange's previously classified documents that revealed New Zealand's ongoing involvement in Western alliance espionage, and a threat by the United States to spy on New Zealand if it did not back down from its ban on nuclear ships (a ban opposed by US lackey Australia and the Zionist-subverted US).

Were Australia, the US, Taiwan and Apartheid Israel involved in the Malaitan “attempted coup” in the Solomon Islands in 2021?. In 2006 there were anti-Chinese riots and Manasseh Sogavare (hostile to the Australian peace-keeping presence) was elected PM by Parliament. In a climate of fierce politics with allegations of corruption., in 2019 Sogavare won the elections and switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China. The people of Malaita support the status quo of backing Taiwan that had secured now crumbling support among small Pacific Island nations. In November 2021 Malaitan riots resumed in Honiara with a bank, a high school and Chinese businesses torched. PM Sogavare appealed to Australia for help and about 100 Australian police and soldiers were promptly dispatched to restore order. PM Sogavare has darkly referred to “foreign powers” being involved without naming them. US lackey Australia is very pro-Taiwan but the truth-challenged Australian Coalition Government has claimed neutrality in the present matter in the Solomons. However Australia-backed America and Australia-backed Taiwan are prime candidates for being the “foreign powers” involved. The Israeli flag among the rioters is notable because there is a complex Zionist-like cult among the Malaitans leading to a very pro-Apartheid Israel position, noting the support for both Taiwan and Apartheid Israel by some US-suborned tropical Island States and Zionist-subverted Australia (indeed Australia-backed Apartheid Israel was deeply involved together with the US in the 1987 and 2000 Coups in Fiji). It seems likely that this was a covertly US-, Taiwan- and Apartheid Israel-backed “attempted coup” by the Malaitans. While the Malaitan-Israel connection was reported by the Israeli press a decade ago, it is hidden by the mendacious and Zionist-subverted Australian Mainstream media. Any journalist publishing definitive, smoking gun evidence of pro-US, pro-Taiwan and pro-Apartheid Israel Australian involvement would face 10 years’ imprisonment in pre-police state Australia.

(6). White Australian double standards, US Alliance Sinophobia and the US-imposed “rules based order”. Australia justifies the anti-China and nuclear-armed AUKUS (Australia, UK and US) and Quad (Australia, India, US and Japan) Alliances on the basis of an asserted “China threat” to the Indo-Pacific. However China has merely 1 overseas base (in Djibouti and to protect the huge China shipping in the Red Sea) whereas the US has about 800 military bases in over 70 countries [203]. China is accused by the US and US lackey Australia of aggression in the South China Sea by commerce-protecting “island building” on disputed but uninhabited coral reefs, whereas this present analysis summarizes the horrendous and variously deadly and genocidal violation of most Indo-Pacific countries by Australia, the US and the US Alliance. Indeed Australia, the US and NATO are fervent supporters of Apartheid Israel that has been illegally occupying and progressively ethnically cleansing densely populated Occupied Palestine (and part of Syria) for 54 years, highly abusively confining the now 5.2 million Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants without human rights under murderous military rule in the blockaded, shelled and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp (2 million) and in ever-dwindling West Bank ghettoes (3.2 million). One party China can be legitimately criticized for human rights abuse in relation to Uighurs in Xinjiang, pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong and dissident voices. However the mass detention and re-education of Uighurs in Xinjiang, while violating human rights in the furtherance of “national security, is not genocide as claimed by flagrantly genocidal Australia, US and US Alliance (Australia- and US Alliance-backed post-1950 US Asian Wars and the post-9/11 US War on Muslims have been associated with 40 million and 32 million deaths, respectively, from violence and war-imposed deprivation) [1, 27-32]. The largely US-imposed “rules based order” means that each year 7.4 million people die avoidably from imposed deprivation on Spaceship Earth with a genocide- and holocaust-complicit and genocide- and holocaust-denying US in charge of the flight deck. The post-occupation US imposition of sanctions and funds-freezing on newly liberated Afghanistan will mean that over 100,000 Afghans will continue to die avoidably from imposed deprivation each year under the US-imposed “rules based order”.


