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Computational Environmental Technology and Risk Analysis Laboratory


--Introduction to Available Models Used--

(I) Aerosol Science and Technology/Atmospheric Environment

1. Quantification on the source/receptor relationship of primary pollutants and secondary aerosols by a Gaussian plume trajectory model: Part II. case study. (Atmos Environ)

2. Source apportionment to PM10 in different air quality conditions for Taichung urban and coastal areas, Taiwan. (Atmos Environ)

3. Characteristics of aerosols collected in central Taiwan during an Asian dust event in spring 2000. (Chemosphere)

4. Chemical compositions of fine particulates emitted from oil-fired boilers. (J Environ Eng Manage)

5. Compositions and source apportionments of atmospheric aerosol during Asian dust storm and local pollution in central Taiwan. (J Atmos Chem)

6. Carbonaceous aerosol measurements at coastal, urban and inland sites in central Taiwan. (Environ Forensics)

7. Empirical models to predict parsimoniously the mass and number concentrations of ultrafine particulate in ambient atmosphere. (B Environ Contam Tox)

i. Current Using

CMB: Chemical Mass Balance Model

GLM: Generalized Linear Model

GTx: Gaussian Transfer Coefficient Trajectory Model

HRT Model: Human Respiratory Tract Model

MPPD: Multi Pathways Particle Deposition Model

MRC: Mass Reconstruction Model

ii. Future Apply


(II) Disease Modelling/Aerosol Medicine/Environmental Health

1. Influenza-associated morbidity in subtropical Taiwan. (Int J Infect Dis)

2. Viral kinetics and exhaled droplet size affect indoor transmission dynamics of influenza infection. (Indoor Air)

3. Understanding the influenza viruses-specific epidemiological properties by analysis of experimental human infections. (Epidemiol Infect)

4. Assessing the exacerbation risk of influenza-associated chronic asthma. (Risk Anal)

i. Current Using

GLM: Generalized Linear Model

PRA: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Model

SEIR: Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovery Model

Hill Model

ii. Future Apply


(III) Physicochemistry/Ecological Toxicology/Environmental Toxicology

1. Metal stresses affect the population dynamics of disease transmission in aquaculture species. (Aquaculture)

2. Low-cost farmed shrimp shells could remove arsenic from aqueous solutions kinetically. (J Hazard Mater)

3. Risk-based probabilistic approach to assess the impact of false mussel invasions on farmed hard clams. (Risk Anal)

i. Current Using

AD: Advection-Diffusion Model

PRA: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Model

SIM: Susceptible-Infected-Mortality Model

Hill Model

Gravitiy Model

ii. Future Apply

MPM: Matrix Population Model

West Growth Model

Weibull Threshold Model

(IV) Risk Analysis/Nanotoxicology/Computional Toxicology

1. Oxidative stress risk analysis for exposure to diesel exhaust particle-induced reactive oxygen species. (Sci Total Environ)

2. Assess atmospheric ultrafine carbon particle-induced human health risk based on surface area dosimetry. (Atmos Environ)

3. Model-based assessment for human inhalation exposure risk to airborne nano/fine titanium dioxide particles. (Sci Total Environ)

4. Assessing the airborne titanium dioxide nanoparticle-related exposure hazard at workplace. (J Hazard Mater)

5. Exposure risk of temple goers/workers to airborne carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. (J Hazard Mater)

6. Assessing airborne PM-bound arsenic exposure risk in semiconductor manufacturing facilities. (J Hazard Mater)

7. A probabilistic approach to quantitatively assess the inhalation risk for airborne endotoxin in cotton textile workers. (J Hazard Mater)

8. Modeling human health risk to airborne endotoxin in homes during the winter and summer seasons. (Sci Total Environ)

i. Current Using

AUC: Area Under the Curve Model

CMB: Chemical Mass Balance Model

GLM: Generalized Linear Model

HRT Model: Human Respiratory Tract Model

MPPD: Multi Pathways Particle Deposition Model

PBL: Physiologically Based Lung Model

PBPK: Physiologically Based Pharmcokinetic Model

PRA: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Model

TD: Toxicodynamic Model

Hill Model

ii. Future Apply

DTK: Dermatotoxicokinetic Model

--Other Important Models--

AD: Advection-Diffusion Model

AUC: Area Under the Curve Model

BLM: Biotic Ligand Model

CAUC: Critical Area Under the Curve Model

CBR: Critical Body Residual Model

CMB: Chemical Mass Balance Model

DAM: Damage Assessment Model

DTK: Dermatotoxicokinetic Model

GLM: Generalized Linear Model

GTx: Gaussian Transfer Coefficient Trajectory Model

HRT Model: Human Respiratory Tract Model

MPPD: Multi Pathways Particle Deposition Model

MPM: Matrix Population Model

MRC: Mass Reconstruction Model

PBL: Physiologically Based Lung Model

PBPK: Physiologically Based Pharmcokinetic Model

PBTK: Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic Model

PRA: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Model

SEIR: Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovery Model

SIM: Susceptible-Infected-Mortality Model

TD: Toxicodynamic Model

Hill Model

Gravitiy Model

West Growth Model

Weibull Threshold Model

Page updated on Jan 20th, 2010