human interest

12 years ago Herman and Candelaria embarked on a 6 month journey from their home country of Argentina intending to finish up in Alaska. They met as children, and now, in their mid-forties with four children, they are still on the road. Their trusty 1928 Graham-Paige car has taken them across 4 continents where they have been hosted by over 2,500 families.

Their book ‘Spark your Dream’, which recounts the first leg of their journey was published in Spanish in 2005. It was a best seller in Argentina and the 8th edition is in print. It was published in English in 2007, now in its 4th edition.

To them, the best part of the journey is the people they meet. The back of their book mentions 12,000 people that embraced them from Argentina to Alaska. The list must have doubled by now! Despite the overwhelming generosity of folk, there is no doubt that they too leave behind more than they get. Who could not be inspired by a family that fearlessly follows their dreams, shifting out of a comfort zone, turning their backs on ‘the system’ and frankly – just going for it. I certainly felt like I came away with something special.

In Indian campsite they met up with Nick Heygate from Umhlanga, who was part of a team running across India to raise funds for charity (sounded like a Forest Gump moment!). Nick persuaded them to come to Africa – and here they are. The car was shipped from Mumbai, and they will spend time in the Berg, Zululand, Kruger, Mozambique, Swaziland, Gauteng, Cape Town and Nambia before heading to Cairo.

I can’t tell you what a thrill it was to spend time with Herman, Candy, Pampa (10 – born in USA), Tehue (7 – born in Argentina), Paloma (4 – born in Canada) and Wallaby (3 – born in Australia, of course!). I also received the first signed copy of their book in Africa!!

Let’s hope that South Africans can show them the true spirit of Ubuntu and open our arms and hearts to this amazing family of adventurers!!

Contact them at:

South African cell number: 083 996 1298

A while back I announced to the one I love that I wanted to live in a donkey drawn karretjie, with a Madame Zingara type tent. I am almost sure I saw a glint in his eye at the prospect. Somehow we never got our asses into gear to trot down the dusty road. Today I met the Zapp family, and the urge to saddle up has come back.


Lois Kuhle