F. A. Q. s

Q: How do I contact the society?

Call or email us at: 785-364-2087 or reach a volunteer at 785-364-4991. Email: jacohistsoc@gmail.com

Q: What if I can't be there during your limited hours?

Again, call or email us, and we will make arrangements for you to visit.

Q: I live a long distance away. How can you help me with my research questions?

Email or call us with your research questions, and we will try to answer them.

Q: What types of research materials do you have?

We have biographies, cemetery indexes, censuses, church histories, cookbooks, directories (farm and telephone), family genealogies, histories, maps, military records, newspapers, obituaries, photographs, school records, tax records, and vital records (births, deaths, divorces and marriages).

Q: Where do I find a list of the research materials?

Go to the "Resources" section, then to "Research Materials" for a list of our resources. Our volunteers can do "look-ups" in these materials if you have specific questions.

Q. How do I apply for a scholarship? (Scholarships are offered to graduating seniors each year.)

Search for "Scholarship" in the "Search" box.

Q: I would like to make a monetary donation to preserve these artifacts and research materials. How do I do that?

Make your check payable to: Jackson County Kansas Historical & Genealogical Society (JCKHGS). Mail to: 216 New York Avenue, Holton KS 66436

Since we survive with dues, donations and fund raisers, we appreciate donations to help us maintain our three buildings which contain artifacts and research materials.