Web Resources

Local Sites and Organizations

Angela's Vermicompost Page - Angela composts her food in her Lakewood kitchen with worms. Look for her vermicomposting demo at LEAF Night this summer.

Bike Lakewood - The Facebook page for Lakewood's local bike advocacy group is responsible for new bike racks and share the road signs in Lakewood making sustainable transportation easier and safer.

Cleveland Botanical Garden Blog

Cleveland-West Freecycle - An email list for people to use to get free stuff that people don't want anymore. Don't throw it out Freecycle It!

Countryside Conservancy - Helping Cuyahoga Valley National Park revitalize the picturesque old farms still surviving in the park.

Earth Day Coalition - Cleveland’s own nonprofit environmental education organization serving Ohio and the nation.

EcoCity Cleveland - A nonprofit organization promoting the design of cities in balance with nature.

Geauga Family Farms - A cooperative of 10 certified organic farmers in Geauga County.

GreenCityBlueLake - A network of people and organizations creating a sustainable Northeast Ohio.

Green Energy Ohio

Green Triangle - This local organization uses permaculture forest gardening as the primary solution to many of our present challenges in the Cleveland area.

The Lakewood Observer - Our local paper and message board.

Lakewood Public Library - Our public library and home of LEAF Night!

New Agrarian Center Workshops - workshops provide practical knowledge in a garden setting and hands-on opportunities to apply that knowledge. Workshops are currently offered by both the George Jones Farm of Oberlin and City Fresh of Cleveland.

Ohio Chapter of the Sierra Club

Ohio State University Cuyahoga County Extension - A great local resource for gardeners and growing questions.

ReStore - Cleveland's Habitat for Humanity has a store that sells leftover building supplies to raise money and promote reuse.

Slow Food Northern Ohio - Fosteris awareness and appreciation of Northern Ohio's foods, farms and culinary traditions, new and old.

Sustaino - Jennifer is a Lakewood resident who blogs about environmental issues.

Zero Landfill Cleveland - Diverts from the waste stream viable items that have been misclassified as waste and returns them to the community.

Other Relative Sites and Organizations

Alternative Consumer - Reviews of green products.

Bioneers - A forum for connecting the environment, health, social justice, and spirit within a broad progressive framework

Building Materials Reuse Association - Find listings for deconstruction services and reused building materials stores across the US.

The Cornucopia Institute - Dedicated to the fight for economic justice for the family-scale farming community.

EcoGeek - A blog about technology for the environment.

Ecostreet - A regularly update environmental blog.

Encyclopedia Of Life - A constantly evolving encyclopedia that lives on the Internet, with contributions from scientists and amateurs alike.

Esprit Cabane - A site about green crafts.

FoodRoutes - Where does your food come from?

Greener Choices - A Consumer Reports site about products for a better planet

Green Maven - A green search engine.

Greenthinkers - A forum for ideas and thoughts on how to live a more green life

Local Harvest - Find locally grown produce anywhere in the country!

MetaEfficient - Reviews of tools and techniques to live more simply and self-sufficiently.

National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture - Dedicated to educating the US public on the importance of a sustainable food and agriculture system that is economically viable, environmentally sound.

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service - provides information and other technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, Extension agents, educators, and others involved in sustainable agriculture in the United States.

No Impact Man - A blog about living a green, sustainable, environmental life.

Off-Grid - People, places or buildings with renewable power and own water supply.

Open Source Ecology - A wiki of open source green ideas and products.

Organic Consumers Association - campaigning for health, justice, sustainability, peace and Democracy

Reverse Garbage An Australian Co-Op that sells industrial discards to the public for creative and practical uses.

Rodale Institute - Details of research and promotion of sustainable farming practices.

Slow Food - A non-profit, eco-gastronomic member-supported organization that was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life.

Small Farm Library - Tons of free information on gardening and farming posted by Journey To Forever.

Sprol - A site that explores locations affected by pollution, urban sprawl, and other causes of environmental harm, with text, satellite imagery maps.

Squarefoot Gardening Foundation - Provides information about growing in small spaces.

Sunset Plant Finder - Helps you find the perfect plants for your yard.

Treehugger.com - Partial to a modern aesthetic, it shares sustainable design, green news and solutions.

VegetableGardener.com - is a great resource for how-to articles and videos about growing your own vegetables.

The Viridian Design Movement - An online design movement about global warming.

Veg Cooking Blog - Regularly updated blog with vegetable recipes and ideas.

Union of Concerned Scientists - The leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world.

Gardens 2007+ - A two year pilot project that supports the transition of backyard, front yard, window boxes, rooftops and unused land into food production areas in San Francisco.

Vegan Dinners - Great blog of meat free recipes.

Vote Solar - Keep track of what your State is doing to promote solar energy.

Whole Earth Catalog - Scans of the original Whole Earth Catalogs.