1 Business

The economics of the business is one of three key evaluations that an investor has to make. Of the three key evaluations, this is easier (though still very difficult) than the other two key evaluations of management and valuation.

Michael Porter’s book “Competitive Strategy” describes five forces that determine industry profitability. This provides a useful framework to evaluate the business.

It is also very important to identify and evaluate the risks inherent in the business as your capacity for and attitude to risk may be incompatible with the inherent risks of some businesses. Some examples:

Try to find a business that has a competitive advantage that is sustainable for the foreseeable future.

For a good discussion of this, see http://www.quora.com/What-are-examples-of-sustainable-competitive-advantages 

Below I give quotes from some of the most successful investors regarding selection of businesses suitable for consideration.

Warren Buffet

John Ballen

John Neff

Van Schrieber

Scott Johnston

Laura Sloate

Burton Malkiel

Peter Lynch

Benjamin Graham