We've included information about the most frequently asked questions below. If you have further questions feel free to reach out to our garden email address or on Facebook.

1. Agreement and Contract. Please see the Rent A Plot page for this information. There is a link to a Google Form to fill out.

2. Payment. We now have two ways of payment. You can send a check to PO Box 611, Pullman, WA 99163. Or you can pay by credit card on the Plot Payment page. If you do not have a checking account, email koppelgardens@gmail.com and we can make arrangements for a board member to pick it up cash. If you are unable to make the payment all at once, also email us and we can make arrangements. Please pay by May 15. Each 20 X 20 plot is $75, and 10 X 10 plots are $37.50 We had to raise the prices after 10 years, because of inflation. You can keep the same plot for multiple years, you just need to be sure to let us know in the fall or early spring that you want to keep it. That is why it is important to have multiple contacts- phone, text, email so we contact you.

3. Orientation. We will have an in person orientation in April 2023, date to be announced. Because of COVID, we recorded a 20 minute video that has all the information (link as follows). We will also be presenting education modules on different aspects of gardening at Koppel, to be posted later.


All the hand tools are for your use, but the power tools are only for the committees. Many plots have junk left from the previous tenants. We try to get people to remove their trash, but they do not. WE DO NOT HAVE TRASH SERVICE AT THE GARDEN so make sure your normal trash is taken home. However, we will make a pile of garbage for the Spring work party to haul away.

4. Volunteer committees- many of you have already given your volunteer preferences. We will be putting together these committees and contacting you. We cannot stress enough the importance of everyone putting in their time for common chores. We do not have any paid staff, and we cannot rely on the board to do everything. We have a record number of gardeners this year because of COVID, so we need assistance to keep the garden going.

5. Mentoring - We have many new gardeners who indicated an interest in having a garden mentor. We will be dividing these up among the board and contacting you. We would like to do it on a one to one basis, when we are at the garden.

6. Work Party - We are planning a work party in April, 2023, date to be announced. This will be to put out the hoses and get the garden ready for the spring.

7. Spring Fair- This year, we are planning it for May 20, 2023. Stay tuned for more details under the Events page.

Koppel Farm Board

Mowing Commitee Quadrants