
The downloadable attachments are shown in a list  at the bottom of this page. The attachments are listed in alphabetical order. On the left side of the list, click on the down pointing arrow to begin a download. 

The applications below may be freely shared. The applications and resources are all inside zip files. Just download and unpack the zip file and the applications are ready to use - installation is not necessary. They can be run from flash drives if you like.

This page   contains the materials associated with the following:


1. CDSpecial - an accessible CD player

2. launcher6 -create your own portable accessible choice making activities for communicating and fun

3. myMediaPlayer - combine audio and video for cause/effect fun

4. Countdown - a full screen countdown timer with auditory cues

5. eStoryMaker - make accessible e stories easily.

6. The Web Page Communicator Package - Improved compatibility with all major browsers this tool set can be used to create web pages that act like  dynamic display speech generating devices on many platforms including the iPad (Download "" below.)

7. An overlay for CDSpecial and myMediaPlayer for Intellikeys keyboard

8. clickMitigator - Improved!  Turn a video player into a single click, cause-and-effect activity. Or, use to mask extra, unnecessary clicks. Control your mouse completely with the left mouse click! It remembers mode and mouse settings for the next use!

9. dragKeys - Copy text with one key - use with clipboard text-to-speech programs to read aloud almost any text in most programs.

and dragKeysPlus - which adds a 2 second delay before speaking and has a one key paste feature.

10 SoundToys -  Cause and effect to intentional action with these two utilities. Use with a freeware camera mouse for hands-free, minimal motion users.

11. JoystickWedge - Improved! Like clickMitigator but better. Converts joystick button input into click sequences like clickMitigator, keyboard sequences, and can be used for single switch mouse control. Turn an adapted joystick into a programmable switch interface. It remembers its settings for the next use. And now with Spot Scanning - make many websites switch accessible!

12 KeyboardWedge - Improved! Convert keystrokes into click sequences like clickMitigator, and can be used for single switch mouse control. Add new features to  your DJ or Quizworks (or other) switch interface  for your single switch users. It remembers its settings for the next use. And now with Spot Scanning - make many websites switch accessible!

13. ClickWedge - New June 20, 2010  -turns your switch adapted mouse into a low cost enhanced switch interface for free! Once launched, ClickWedge can be set to intercept left or right mouse clicks and then convert them to click sequences, keystroke sequences, or complete mouse control.  And now with Spot Scanning - make many websites switch accessible!

14.followKey - If you use Ctrl-f (find text) to locate hyperlinks while browsing the Internet, FollowKey allows you to follow the found hyperlink with a single key press 

15. Assistive Technology Freeware at the Adirondack AT Expo 2012 - A review of assistive technology freeware for Windows computers is an XMind mind map.

16. Freeware Tools for Struggling Readers and Writers - A Word document handout from the Adirondack AT Expo 2012.

17. Freeware Tools for Computer and AAC - A Word document handout from the Adirondack AT Expo 2012.

18. SwitchWedge ---(Updated 2/27/2024 new features) The improved switch interface enhancer for any, and all switch interfaces that supports 5 inputs, and combines ClickWedge, KeyboardWedge, and JoystickWedge in a single utility!

19. KeyTalkC --- An aid for struggling readers that offers simple one word at a time highlighting with test-to-speech capability for word processors and editors.

20. ButtonBar --- A programmable on-screen keyboard for Windows to make interactive whiteboards, many common Windows programs and websites easier to aaccess for many users.

22. ClickScan -- This simple program makes single switch access made easier using an adapted mouse or switch interface.