Patents & Technology Licensing


Jun-Cheng Weng, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen

Chemo-brain image visualization classifying system and operating method thereof

Taiwan Invention Model Patent: I796278, 2023/3/11 - 2042/10/12


Jun-Cheng Weng, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen

AcroViz Inc: Brian diffusion MRI and cognition dataset of breast cancer patients with or without chemotherapy and healthy controls

Technology License: 111012, 2022/12/21 – 2024/12/20


Jun-Cheng Weng, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen

The method and system to predict suicidal ideation from depressive patients using multiple MRI features and artificial intelligence

Taiwan Invention Model Patent: I780396, 2022/10/1 - 2040/1/21


Jun-Cheng Weng, Kai-Hsiang Chuang, Pei-Huan Wu

Deep learning method for integrated brain extraction and coil inhomogeneity correction of brain images 

Taiwan Invention Model Patent: I771141, 2022/7/11 - 2041/8/5


Jun-Cheng Weng, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen

Deep learning system and brain connectome features for depression and differential suicidality prediction

Taiwan Utility Model Patent: M620643, 2021/12/1 - 2031/8/5


Jun-Cheng Weng, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen

Predicting suicidal ideation from depressive patients using multiple MRI features and artificial intelligence

Taiwan Utility Model Patent: M595486, 2020/5/21 - 2030/1/21