2 - March

What are we going to see ?

  • Shrubs : corylopsis, prunus, magnolias, viburnum, helleborus,
  • Bulbs : galanthus, cyclamens, crocus, iris reticulata, narcissus, species tulips.

Tulipa sylvestris

A deep purple Helleborus orientalis bought without a name.

Purple Helleborus

Epimédium and Narcissus blooming together

Narcissus in epimediums

The small willow, S. caprea pendula proudly exhibits its golden catkins above narcissus. In the background, the city of Lyon.

S. C. pendula and narcissus

Prunus 'Mary Malet'

Corylopsis pauciflora open their exquisitely scented, acid-yellow flowers at the same time as the rich pink ones of Prunus ‘Okame’, the first Prunus to bloom.

Clématis armandii

while Clematis armandii with persistent foliage, festoons a Cedrus atlantica and climbs up to more than 10 meters

Iris reticulata mixed with the Crocus tommasinianus.

Iris reticulata mixed with the Crocus tommasinianus.

The Narcisssus Alley

Not far away the first species tulips open their corollas T.humilis 'LittlePrincess'