Bounded rationality and climate policy

Czyz, D., Safarzynska, K., 2023. Catastrophic damages and the optimal carbon tax under loss aversion. Environmental Resource Economics  85: 303-340

Safarzynska, K., van den Bergh, J., 2022. ABM-IAM: Optimal climate policy under bounded rationality and multiple inequalities. Forthcoming in Environmental Research Letters 17: 094022.

Savin, I., F. Creutzig, T. Filatova, J. Foramitti, T. Konc , L. Niamir, K. Safarzynska and  J. van den Bergh, 2022. Agent-based modelling to integrate disciplines for acceptable climate policy. Wires Climate Change 14: e811. 

Safarzynska, K., 2017. Integrating behavioural economics into climate-economy models: some policy lessons.  Climate Policy 18: 425-498.

Safarzynska, K., 2017. The implications of industrial development for fuel diversification. Ecological Economics 137 : 37-46.

Safarzynska, K., Frenken, K., van den Bergh J. 2012. Evolutionary theorizing and modelling of sustainability transitions. Research Policy 41: 1011-1024. 

Safarzynska, K., van den Bergh J. 2011. Beyond Replicator Dynamics: Innovation-Selection Dynamics and Optimal Diversity. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization 78: 229-245. 

Safarzynska, K., van den Bergh J. 2010. Evolving power and environmental policy. Ecological Economics 69: 743-752. 

Safarzynska, K., van den Bergh J. 2010. Evolutionary modelling in economics: a survey of methods and building blocks. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20: 329-373. 

Safarzynska, K., 2013. Evolutionary-economic polices for sustainable consumption. Ecological Economics 90: 187-195. 

Vasileiadou, E., Safarzynska, K., 2010. Transitions: taking complexity seriously. Futures 42: 1176-1186.