IxoraRMS is a tool for gathering and visualizing monitoring data. It was developed in Java and has a Swing GUI. As part of my job I am involved in performance testing and I felt the need for a tool with the following characteristics:

  • quick to deploy
  • able to provide rich amounts of monitoring data
  • able to automatically update the customized data views when the topology changes
  • able to provide updates in almost real time
  • and able to customize the following aspects by writing none or very little code:
    • adding new monitoring agents
    • data visualization
    • adding complex reactions to trigger notifications and tuning/configuration advice

The project is open source, released under the Apache License, Version 2.0 and is hosted on GitHub (automatically exported from the old repository at GoogleCode).

If you are a developer interested in this kind of work, I am looking for contributors willing to add or maintain monitoring agents. If you are an user and just want to share with others an interesting dashboard or data view that you designed, contact me to have it included in the project. I'm also looking for people willing to contribute tutorials.

Have a look at the screenshots and go through the documentation and tutorials to familiarize yourself with this tool.

For a list of existing monitoring agents see this page in documentation.
