myMediaPlayer - Combine your choice of music and video to make accessible cause and effect fun

MMP Information

myMediaPlayer (MMP) is a simple adapted digital media player that offers a cause-and-effect activity for single switch users, or a simplified direct access activity for mouse, touchscreen, or Intellikeys keyboard users. The "delay-to-pause" timer stops the player after a defined interval to encourage repeated user responses. The "Light Switch" option allows a light activated switch to control a switch adapted toy or other switch adapted device.

First, identify media elements that you think your user will like by clicking the Add Movie/Music buttons and locating media files. This adds items to the play lists. Clicking on play list items highlights them for playing and shows them in the selected item fields. Highlighted items can be deleted from the lists using the Delete buttons. The Clear Selection buttons removes the media elements from the selected item fields.

You can name, save and open play lists.

You can select 2 media elements for simultaneous play: a movie file (*.mov, *.mpg, *.mpeg, *.gif, *.swf), and/or a music file (*.mp3, *.mid, *.wav) depending upon what version of QuickTime is installed on your system (version 6.5 is preferred.) I often use this media player more as a music player and identify an animated gif element to add visual interest, or you can add music to a silent video clip.

You can define whether the player for each media type will loop continuously, or close when the media concludes, or neither by clicking one of the mode buttons below each list. The close option works well with launcher programs with the player exiting directly back to the launching program.

Single switch users can use the delay-to-pause with a switch-adapted mouse. Select a delay time from the Delay Time menu, or just enter a number of seconds into the nearby text box. Select a delay time of 0 for continuous play. After the setup the facilitator positions the mouse cursor over the Play button to ready the activity for the switch user. Alternatively, if the "Play on click" option is checked, a mouse click almost anywhere in the Player screen will start and stop play.

The Pause button is always hidden during delay-to-pause play.

Alternatively, the switch can be plugged into the Switch 1 input of the Intellikeys keyboard that has the "myMediaPlayer.omc" overlay loaded. Additionally a Don Johnson Switch Interface or similar device that can send the characters '0', '1','2','3', or '4' can also control myMediaPlayer as explained below.

By checking "Use Overlay" you will be asked to locate the 'myMediaPlayer.omc' content overlay file. The file will then be loaded, and automatically loaded each time the myMediaPlayer is opened thereafter. You will also have to have the Intellitools Overlay Sender program installed on your computer.

The "Say Yes" and "Say No" offer users a way to indicate preferences while setting things up. The buttons respond to the Intellikeys keyboard overlay previously mentioned so that the Play key (switch 1) corresponds to no and the Pause key (switch 2) to yes.

Finally, the Direct Play checkbox allows for media play only while the switch is held down. This method works only with a switch adapted mouse. Hover the mouse pointer over the Direct Play button during use.

The "Set Color" buttons change the background color of the stack.

myMediaPlayer automatically saves and loads settings in separate files with each use. If you move myMediaPlayer.exe around your hard drive, be sure to move MMP.qsu (the setup file), and optionally any *.ply (play lists) files so they are easily found.

myMediaPlayer2 consists of 3 screens -

1.The info screen.

2. The setup screen where you can identify a digital media files , specify audio files, select play modes, manage playlists, and set the delay-to-pause timer.

3. The player screen.

Important!-----> The player screen responds to the following keystrokes: 'p','0', or '1' starts the player; 'u' or '2' pauses the player; 's' or '3' opens the setup screen; 'q' or '4' ends the program. The 'p' or 'u' commands only work when the Play or Pause buttons are visible.

The Intellikeys overlay named "myMediaPlayer.omc" works with myMediaPlayer. The overlay has buttons that send the control keystrokes defined above. The overlay is programmed for switch input 1 to send 'p' for play, and input 2 to send 'u' for pause.

Download myMediaPlayer here

The Player Screen