
Styles: (as told by Gelard)

Defense: Basic Defense is the style all new recruits must learn. It is one that teaches you how to protect yourself, and focuses on technique and form that is the groundwork for all other styles. The first need of a Blademaster is the knowledge to protect himself. You must be guild level 1 to learn this style.

Fencing: The fencing style of combat is characterized by fast and decisive movements, where the fencer attempts to outmaneuver his or her opponent by an incredibly fast volley of blows. This style sacrifices power for speed and number of attacks, and does leave the fencer more open to the few attacks of his or her opponents. You can only use one-handed weapons for this style, and you must be guild level 2 to learn this style.

Low Warder: The first of the warder styles, this particular one focuses on teaching the blademaster to hit as hard as possible. It is a careful style, allowing the blademaster to strike harder, and with more precision, but at a price of speed and protection. You can only use one-handed weapons for this style, and you must be guild level 2 to learn this style.

Juggernaut: The juggernaut is a powerful, unstoppable force. The blademaster using this style strikes harder, and like a juggernaut is highly protected, yet also like the juggernaut his speed is slow and paced. You must be guild level 5 to learn this style.

Bashing: Much like its name sounds, the bashing style is one of fast strikes and untamed power. However, this style is not considered useful in most one-on-one combat, because it leaves the blademaster very vulnerable to attacks, and unable to defend against them. You must be guild level 5 to learn this style.

Dual Wield: This is perhaps the most fearsome ability of the blademaster, yet also one which is costly. While training in this style, a blademaster may learn to use two weapons at once. This style is only taught to high level blademasters and can be a powerful ally when fully mastered. The weapons however, must be the guildblade and another sword or dagger. You can only use one-handed weapons for this style, and you must be guild level 12 to learn this style.

Gladiator: The Gladiator style allows you to use the size and weight of 2-handed weapons for solid defense. Using your strength and skill you also manipulate the momentum of the weapon for faster attacks. You can only use two-handed weapons for this style, and you must be guild level 12 to learn this style.

True Only:

Aegis: This form of combat can be invaluable when sheer power is needed in combat. While slightly increasing his or her level of defensive capabilities, the blademaster strikes with mighty and powerful blows, at only a cost to the frequency of those blows. You must be guild level 13 and you must be a True Blademaster to learn this style.

Dragon: The dragon is the epitome of power, grace and fortitude in the world, and this style is no different. It allows for great offensive prowess and strong defensive abilities, at a minimal cost of attack speed. Enemies should also beware the fearsome attack this style allows. You must be guild level 17 and you must be a True Blademaster to learn this style.

Dark Only:

High Warder: This is the full warder style that is used by many of the higher ranks among the guild. This style allows for fierceness and powerful strikes, with a medium cost of speed. This is the choice of most blademasters for general combat with an unknown foe. You must be guild level 13 and you must be a Dark Blademaster to learn this style.

Scorpion: This advanced style is characterized by quick powerful strikes and slightly diminished defensive capabilities. All your opponents will learn to fear this style's scorpion-like attack, which is extremely deadly. You can only use one-handed weapons for this style, and you must be guild level 17 and you must be a Dark Blademaster to learn this style.


Str: A primary stat, directly affects skills, usually the damage aspect of the direct damage skills. Also, affects standard damage and carrying capacity. I recommend at least powerful(25).

Dex: Serves no purpose but to affect offensive and defensive components of combat. Draw your own conclusions. You're all too stupid to listen to me about this one.

Int: A primary stat, directly affects skills. Also, adds to mental capacity. I recommend at least brilliant(17) for Dark, and genius(25) for true.

Con: Essential stat. BMs need to be able to stay in the room to get anything accomplished, and once knocked out of the room due to low hp there's really nothing that can be done about it.

Wis: Essentially worthless. Boosts magic resistance, but that's what abstinence is for.

Cha: Let's you take care of yourself in the shops and pubs, also makes buying at halfway somewhere between easier and possible. Totally personal prefernce on this one.