Getting Started with IxoraRMS

This contains information about how to install and run IxoraRMS. Refer to User guide for a full overview of its features. IxoraRMS requires J2SE 6.0 or above.

Installing IxoraRMS

To ensure maximum portability IxoraRMS is distributed as a series of compressed files (zip or bz2) for supported platforms. The installation procedure consists in unzipping the appropriate file in the desired output directory. To uncompress use:

  • Windows: use any graphical zip utility (such as WinZip).
  • Linux: use the command:
    • tar -xzvf x86-linux-no-vm.tar.gz
  • Solaris: use the command:
    • bzip2 -dc x86-solaris-no-vm.tar.bzip | tar -xvf -

or the same command as for Linux, if the GNU freeware utilities are installed.

The Console is the main application component which displays data collected from all monitored hosts in a graphical console. The Host Manager is the component responsible for collecting data from agents deployed on remote hosts and forwarding it to the console.

Running IxoraRMS

The installation file for each platform contains both the Console and HostManager. To start them use:

  • Console: run console.bat or
  • HostManager: run hmStart.bat or and to stop it run the corresponding hmStop script file; after the Host Manger had been started at least once with hmStart and configured you can use the generated script file hm.launch.bat or file to start the Host Manager thereafter.

Note that IxoraRMS Console will try to communicate to all Host Managers through a bidirectional TCP/IP channel to offer the best user experience but if such a channel cannot be established (because of firewalls for instance), the console will use a polling mechanism to retrieve data from the Host Managers using a one way channel.

Click the Load session button and select winsample.rmss if you are running on Windows. This will open a sample monitoring session with system information pertinent to the local machine using the Windows Agent.

You can also start a monitoring session in a non-interactive manner using:

batchStart.bat(sh) [sessionName] [logFile]

where the two parameters are the monitoring session name and the log file where monitoring data will be stored. To stop a session started with batchStart you must run batchStop.bat(sh)