As a UK lackey and thence as a US lackey Australia has had an appalling record of various complicity in the subversion, invasion, occupation, and military, neo-colonial and climate change devastation of countries in the Indo-Pacific region. Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality, and is deeply complicit in UK and US nuclear terrorism.

Australia (population 0.3% of the World’s) is among world leaders in climate criminality and ranks worst out of 64 GHG polluting countries for climate policy. [146]. With Domestic and exported GHG pollution that is 9.4%of the world’s total, Australia ranks 3rd after China (26.7%) and the US (13.0%) [146], and is disproportionately complicit in man-made global warming that is increasingly devastating tropical Island Nations and low-lying coastal regions through high energy cyclones, sea level rise and storm surges.

Professor Stephen Hawking (eminent theoretical physicist and cosmologist) addressing the question “Will we survive on Earth?”(2018): “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [167, 168]. The World is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and climate change and Australia makes a disproportionately high contribution to this worsening threat as a leading climate criminal country and through its key role in US and UK nuclear terrorism.

War and deadly imposed deprivation are the penultimate in racism, and genocide is the ultimate in racism. This exhaustive analysis shows that a racist White Australia variously negatively impacts every country in the Indo-Pacific region, variously through subversion, invasion, occupation and devastation through racism-driven war and greed-driven climate change.

Poverty kills and this analysis has set out the 2020 per capita GDP and avoidable deaths from deprivation for all Indo-Pacific region countries. Thus compare Australia 2020 GDP per capita $54,763, population 25.5M, avoidable deaths 1,564 (61.3 per M) versus US- , NATO- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan 2020 GDP per capita $470, population 38.9M, and avoidable deaths 106,273 (2732.0 per M) – evidence of gross Australian and US Alliance violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that unequivocally demand that an Occupier must supply its Conquered Subjects with life-preserving food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”.

Overall presently 7.4 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year on Spaceship Earth with the First World (including rich Australia) in charge of the flight deck. It is variously estimated that air pollution from burning carbon fuels kills about 7-9 million people annually [204], with Australia causing 75,000 abroad (from the burning of its world-leading coal exports) and 10,000 at home (through the burning of carbon fuels and ignoring the huge contribution due to bush fires) [112, 205]. Presently about 1 million people die from climate change each year and millions of climate refugees are generated each year. In the absence of requisite action 10 billion people will die avoidably this century en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of only about 1 billion [5, 6, 31]. Climate criminal Australia is among world leaders for climate criminality, carbon terrorism and climate terrorism [206, 207].

A serial war criminal, egregiously climate criminal and grossly Humanity-violating Australia violates all Indo-Pacific nations, and invites global action though Carbon Tariffs, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutions, International Court Justice (ICJ) litigations, and Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).


[1]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, G.M. Polya, 2007 (containing an avoidable mortality-related history of every country and now available for free perusal here: ); an extensively revised and updated 2021 version is being prepared for publication.

[2]. “Stop state terrorism”: .

[3]. “Aboriginal Genocide”: .

[4]. Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Cambridge History Of Australia” Ignores Australian Involvement In 30 Genocides”, Countercurrents, 14 October 2013: .

[5]. “Climate Genocide”: e / .

[6]. Gideon Polya, “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions”, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany 2021.

[7]. Gideon Polya, “As UK Lackeys Or US Lackeys Australians Have Invaded 85 Countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)”, Countercurrents, 9 February, 2015: ;

[8]. Tim Soutphomassane, Greg Whitwell, Kate Jordan and Philipp Ivanov, “Leading for Change. A blueprint for cultural diversity and inclusive leadership revisited”, 2018.

[9]. Gideon Polya, “Review: “Leading for Change”- corporate cultural diversity deficiency & Australian financial scandals ”, Countercurrents, 3 May 2018: .

[10]. “Subversion of Australia”: .

[11]. Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, G.M. Polya, 1998 and 2008 editions, and now available for free perusal on the Web: .

