Road types

Nomenclature of road objects

Thanks to Bushlurker in this post for explaining the logic behind the naming of BIS road objects. The following examples are by him, recreated here for convenience.

"kr_t_asf1_asf2" - for example, means...

kr = crossroad/keypart piece

t = T-junction

asf1 = main road type (A thru to B)

asf2 = "side" road type (C)


kr = crossroad/keypart piece

x = actual crossroads

asf1 = main road type (A thru to B)

asf3 = "side/cross" road type (C thru to D)

HomerJohnston also provided good information in this thread regarding the nomenclature of the straight pieces:

asf 6 = straight 6.25m

asf 12 = straight 12.5m

asf 25 = straight 25m

asf 10 25 = 10 deg. turn with 25m radius

asf 10 50 = 10 deg. turn with 50m radius

asf 0 1000 = 0.5 deg. turn with 1000m radius (unusable?)


city - Two lanes, white center dashes. Curbs on both sides, leaves piled up at edges.

asf1 - Two lanes, white center dashes, solid shoulder dashes. "Poured" edge.

asf2 - Two lanes, white center dashes. Ragged edge.

asf3 - Single lane, no dashes. Heavily cracked. Cracked edges.

grav - Deep tire ruts on dirt/gravel.

mud - Shallow tire marks on soggy earth.

path - Alpha mapped stones, very thin.


asf1 - Two lanes, no markings. Desert dirt, poured and ragged edges.

asf2 - Same as asf1(?)

dirt1 - Desert dirt road, two lanes wide.

dirt2 - Same as dirt1, but one lane wide.

path - Same as path from Chernarus but with a desert texture, more rocks.