7 - November December

What are we going to see ?

  • Autumn Foliage, Autumn Bulbs.
  • All the cynorrhodons.

Le Ginko biloba et les Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'

Cotinus coggygria 'Grace'

In November, the Cotinus coggygria 'Grace' dresses in carmine, purple and coppery orange.

The foliage of R.rugosa alba turns gold to poise its tomato-shaped hips.

R.rugosa alba

A small weeping tree, Prunus yedoensis perpendens is a fountain of gold, early November.

P.yedoensis perpendens

‘Nozomi’ the Japanese rose, good-looking in any season, in its terra-cotta jar.


'Souvenir de Ste Anne'

Renaissance pavillon under the snow.