[12]. Gideon Polya, “US-imposed, Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2020.

[13]. Søren Roest Korsgaard, Jerry Day, Paul Craig Roberts, James Corbett, Gideon Polya, John Remington Graham, and Reiner Fuellmich, “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published: Deadly Deception Exposed!”, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2020.

[14]. Bob Carr, “Bob Carr: Israel lobby’s overreach far exceeded any other diaspora community”, Pearls and Irritations, 9 October 2021: .

[15]. Louise Adler, “Why are Australia and its media so fearful of debate on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians”, Guardian, 9 October 2021: .

[16]. John Lyons, “Dateline Jerusalem: Journalism's Toughest Assignment”, Monash University Publishing, 2022: .

[17]. Stuart Rees, “Adoption of anti-semitism definition is absurd and abusive”, Pearls & Irritations, 7 October 2021: .

[18]. Gideon Polya, “Letter To Australian Labor MPs Exposes Australian Crimes & IHRA Anti-Semitism”, Countercurrents, 9 October 2021: .

[19]. Peter Bradshaw, “The coming war on China review – discomforting doc exposes US nuclear tactics”, Guardian, 2 December 2016: .

[20]. John Pilger, “The coming war on China”, John Pilger: .

[21]. John Pilger, “Hidden Agendas”, Vintage, 1998.

[22]. John Pilger, “A Secret Country”, Knopf, 1991.

[23]. John Pilger, “The New Rulers of the World”, Verso, 2002.

[24]. Erik Paul, “Neoliberal Australia and US Imperialism in East Asia”, AIAA, 2012.

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[30]. Gideon Polya , “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November 2015: .

[31]. Gideon Polya, “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” , 400 pages, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2020 (see : ).

[32]. Gideon Polya, “Racist Mainstream ignores “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Countercurrents, 17 July 2020: .

[33]. “Australian Antarctic Territory”, Wikipedia: .

[34]. “Antarctica”, Wikipedia: .

[35]. “Antarctic ice sheet”, Wikipedia: .

[36]. Gideon Polya, “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions”, Korsgaard Publishing\, Germany, 2021.

[37]. Nicholas R. Golledge, “Long-term projections of sea-level rise from ice sheets”, WIREs Climate Change, 17 January 2020: .

[38]. Christina Hulbe, “How close is the West Antarctic ice sheet to a “tipping point?”, Carbon Brief, 14 February 2020: .

[39]. Gideon Polya, "Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters", Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: ] .

[40]. “The genocide of the Palestinian people: an international law and human rights perspective”, Center for Constitutional Rights, 25 August 2016:

[41]. Francis Boyle, “The Palestinian Genocide by Israel”, SSRN, 21 August 21 2013: .

[42]. Gideon Polya, “Refutation Of Mainstream-Accepted Racist Zionist Lies Behind Israel ‘s Gaza Massacres And Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents, 26 July, 2014: .

[43]. Gideon Polya, “Israeli-Palestinian & Middle East conflict – from oil to climate genocide”, Countercurrents, 21 August 2017: .

[44]. Gideon Polya, “End 50 Years Of Genocidal Occupation & Human Rights Abuse By US-Backed Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 9 June 2017: .

[45]. Gideon Polya, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights & Palestinians. Apartheid Israel violates ALL Palestinian Human Rights”, Palestine Genocide Essays, 24 January 2009: .

[46]. Gideon Polya, “70th anniversary of Apartheid Israel & commencement of large-scale Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents, 11 May 2018: .

[47]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel’s Palestinian Genocide & Australia’s Aboriginal Genocide compared”, Countercurrents, 20 February 2018: .

[48]. Gideon Polya, “Israelis kill 10 times more Israelis in Apartheid Israel than do terrorists”, Countercurrents, 1 March 2017: .

[49]. Gideon Polya, “Israeli Jewish Nation-State Law enshrines Apartheid and genocidal racism”, Countercurrents, 24 July 2018: .

[50]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel & pro-Apartheid US & Canada face world sanctions over Occupied Jerusalem”, Countercurrents, 20 December 2017: .

