Concentrate or diversify?

I think the answer to this one is that it depends on you and what you are buying. If you are sure that you know what you are doing, then you might wish to buy only a few well researched investments. However, even if you know what you are doing and you understand the investment, you should spread your risks if the investment is inherently high risk, e.g. venture capital type investments.

Some investors use "forced displacement". This involves limiting the number of shares owned to a small number. If a new share is to be added, they do so by selling a share presently held. Laura Sloate, Scott Johnston and Foster Friess all limited the number of their holdings through forced displacement.

I give below some quotes regarding this topic from very successful investors:

Burton Malkiel

John C Bogle

 Laura Sloate

Gerald Loeb

Peter Lynch

Charlie Munger

John Neff

 James O’Shaughnessy

 Richard Driehaus

 Roger Murray

Scott Johnston

 Jim Slater

 Warren Buffet

John Maynard Keynes