
Some highlights from my dog poo campaign emails. . .

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Watch the Dog Poo Fairy work her magic on my dog Rex - hope it's a hit! →

Below is an example of how the May issue cover of Maiden Bradley Parish

News could have featured a dog poo sign. You know, the one that nobody bothers to act on when walking their dogs along The Millennium Walk. Not to mention standard litter that's so casually dropped there.

Dog toilets along Back Lane swing from bad to dreadful sometimes. The council worry about tripping over mole hills in the playing field (lol) and yet dogs are walked in that no dog zone - and we all know about the diseases kids can catch from that.

My original litter campaign met with resistance at first, that's only natural. This new one is also all about raising awareness in our community and pulling together for the common good - is it not?

I'm lobbying other local publications as well, so don't feel too cross.


N O T E (by a dog poo freedom fighter)

It seems this dog poo issue is a subject swept under the carpet

for the Dog Poo Fairy to sort out in Never-never Land? — jp

jp 27-06-13