[51]. Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: http://www. Gideon Polya, "Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism subversion of Australia and Humanity", Subversion of Australia: .

[52]. Gideon Polya, “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”, Palestinian Genocide, 2010: .

[53]. Gideon Polya, “Foreign interference in Australia 1. Hugely disproportionate Jewish Zionist representation in Australia’s Richest 200”, Countercurrents, 11 June 2018: .

[54]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist subversion, Mainstream media censorship”, Countercurrents, 9 March 2018: .

[55]. Gideon Polya, “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide”, Chapter 2 in William Cooke, editor, “The Plight of the Palestinians”, pages 39-42, Macmillan Palgrave, 2008.

[56]. “Subversion of Australia”: .

[57]. Gideon Polya, "Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism subversion of Australia and Humanity", Subversion of Australia: .

[58]. Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, G.M. Polya, 1998, 2008 and now available for free perusal on the Web: .

[59]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel’s Palestinian Genocide & Australia’s Aboriginal Genocide Compared”, Countercurrents, 20 February 2018: .

[60]. Gideon Polya, “Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide In Apartheid Australia”, Countercurrents, 3 April, 2010: .

[61]. “Aboriginal Genocide”: .

[62]. Gideon Polya, “COP26 Disaster: 2022 Climate Change Performance Index Ranks Australia Worst For Policy”, Countercurrents, 14 October 2021: .

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[65]. Gideon Polya, “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: .

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[80]. Gideon Polya, “US-imposed Opiate Holocaust – US protection of Afghan opiates has killed 5.2 million people since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2019: .

[81]. Gideon Polya, “Idiocracy: Australian Coalition Government Mendacity, Corruption & Inaction Sabotaging COP26”, Countercurrents, 30 October 2021: .

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[88]. Gideon Polya, “Carbon Debt & Dumping – Climate Criminal Australia Hugely Subsidizes Meat, Grain & Wine Exports To China”, Countercurrents, 31 August 2020: .

[89]. Gideon Polya, “Australia rejects IMF Carbon Tax & preventing 4 million pollution deaths by 2030”, Countercurrents, 15 October 2019: .

[90]. Gideon Polya, “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions”, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2021.

[91]. Gideon Polya, “Summary of "Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions" by Gideon Polya - Climate Criminal Australia & US Ignore Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions”, Climate Genocide, 13 February 2021:

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[93]. Gideon Polya, “Polya’s 3 Laws Of Economics Expose Deadly, Dishonest And Terminal Neoliberal Capitalism”, Countercurrents, 17 October, 2015: .

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[102]. Gideon Polya, “Anti-Indian subversion of Fiji by Apartheid Israel, Pro-Apartheid Australia & pro-Apartheid America”, Countercurrents, 20 October 2017: .

[103]. Gideon Polya, “”War Criminal & Climate Criminal Australian Deception At UN General Assembly”, Countercurrents, 29 September 2020: 2019:

[104]. Gideon Polya, “Climate criminal Australia sabotages Pacific Islands Forum & threatens all Island nations”, Countercurrents, 24 august 2019: .

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[110]. Gideon Polya, “Britain robbed Indian of $45 trillion & thence 1.8 billion Indians died from deprivation”, Countercurrents, 18 December 2018: .

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[113]. Gideon Polya, “Scores Of Huge Realities Resolutely Ignored By Mendacious, US Lackey Mainstream Australia”, Countercurrents, 11 August 2020: .

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[117]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel Bombing Syria & Iraq – Hotting Up Deadly 4Decade US War On Iran”, Countercurrents, 14 August 2019: .

[118]. Gideon Polya, “US-imposed Opiate Holocaust – US Protection Of Afghan Opiates Has Killed 5.2 Million People Since 9-11” , Countercurrents, 10 August 2019: .

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[148]. Marcus Weisgerber, “Qatar Wants to Host US Ships, Expand Air Base For American Families ”, Defense One, 31 January 2018: .

