Critical Thinking

Это стандартный курс "Critical Thinking", который разработали преподаватели the University of Sydney. Я веду обучение на английском языке по учебнику к данному курсу.

10 занятий.

Я адаптировал данный курс для отечественной аудитории, то есть доработал его таким образом, чтобы во время обучения критическому мышлению была возможность «подтянуть» знания по английскому языку и полноценно практиковаться во всех четырёх навыках, связанных с английским языком – writing, speaking, reading, listening.

У меня четырёхлетний опыт преподавания академических предметов на английском языке. В 2017 г. я успешно прошёл IELTS Academic English exam. Мой уровень владения английским языком - Upper intermediate (B2).


1. Dispositions for Critical Thinking

Metacognition. Inquisitiveness. Being systematic. Truth-seeking. Self-confidence. Being analytical. Being open-minded. Self-confidence. Being analytical. Being open-minded. Maturity.

2. Argument Spheres

Argumentation in the personal sphere. Argumentation in the technical sphere. Argumentation in the public sphere

3. Premises and Conclusions

The logical structure of an argument. Conclusions. Premises. Statement. Implicit premises and conclusions

4. Formal Logic Structures

Formal logic. Three structures for arguments. Categorical logic. Hedging language. Structural fallacies in categorical logic. Hypothetical structure. Structural fallacies in hypothetical structure. Disjunctive structure. Fallacies in disjunctive structure

5. Common Fallacies

The fallacy of jumping from correlation to cause. Hasty generalization. The straw man fallacy. Fallacy fallacy.

6. Claims and Evidence

Claim. Evidence. Criteria for assessing evidence: origin, mode, purpose, and source. Good claim

7. Identifying Biases and Assumptions

Assumption. Bias. Not representing all sides. Obscuring by language. False classification schemes. Emotive language. Ad hominem. Certain or definitive language

8. Evaluating Arguments

Two broad sets of criteria to evaluate evidence. Evaluating the context of the evidence. Evaluating the quality and suitability of evidence. Validity, currency, reliability, and relevance.

9. Types of Arguments

Arguments from analogy. Causal arguments. Arguments of generalisation. Quasi-logical arguments. Co-existential arguments. Dissociative arguments. Three tests to evaluate arguments. The Classical Style of Argument. Regerian Argument

10. Argument structures

Parts of an argument. Chains of arguments. Argument models

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