[149]. Gideon Polya, “COP26 Disaster: 2022 Climate Change Performance Index Ranks Australia Worst For Policy”, Countercurrents, 14 October 2021: .

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[151]. Gideon Polya, “Letter To Australian Labor MPs Exposes Australian Crimes & IHRA Anti-Semitism”, Countercurrents, 9 October 2021: .

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[154]. Graham Readfearn, “Australia ranked last of 60 countries for policy response to climate crisis”, The Guardian, 10 November 2021: .

[155]. Sophie McNeill, “Joint exercise with Saudis during Yemen blockade 'taints' Australian Navy, say aid groups”, ABC News, 15 November 2017: .

[156]. Megan Price, “Australia is building a billion-dollar arms export industry. This is how weapons can fall in the wrong hands”, The Conversation, 27 may 2021: .

[157]. Ben Doherty and Christopher Knaus “'Blanket secrecy' surrounds Australian weapons sales to countries accused of war crimes. Defence department refuses to reveal extent of exports as arms sold to UAE, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and Democratic Republic of Congo”, The Guardian, 14 January 2020: .

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[179]. Sophie McNeill, “Joint exercise with Saudis during Yemen blockade 'taints' Australian Navy, say aid groups”, ABC News, 15 November 2017: .

[180]. Daniel Hurst, “Approval of Australian military exports to Saudi Arabia and UAE condemned by human rights groups”, The Guardian, 19 January 2021: .

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[182]. John Pilger, “The British-American Coup that ended Australian independence”, Guardian, 23 October 2014: .

[183]. Michael Brull, “Sanctioned murder: Australia’s role in drone strikes on innocent civilians is growing:, New Matilda, 8 October 2016: .

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[190]. Phillip Dorling, “ US shares raw intelligence on Australians with Israel ”, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 September 2013: .

[191]. Peter Hartcher, “Betrayed PM should not be taken for granted by Israel”, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2010: .

[192]. Peter Hartcher, “What am I, chopped liver? How Rudd dived into schmooze mode”, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 June 2010: .

[193]. Antony Loewenstein, "Does the Zionist lobby have blood on its hands in Australia ?", 2 July 201): .

[194]. Gideon Polya, “Pro-Zionist-led Coup ousts Australian PM Rudd”, MWC News, 29 June 2010.

[195]. Gideon Polya, “US- , Zionist- And Corporate-Perverted Australian Labor Vilifies And Rejects Australia-First Ex-PM Kevin Rudd”, Countercurrents, 28 February 2012: (1).

[196]. Gideon Polya, “Forged Australia Passports, Zionist Lies and Israeli State Terrorism”, Countercurrents, 26 February, 2010: .

[197]. Gideon Polya, “Australian xenophobia targets China but ignores huge Israeli subversion of Australia”, Countercurrents, 7 July 2018: .

[198]. "Subversion of Australia": .

[199]. Gideon Polya, “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”, Palestinian Genocide, 2010: .

[200]. Philip Dorling, “Arbib revealed as secret US source”, Sydney Morning Herald, 9 December 2010: .

[201]. “Israeli spy agency Mossad regularly faked Australian passports: ex-Mossad agent”, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2010: .

[202]. Guerry Hoddersen , “Biden’s two-faced policy on Yemen war”, Countercurrents, 30 November 2021: .

[203]. David Vine, “Where in the world is the US military”, Politico, July/August 2015: .

[204]. Max Roser, “Data review: how many people die from air pollution?”, Our World in Data”, 25 November 2021: .

[205]. Gideon Polya,Trumpist Climate Change Denial, Australian Bushfires, Fuel Reduction, Biochar & Carbon Debt”, Countercurrents, 10 January 2020: .

[206]. “Climate terrorism: 400,000 climate change-related deaths globally annually versus an average of 4 US deaths from political terrorism annually since 9-11”: .

[207]. “Carbon terrorism: 3 million US air pollution deaths versus 53 US political terrorism deaths since 9-11 (2001-2015)”: .

Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds". He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” and “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”. He has recently published “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), and “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2021). For images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: .